I was feeling real groovy about my fresh new ultra.cc VPS, but it’s slow as fuck! sub 50 kbps upload. I’ll never untank my ratio at this rate!
Is this normal? Any suggestions for another provider? At this rate I wonder if I’d be better off just switching from mullvad to a VPN that supports port forwarding. Any thoughts on privateVPN?
Edit: so the FTP speed is much, much faster than I’m getting on my torrent client. Either i don’t have something configured right, or i need to be more strategic about what i seed. If anyone can help me trouble shoot, id greatly appreciate it
Haven’t heard of private, but I would highly recommend airvpn. You could do qbittorrent nox on an old computer for good seeding. If you want I could elaborate on how, but I can’t right now.
I wrote what’s before this before looking at private. It looks okay but they definitely make some false claims in their marketing that make me skeptical. They say their VPN can make connection faster than non-VPN, that is only true if being throttled or smthn weird. They say it hides your IP from your ISP, which is impossible. Your ISP loans you an IP, of course they know it. I know they mean it allows you to use an IP that your ISP doesn’t know, but they still said it wrong so… idk im rambling and tired but… yeah. Response.
Thanks a lot. I edited my post, but i don’t think the issue is as clear cut as just the server being slow due an overcrowded network like i thought at first. I just downloaded several gigs from it in under 15 minutes. Im just not seeing those speeds in my seeds. Maybe i have to pick better torrents to seed.
I don’t run a cloud-based seedbox, but I have a gigabit uplink on my server at home and often have very low seed speeds of <500KiBs (with plenty of usable overhead). I do see it spiking to ~18 MiBs sometimes but most of my torrents are just sitting there without actually seeding, so i suspect it’s mostly the torrents I have seeding that’s the “issue” for me.
Only one I ever tried is whatbox.ca . Been using them for 7+ years. They are great.
Also using whatbox.ca for a long time now. I remember quite a few years ago I received an email notification about them making changes to my plan, and I panicked for a moment until I finished reading and realized they were increasing my storage by 5x and my traffic limit by 2x, but my monthly price would remain the same.
Same here, except I don’t remember ever getting an email. I just went to the manage tab one day and saw I have over 5tb available but i’m only paying for 2 or 3.
That just happened about a week ago for me. For the second time since I starting using them. Just randomly upped my storage and upload limit. I plan to keep my box with them for the foreseeable future. I don’t ever want to have to mess with VPN port forwarding. I have a home server I move my files to when I need more space on my box. But I don’t use the home server for torrents.
Oh wow! That’s awesome! I wonder if I’ll see another upgrade soon too? I have a similar setup going too. Seed box for active torrents and other recently acquired files, and then anything I want to keep long term eventually gets moved to my local server.
I had tried a VPN + kill switch before getting a seed box, but it failed on me a few times. Plus, I was in school at the time, spending very little time at home, and my ISP increased their rates AGAIN, so I just cancelled my home internet. Trying to torrent through my laptop on public WiFi was a pain, but with a seed box it was way easier, and just needed to download the files to my laptop if I wanted to watch at home, which was also never a problem on public WiFi.
I am using Ultra.cc, and do not have issues with seeding
Been using it for close to 10 years. Never had a single serious issue with it. Apps break now and then. A simple reboot of the server or the app fixes it every single time.
A lot of public torrents download and seed at insane speeds. Like “must be in the same building or even the same disk” speeds.
Do you use a VPN from your local machine to the seedbox? To hide your connection to an obvious seedbox from your ISP?
Why should my ISP care if I use a seedbox?
Generally I stream with plex/audiobookshelf from my seedbox. Without a VPN.
I have been using ultra for over a year now and dont have the issue you are talking about. How many seeds/peers do the torrents have? Might just be that there arent a lot of people dling what you are seeding
that was exactly the problem. I found a more desired torrent and now my ratio is safe 8-)
If you are testing upload speed better try with public torrent since it is much harder to seed on private trackers.
I dont use seedbox, but kinda happy with airvpn
Ive used Ultra cc for maybe 7-8 months straight now and have a ratio of 40on my private tracker. 7+tb upload with the ultra service alone. Got a little over 100 seeding 24/7I was strategic in the beginning, only going for popular freeleech stuff. Packs are very popular. Ive seeded a ton of a cartoon pack I got for nostalgia, and it wasnt even a fresh upload when i grabbed it.
Edit, also im not using a vpn, for anything. Ultra cc’s service can be used as a vpn tunnel. But since my host is in the Netherlands racks it doesn’t need a vpn for public trackers, and i dont need a vpn to stream from the seedbox.
yea, once i figured out the freeleech thing, i was off to the races. my ratio has nearly 10x’d what it was since I made this post