I’m a designer and there’s some truth to this. Sometimes it’s a great new partnership, but sometimes it’s too many cooks in the kitchen if there’s no clear vision holder.
Source of the meme images?
The lower one is from one of the newer planet of apes movies
It seems the top one is from a Filipino movie called “My Ex and Whys”.
I actually say no to hiring more devs because it takes like a year to get someone up to speed, with lots of effort and time invested from the team.
I’m not a manager, I’m one of the devs. Don’t want more people because of the burden of training them.
training how to do a job is all there is my dude. Even if you founded the company, worked on the code base daily for 15 years, things get updated, practices change, tools evolve, new security vectors emerge.
Code monkey like Fritos….
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart
Code monkey like you
Naw new engineer, im like thank god heres a new lightning rod.
Engineers are often the most territorial bastards I’ve met.
It’s noticeably nice when working in a team of well adjusted folks that can work together.