I can’t imaging gaming on not a handheld.
I can’t imaging gaming on not a handheld.
SteamOS will let you pay games from GOG, right?
Ok Donald. Here’s your cocoa, it’s time for bed.
The reason we know it’s a good idea to give corporations more rights than humans is simple: corporations have no morals.
Blah blah blah. Do you have any opinions that don’t come from Texan schoolbooks?
Come for the lecture on free speech, don’t bother staying because why would you?
I do not agree that the American system of free speech is the best. I might defend my opinion if I am invited to do so, but it’s very boring (viz) and I wouldn’t want to sit through my own explanation.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
You live in hell. Go somewhere else.
“Angry with Europe” indeed. Time for a trade embargo against this goon.
Pokemon Red: Rocket Edition is brilliant.
Can we vote? I say Elon Musk.
Nah just trace a picture of Dickbutt.
That’s what writing is now.
I reckon it’s impossible to filter out my emotional reaction to the song’s cultural baggage.
I hate the psychology. Those ads are designed by experts to make you less happy than you were before you saw the ad. Yes, even the ads full of happy people bouncing around. The ads full of moving life events set to piano music. The ads about “that … feeling”. They’re designed to make you dissatisfied and depressed. Fuck ads.
You know, maybe I could have changed that in the last few months. Eaten better, exercised more. I guess the truth is I wasn’t expecting this repost.
“Stop shifting the power balance waaaah!”
What a toxic choad.