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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • The US government doesn’t want an adversary government to have the data of its citizens (because of varios reasons, including mass manipulation for example). They would of course have no issue with having that data themselves though (also because then they would be more in control over how the data is handled).

  • Generation Z rarely uses computers and knows nothing about them, compared to other generations

    I disagree. In Gen Z, there are those that use computers regularly and those that don’t. There is a larger gap between clueless and tech-savvy. But the one’s that do use a computer are genrally more tech-savvy than other generations, while the majority of other generations’ computer users are just getting by with minimal knowledge (how files are organized, some specific software like office and not much more).

    Start asking people about PC components or programming (don’t count those that learned it university or at their jobs) and you will quickly realize that your best bet is gen Z.

  • A 3rd party votes subtracts one vote from Biden’s total vote count, so to say. Here is the 1M$ math equation you desire (assuming you would usually vote for Biden):


    (I) VoteDifference = VotesTrump - VotesBiden

    (II) VotesBiden1 = EveryoneElsesVotes + YourVote (Scenario where you vote for Biden)

    (III) VotesBiden2 = EveryoneElsesVotes (Scenario where you vote for a 3rd party)


    (II) VotesBiden1 = EveryoneElsesVotes + Yourvote =〉VotesBiden1 - YourVote = EveryoneElsesVotes (III) VotesBiden2 = EveryoneElsesVotes =〉VotesBiden1 - YourVote = VotesBiden2

    (I) VoteDifference = VotesTrump - VotesBiden

    VoteDifference1 = VotesTrump - VotesBiden1 VoteDifference2 = VotesTrump - VotesBiden2

    =〉VoteDifference2 = VotesTrump - (VotesBiden1 - Yourvote) =〉VoteDifference2 = VotesTrump + YourVote - VotesBiden1 (!!!)


    In scenario 2 (which is the one in which you vote for a 3rd party), the vote difference (which determines who won and by how much), is EQUIVALENT to one additional person voting for Trump. You’re welcome. I don’t even need the 1.000.000$.

  • First, you’re taking the U.S. at its word that there was anyone on its side in real danger.

    No, but the statement we are discussing assumes this from the start: “I would happily sacrifice the life of every single American spy abroad for a single innocent life.”

    Second, it’s laughable to take the premise of additional intelligence possibly endangering some spy and turning that into “this would kill all U.S. spies.

    Yeah but we’re discussing the case where it would kill all spies. My statement was in response to (I repeat): “I would happily sacrifice the life of every single American spy abroad for a single innocent life.”

    Finally, the U.S. has fucked over countless lackeys in the past and will continue to do so. Dying for your country is what these people already signed up for

    Yeah but this is not “dying for your country” (it wouldnt benefit the USA in any way) but rather “dying for a single civilian of an adversary country”. They didnt sign up for that.