Seems like they really do give a license and an '09 Altima to anyone with a pulse.
IMHO, Telsas are the new reigning champ for aggressive driving.
Conversely, driving a Tesla also makes you a target for aggressive driving. The number of people who feel threatened by EVs is astonishing and many are not afraid to let you know about it via cutting you off, tailgating you, or refusing to let you merge.
I drive a Chevy Bolt for work and RAM drivers routinely roll coal on me.
That’s low key funny though like you drive a volt lol
No, I drive a Volt when I drive my Volt that I own. It is not quite the rocket-powered go-kart that tue Bolt is, but it’s still quicker off the line than your average can and a lot of fun to drive. Chevy’s hybrids and EVs are totally decent cars that cost very little to operate.
I like to cut off Teslas in particular because they have extra safe following features.
I used to drive a Prius, and unlike most Prius drivers, I would go 80+ often. Any time you pass someone, they then take it as an affront to their masculinity and need to pass you. I’ve gone by someone driving 75 while going 80, only to have that same person freak out, and speed up to rip past at 90+. It’s wild.
From my experience they get more efficient over 90 mph, I only every go that fast when I have a copilot to help me navigate and help me check lanes before passing. Anytime you let off the accelerator they recharge the battery, its extremely funny to watch the estimated arrival percentage to go up when you are crusing over 100 and occasionally taking your foot off the accelerator. Such a fun driving machine, i just wish Elon wasnt such a cunt.
Is this a serious comment? Teslas are waaaay less efficient over 70 mph. Going 90 mph absolutely destroys your miles/kWh.
Yes, Ive put 100k miles on mine and its just what Ive experienced, it looses alot of efficiency when you go over 55, but ive noticed when I get a buddy (someone going faster in front of me) or I have a copilot watching waze for speed traps, I always gain a few percentage points to my arrival estimate when I drive over 90.
It’s called “Pulse glide” it gives more gains with a gas engine but still applies to many systems including HVAC.
IME in Van City, Tesla drivers seem to expect their cameras to see cyclists for them when turning right rather than actually bothering to look.
Same sitch out on the island…
Teslas are 50/50 tho. Half are old BMW drivers that wanted the new status symbol and still drive like aggressive cunts. The other half are old Prius drivers who want to maximize efficiency and drive like absolute grandpa’s. Altima is almost guaranteed to be aggressively driven.
Yeah i’ve noticed that too. Some crazy aggressive Tesla drivers, with the rest being SUPER slow, bad drivers that shouldnt be on the road (or at least major highways).
It’s funny; I live in a Tesla hotspot and I actually notice slow teslas more than aggressive ones, maybe because I’m surprised they’re being so overly cautious. I guess it’s because everyone seems to have one here. Or… maybe it’s because they’re distracted. Yeah, that’s very possible…
(Full disclosure: I also drive one.)
Ha ha ha they’re not being overly cautious, it’s just their overpriced car flat out lied to them about its remaining range 😂
Just waiting for that fucker to get his balls felt in the EU lol
Same. I’m in the PNW and almost everyone here drives like a snail that is stoned on weed.
Yeah, I hear about the aggressive Teslas but I always just see them only in my rear view or as I pass them. I just haven’t seen the stereotype. Altimas on the other hand…
Look, I’m not saying that this meme shows a pickup truck for a reason but yeah, pickup trucks.
I may be wrong, since I’ve never actually seen the movie, but I initially thought it was from Duel.
Really looks like the truck from jeepers creepers.
Edit: yup,
That first one still gets me sometimes, but it turns out the real monster was the Hollywood sexual predator complex.
I must have confused the two. Thanks for the clarification!
It’s Nissans in general! I swear they must be one of the highest hp/dollar cars on the road or something for economy cars, and everyone drives them like they stole them!
Here in the south it’s Dodge Rams.
Usually has a massive damage to it, mirror hanging on with packing tape, and all windows blacked out.
It’s Jeep Grand Cherokees in the Detroit Metro area. Most aggressive drivers I’ve ever dealt with and I’m from the Atlanta metro area.
yuppp came to say this. hideous cars
It’s Kia’s if you ask me
In my area Kia drivers are also generally bad, but more in the “drive 20 under the speed limit for no reason while dragging a traffic cone that they’ve hit ten minutes back” category.
Sick of seeing that stupid new KN looking logo in my rear view.
Sick of seeing the Nine Inch Nails logo in my rear view.
Sick of seeing the Killer Instinct logo in my rear view.
That was my first thought back when it was changed and I still can’t recogbize the car brand because all I think is NIN.
Me, approaching the Nissan at 140: move bitch!
It’s still Audis and BMWs in my part of the world. I’m adding Teslas to the list too.
Here in my region of Germany Audis are slowly replaced by Teslas. It changed that much that I even might consider buying an Audi in future, which was unthinkable since every second Audi driver was a PITA for years.
I was interested in buying a Model 3. But all former Audi drivers in their Model Ys changed my mind. Oh and also Elon happened…
I would never buy a tesla because Musk became such an asshat. If I had one I’d sell it.
We all develop our little pet road hatreds.
My cousin’s are minivans. Mine are still BMWs, so I guess I’m a basic bitch.
They’ve got places to be and behind you isn’t one of them.
they don’t sell them in my country but I want one for the meme
I appreciate the server adding new generated NPC’s but I dont need to see three of them on each commute
They really do fuck with the pathing efficiency something fierce
I’m on my third Altima and none of these have ever applied to me. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Altima driver being a dick. The people who I notice driving poorly are usually driving total shitboxes, like a pre-2000 Buick or something.
Watch any modern dash cam video compilation. 90% of the time someone doing a full idiot move is in a newer Nissan, or a Hyundai… honorable runner-up mentions go to basically any pickup truck with more than 2" of lift on the stock suspension
Hey now, some of those Honda Civics are a menace too!
(Granted it’s an Accord not a Civic, but yknow…)
In my area, it’s the people driving the shittiest cars that wanna go the fastest.
In my area shitty goes fast, but high end luxury tailgates.