I find that context is everything… so it depends where they were eating it from.
i mean, there’s a game that’s worth not playing
Why’s that?
It was a lot better in the past before Epic bought Psyonix. Now enshittification is in full swing. Competitive integrity is dead. Smurfs in every queue, 30% of games. At higher levels you may deal with DDoS, Bots, or the enemy car is literally invisible. Epic simply doesn’t care about this game outside of advertising for Fortnite.
Yup. Shit’s out of control now. Can someone just make an equally competitive car soccer game to act as a competitor?
[Comment removed for anti macaroni and cheese propaganda]
Deleted by Macaroni Instigator and Cheese Propagator
Maybe it was a subtle way to say “macaroni and cheese is good anyway”
Now I want Mac and cheese
Well…Mac is here, but we can’t find cheese.
I understand
Looks like Rocket League. If so then this would be a highly offensive thing to say. Most of the players in casual are about 10 years old 😂
The few times I played rocket league, I played casual, and got my ass handed to me.
Maybe theres a casual mode for casual players. I’m looking forward to losing to a 3 year old. Apperently those 10 year olds are way outta my skill range!
Oooooh, maybe we can find a player who’s just learning their colors! Maybe thats more my speed.
You just gotta stick to it, the rocket league progress curve is incredibly steep at the beginning, but if you just brute force through it for a bit you’ll reach the first plateau where you actually manage to touch the ball once in a while. Getting over that plateau is a different story and the progress curve is much slower after that.
Also go and do the training sets, start with the easiest ones until you nail them then move on to the next one, etc.
RL is pretty much the only game I still play regularly because I’ve been playing it for a long time and I can just do one game if I don’t have much time, most other games require too much of my very limited free time.
Same. I started with a couple of friends around when it became F2P. They live in another city, so that plus voice chat is just how we catch up and chill, usually with a few drinks and with some dumb jokes here and there. We’re familiar with the controls and systems and everything, so doing anything else has the barrier to entry of learning a whole new thing. R6 Siege looks cool but complicated. I don’t get Destiny 2. FC24 is pretty good but I’m not sure it has the same staying power for us as RL.
Even in casual mode, you have a (hidden) rank which does go down the more you lose. If you keep getting demolished in the game then I’d recommend doing the training, playing against bots, and/or continuing to play in casual mode until your rank starts placing you with other players you can better contend with.
There’s also a distinct possibility you were against someone smurfing as some people like to do that either for content or just for kicks and giggles. The very lowest ranks are probably where the most egregious smurfs like to keep their ranks, so unfortunately you can have some of the widest swings in actual skill levels.
Unfortunately the devs don’t really seem to care much about the smurfing problem in the game because it’s been pretty rampant for a very long time and some of the changes they’ve made have actually made it even easier to get away with.
The smurfing has gotten so bad…
Sorry bro, I don’t really like Mac & Cheese either.
I saw the report and came as fast as I could!
Thanks for coming, kersploosh.
You’re really tempting the mods on this one. Not that I don’t agree with you.
This has been reported to your ISP for abuse, expect a vaguely worded letter in the mail that’s meant to scare you into reaching out and settling.
— Oh wait, that’s only for piratesplay You-wouldnt-download-a-mac-n-cheese.mkv
Talking about macaroni on the internet has always been risky
They made the right call. Macaroni and cheese is definitely that good.
Look, some people just can’t digest it. As you get older, your ability to process mac’n’cheese without dire intestinal consequences drops off substantially. The pros just simply aren’t worth the cons, not by a long shot.
Doesn’t stop me tho
as you get older
As you get older, you develop taste and stop eating garbage.
There are varieties of mac’n’cheese other than Kraft
Lmao gourmet mac n’ cheese 😍
Oven baked Mac and cheese with bread crumb topping really is that good
Your poor toilet bowl…
that doesn’t make it not good though.
Note “Doesn’t stop me tho”
Huh, I didn’t know about this. What ingredient(s) cause(s) the problem?
Why must some people be so intolerant of the lactose people??? Racists…
Does everyone become lactose intolerant with age?
Lactose intolerance is more common than lactose tolerance globally. In the unites states, something like 1 in 3 people are lactose intolerant.
It’s largely genetic. Lactose tolerance can be traced to nomadic tribes that kept milk producing animals as a food source, adapting to tolerate lactose in their diet over time.
But I didn’t know it happened with age
Of course it is with age. No mammals are born lactose intolerant. We drink milk as infants.
Almost universally, all adult mammals become lactose intolerant. We humans are lucky for those of us who tolerant.
Not the Mac n cheese for the last like 20+ years. It used to use real cheese and really did taste better. I know the internet got all uppity against kraft a while back, claiming they started making the noodle portion worse somewhere around 2016 or something, but that’s nothing compared to the big taste difference that happened when they stopped using real cheese.
The thing you’re talking about is not Mac and Cheese.
Sorry what? You know you can make Mac and cheese from scratch right? It’s not too difficult.
Are you telling me that simply dumping the contents of a cardboard box into some hot water is not the best way to cook a meal? I’m shocked
It gets even better though, 'cos you can get all deviant and start adding to the recipe with a few bits of mushroom, bacon or maybe even chorizo
My man, chorizo is the best meat there is. It makes every meal better
This little honduran spot offers this breakfasty eggs and chorizo meal and my wallet still hasn’t recovered
Being right isn’t cheap.
I like to add mini pizzas, corndogs, a bowl of solidified soup, and 87 cans of beer.
That is an absolute shocker, how dare you?!
Bro eww that’s disgusting.
You add the whole box into some hot water. The cardboard is protein.
It provides much-needed roughage and essential inks.
Make it yourself, obviously ready made meals are gonna taste bad if they are cheap (which they are)
Blocked and reported
Are we talking Kraft or velveeta/shell? If it’s shell then I’m on your side
I’m criticizng fucking mac and cheese and nobody can stop m… Grrrhhh… Damn it!
He’s right though. Macaroni and cheese is kind of mid, a solid 4/10 for cheese based dishes.
What about with rice?
It would make it more filling and carb heavy, not much else. Rice doesn’t have a strong flavor and the cheese would overwhelm it.
You might as well go with the cheesy chard and rice at that point
The day I discovered that I could make the Mac and cheese sauce and put it all over the kale I got from my farm share, was the day I stopped trying to pretend to be healthy.
Perfect 5/7 with rice
What about mac and cheese with bacon and jalapenos ?
Bacon would be a slight improvement, jalapenos would be a downgrade. I’m not a huge fan of the texture or flavor of jalapenos.
Username checks out, probably doesn’t even know what taters is either
…I do like my fish raw…maybe not wriggling though.
Hell, yeah!
I disagree
With the statement or with the ban?