I am a software developer, this story isn’t really about that though. When I was first becoming interested in coding I was reading about vr and ar and how it would be this huge multi billion dollar market in the next few years and I thought that sounded awesome, as it could enhance our lived experiences with info for the curious, or decorate the real world with computer generated architecture, sculpture, even some ads to pay for the whole thing. I said I’m gonna get into computer programming and then transition into vr/ar once I learn a few things.
Of course this didn’t pan out. 2-3 huge tech companies rushed onto the market with somewhat crappy products just to own the patents so smaller companies couldn’t innovate. When they weren’t immediately profitable they started cutting back and shutting down. Just another big tech grift, like cryptocurrency and now AI. Ai is probably the worst example of all because it got pushed out to soak up a bunch of excess cloud computing when crypto crashed, and now its a huge real estate scheme as well since there’s a big rush to build data centers to handle the artificial demand. You wanna know the next big bubble to bet against? Its ai and all the related industries.
It requires massive amounts of computing power to accomplish the most mundane tasks, which require electricity created by burning fossil fuels. All so your boss can spend less time writing emails letting you know you’ve been laid off, and political advisors can mass produce legislation to take away your rights.
Of course this didn’t pan out. 2-3 huge tech companies rushed onto the market with somewhat crappy products just to own the patents so smaller companies couldn’t innovate. When they weren’t immediately profitable they started cutting back and shutting down.
The way advanced capitalism can’t even grow a product before trying to strangle it for every last penny is all that saves us from special Black Mirror levels of hell.
Fucking lmao
I’m glad I use Qwant…
Asking Andisearch to generate AI jokes
OK I like the 3rd one actually
Yes, the sense of humor is still somewhat limited in AIs. Anyway, Andi is not designed to tell jokes, but rather to give reliable answers to questions and this it does quite well…
How do you get the AI results on google.com? When I search for anything, it shows a summary and then all the results, sponsors, etc… Nothing is tagged as “AI”.
(I never visit google so forgive me if this has an obvious answer)
I can reproduce most results with Google app on Android. I’m in Europe, not in USA. It just appears as some text below the search box, not marked as anything. Except this one about smoking. Now it says smoking as bad. I guess Google already told the AI to behave.
I think it’s still in A/B testing stages, 80% of my searches don’t include the AI but it pops up occasionally. I also notice it more often on my phone, and rarely on my desktop where I’m not signed in.
You can opt into it and other beta technologies at Google Labs.
Thank you!
Are you in the US?
I’m not sure then. Maybe Google is just rolling it out in waves, and hasn’t gotten to you yet?
All good. I’ll just continue to mock their progress for now.
I think it is interesting to point out that AI will be good, maybe too good. It isn’t right now, it’s a novelty in the early stages of such mass adoption that a lot of the consequences are just starting to appear.
The phones owned by Gen A in 40 years will have a useful, realistic, and default AI assistant. It just sucks that the development of this technology is only driven by late-stage capitalism.
The difference between G+ and now is that Google search is actually bad now and they need to do something to fix it, but they just did the completely wrong thing…
The difference is that Google+ was actually a wonderful product.
But a couple years down the line Google did what Google does and destroyed it from the inside making it worse and worse until it was just a shell of what it started out being.
Google did what Google does
I remember wrapping my head around “Google Wave” and being like “Hey that sounds nea–oh it’s gone already?”
Dude for real. Wave was awesome.
It was a fine product I don’t know about wonderful. The communities could be good that was true. But the actual UX was pretty middle of the road IMO.
If you were into tech, the tech people were amazing. Yonatan Zunger comes to mind. He was a backend engineer at Google and the guy was great.
I also met many people who are still friends, many of whom became real life friends too.
I even got an amazing job thanks to my contacts on g+.
The feed layout was awesome. The fact that everything got fed to rss. The fact that you could tailor posts so easily. God I miss it. Only social media I’ve ever really been a part of.
It was wonderful ♥️
A wonderful product or a wonderful community? It sounds like you’re describing the people who were on it and not the platform itself.
The platform was wonderful. Intuitive, powerful, everything every other platform was not. Google started killing it slowly long before it died, but in its heyday it was amazing.
Also basically every Linux big name posted there. It was so great. I’m still sad it’s gone
Hey like I said the communities were great! But no worries I’m glad it was a great experience for you and I don’t want to be needlessly contrarian here
Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying that your experience isn’t valid, I am merely providing a counterpoint based upon my own experience.
I feel you
For a brief moment in the beta for all this, it basically just summarized the top two or three reputable results, and attached a link to where it got the data.
They should have just left it at that, and not started mixing in random blogs and social media sites.
The ability to summarize the Wikipedia article and a random university professors page where they list every fact known to man about pine trees or something was actually helpful.If I want the AIs best guess about how to fuck up a pizza, I just go to the site where I can ask it. Bad advice when searching is just shit.
A tldr for “what is turpentine” is actually helpful.I’m kinda surprised he isn’t bound by some sort of NDA.
These are all general opinion statements. There aren’t any verifiable facts like, “on this date at a meeting with x we discussed how AI project y is myopic and non-user-centered.”
AI told him he could ignore it.
So excited for AI written TOS that are just around the corner.
So not only is no one reading the TOS, soon no one will be writing them either.
I was just talking to my friend anf his job is going to use AI to parse contracts to understand who is Liable for X, whose responsibility is Y, etc.
So yeah no we’re close.
Can’t wait for that one to go horribly wrong.
Some companies have you sign things after leaving.
Obviously, when you start laying people off, or do stupid shit like stack ranking, some people are going to walk out and just blab about all the dumb shit your employer does/did - and they’re heroes for doing so.
NDAs are usually signed when you’re hired, not when you leave.
I think that Amazon and Meta (where this is a known practice) do both. I’ve not signed anything in tech that stops me talking about internal company practices or any work that might have resulted in “voluntary” dismissal, but others in these companies that do the Jack Walsh thing and fire their employees do…
What are they gonna do if you refuse to sign? Fire you?
If this guy voluntarily left, then he wasn’t getting a severance package that they could withhold (and on that note, this is a good reason to include involuntary severence in your employment contract, if you can negotiate it).
For many, it’s the severance offered that makes them sign. If you’re about to lose your job, a few months pay, and free relocation back home if your visa is due to be cancelled is likely enough to make you sign something.
I’m not condoning it, at all. I think the practice is fucking disgusting, and have seen it wreck lives, but it’s a reality in many tech companies, including Google under Sundar.
But they’re not gonna offer severence to someone who quits, right?
The wording made it sound like he quit rather than got laid off.
My understanding is that while you’re 100% being terminated (and are ineligible for rehire) what you sign indicates that you’re actually volunteering to resign.
For more info on it, look up Amazon’s Focus and Pivot programs.
Laws will differ in different places, but I’m familiar with 3 categories of terminations:
- With cause (firing)
- Without cause (layoff)
- Voluntary (quitting)
When someone is terminated with cause or quits, they are not entitled to severance and they do not collect unemployment insurance. When someone is laid off, the employer is obligated to pay a severence package.
The Amazon focus and pivot program is interesting. That definitely looks like they’re bribing low performers to quit, and I smell an ulterior motive. Maybe it’s to get them to sign an NDA but I feel like it’s to avoid wrongful dismissed lawsuits. Although I suppose why not both?
Every tech company I worked at, NDAs were a doc to not share code or research discoveries.
I mean if this is Google’s new Google+ moment there’s only one person we can call upon in our time of need:
░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
█████████████████ ☻ I███████████████████]… ▌ ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤… / \🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
🌕👠🌕🌕🌕👠🌕🌕🌕I legitimately can’t stop laughing at this omg
To be fair, this could be very make or break for Google. If someone else solves AI search properly, and they can’t catch up, it would be really bad for them. G+/Facebook were another market completely so it wasn’t really taking any of their current market share.
But I do think they are panicking a bit too much.
Google AI search is certainly good for memes
vs Andi AI
I’m going to start calling all these bullshit posts as they are.
They aren’t entertaining. Karma is not even a thing anymore on Lemmy. So why are you lying?
My understanding is that Google is doing a partial roll out of AI summary so most people don’t have it yet.
So that pulled out text essentially saying the exact opposite of what the OP screenshot says is not the same thing?
No, that’s a card that’s been standard in Google searches for years. It basically copy pastes an excerpt from an article written by someone else.
The AI card is an entirely new feature that is being rolled out where an LLM attempts to fill the same roll without deliberately copying a third party source.
I won’t say they’re not making it up, but their screenshot has “AI overview”, yours doesn’t. It is probable that “normal” google gives different results than “AI” Google.
I tried it on the Gemini web app and couldn’t replicate the results. Is that different from the AI overview?
Your’s is a “featured snippet”, which is where it highlights a relevant portion from a top result.
The AI results have the AI synthesize a new sentence or set of paragraphs answering the question using data from multiple sources.They’re different results because you didn’t seem to get the AI search results. After making it available to everyone they’ve been hit with a bunch of weird results and have started scrambling to manually remove the particularly strange ones as they crop up.
This is what it typically looks like:
There is a lab icon which I clicked and I shows me this.
Then if I click the try example button I see this
I’m pretty sure they are just testing different UI presentations of that same feature.
No, yours literally says “featured snippets”, as opposed to something saying it’s AI generated.
Fair enough. Thanks for not being a dick about it like some of the others were
This is a normal engine search lol. All the memes are from the AI response feature, similar to Bing’s GPT tab.
This is about the new ai thing on Google, which you clearly don’t have, so they probably arnt lying. Look at the post before you reply.
I literally only replied because I looked at it. Just because there’s a small tagline present in theirs doesn’t mean anything
Wow you’re dense. Google released a new feature, Artificial Intelligence summaries. Your screenshot does not have that feature.
Thanks prick
I just need to assure you sir, you were actually the prick in this exchange. Have a great day!
Ah, the transphobe returns to white knight for the asshole
In any case nothing you say matters
Bro just accept the L and quit while you still can
Edit: I just saw the thread 💀
LMAO, I love it when you show your ass like that in front of all these people!
That’s a featured snippet, so not AI at all.