Is there any good speech to text transcription app?
But basically look for something that utilizes the Whisper AI model. This list has a few options, but I am not sure if there is newer stuff:
Yeah Whisper is really good. It can also deal with a bunch of non english languages.
That’s good to know, thank you.
Futo voice input got damn good for german and english at least. They use whisper afaik
Sayboard on fdroid is an option as well
Check out Talon Voice. It’s a bit of getting your head around, but I use it for not just transcribing, but also coding, and general computer navigation.
The offline AI that I tried a few months ago probably needed training on the noise environment to get decent results. I forget which ones I tried but likely the ones with extensions already in Oobabooga Textgen. I was messing with text to speech mostly, but some of the ones that do TTS also have packages and examples for STT. Nothing I tried for offline generation was good enough to speak as an AI prompt without manual corrections.
Did you try whisper?