When I was poorer I bought a TV like this, a CRT, from a charity shop in town and carried it home over a mile then up to the tenth floor of my block of flats. Thankfully the lift was working.
For context in like 60kg when wet.
And now I’m having PTSD Flashbacks of moving that fucker upstairs
90s into the late 00s for me. No reason to throw out a perfectly good TV.
People have taken it way past the point of sanity now, but they are better for game consoles from PS1 era and below. Especially for 2D games, as the pixel art was often designed around the square aspect ratio, and the tendency of CRTs to soften images and blur minor details.
It’s how the waterfalls in Sonic appeared transparent. Every line alternated between waterfall and background, so when the TV blurred it slightly it looked transparent instead of alternating lines. You’ll also often see it in old games with dithering, using a checkerboard pattern of two colors to approximate a third color in between the two when “smoothed” together.
Like I said though, people take it way too far. Most people don’t need a reference quality Sony Trinitron monitor meant for professional video editing studios with less than 500 hours of time powered on so it’s still in perfect shape. You do you, but there’s some real elitist shit I’ve seen, and some audiophile level “$600 cable for digital signal” delusion going around.
As long as you aren’t streching a “square” image to a widescreen one, it’s really up to preference on the blur/softening side. And even the streching is just the one point I’m personally elitist about.
As moderm screen resolutions get better, we get better and better approximations of CRT screen effects through using graphical shaders. There’s some mad genius shit out there that does things like simulating how the electron beam scans across the CRT vacuum tube.
I think it’s funny cause RGB modding consoles and playing them on a PVM makes them lose most of what I like about CRTs
Second only to a black hole
We had a skateboard we used to move that heavy sonofabitch around. Lan parties were different.
I had one until about 10 years ago. I was moving and planning to take it with me, but I dropped it on the way to the truck. So it went in the dumpster.
Gotta lift those with the screen to your body my man. This gives you a slightly greater chance of surviving stepping on the cord as you waddle it.
And a lot better for your back!
There was never a good way to grab the fucking thing.
I also had thr same issue with a flat screen 55inch. I moved out and I had the ask the old guy doing the inspection to help me get it in the car haha.
I’d always grab mine from the front cause the tube was the heaviest bit
Undersides always built like a knife drawer, all crisscrossing plastic that’d destroy your palms.
Monitors were easier to lift, but the swivel stand was a negotiation every time you set it back down.
This reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where they get a guy they know a massive TV as an engagement present but he breaks up before they get to see it in action
Those Sony WEGAs were bananas. Mine weighed 99lbs. I remember.
*what it was like moving a TV from one room to another in the 90s.
I know I’m being that guy, but meme grammar is often pretty abysmal.
Shit. I had a Zenith Space Command up into 2004 or so. It started smoking so we decided it was time to replace it.
Google that shit. It almost killed my friend helping move it.
The good ones had built-in handles.
And the really good ones had handles that functioned more than once.
!We couldn’t afford the really good ones… !<
It depends, also an current TV can have ~50 kg https://www.bang-olufsen.com/en/us/televisions/beovision-harmony
This TV looks wacky af
Dimitar Savatinov!