in my config file exists…
exec-once = zsh -c 'sleep 1' && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar && waybar
Why? Because waybar crashes sometimes when I turn my monitor off/on, I documented this here:
…this opens waybar if it crashes… and if that crashes, it opens another waybar, and you’ll notice, if that one crashes, it opens another one… now you may have seen the pattern here but in case you didn’t, that one will then lead to another waybar…
Is there a less ridiculous way of making waybar open every time when waybar crashes, giving me better fault tolerance?
while true; do waybar; done
Thank you!
😬 😄
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Ok firstly that’s hilarious. Secondly I’m pretty sure
means “execute the second thing if the first thing exits with code 0” so if waybar is segfaulting it shouldn’t execute any of the other waybars; if you were to do it this way (while true or a systemd service as suggested in the comments makes more sense) a semicolon would probably make sense?
Yeah I noticed it wasn’t actually working and for some reason assumed that it was because it crashed so many times that I ran out of waybars, so I added a million after that, and you’re totally right, I know better than that, thanks!
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Just make a user systemd unit if one doesn’t already exist, set to relaunch on failure, then all set.
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I would install a systemd user service with the setting
. If your window manager is started with systemd, or defines a systemd target you can configure the waybar service to start and stop automatically with the window manager.Same problem here, this is my solution:
exec-once = bash -c 'until waybar; do echo "Waybar crashed with exit code $?. Respawning..." >&2; done'
I thought && only proceeded to the next statement if the first did not crash
I guess waybar still returns 0 on segfault. Seems weird.
Nah I just noticed it crashed anyway and didn’t assume it was a flaw in my methodology but rather that i ran out of waybars queue’d
Yeah you would need to use a ; instead of &&
Have you tried using the latest git version of Waybar? They fixed a segfault a few days ago which might be the same one you’re facing.
…that does indeed look very similar, but my solution makes it so that if waybar crashes it doesn’t even matter, which I quite like, even if the segfault has been fixed.
Just do an infinite loop
exec_once = zsh -c 'while true; do waybar; done'
This is so ridiculous, I fucking love it. I just have waybar bound to a hotkey, but this solution is truly amazing
What about a while loop?