Should they be a thing?

    • SkeezixOP
      10 months ago

      Well that’s a good point. But how would he train them?

  • WastedJobe
    2010 months ago

    There is a Wookie padawan in The Clone Wars and I absolutely approve.

    • DearOldGrandma
      1010 months ago

      Gungi! It’s even mentioned in TCW series and Bad Batch that, while incredibly rare, there have been several accounts of Wookie force users through the millenia. Would love to see a series set 100yrs or so after the OT of Gungi helping to re-establish or expand a new galactic Jedi Order as a threat from the Void threatens the stability of the galaxy - with the wisdom of Yoda but without the complacency due to his experience coming of age in TCW and the Galactic Civil War

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    1010 months ago

    It is a thing. The only species I know of that has never been force sensitive are toydarians, the species of Watto. Star Wars I guess is really trying to drive home the point about their species being some kind of interfaith commentary.

      10 months ago

      A lot of the rage was from their entire race being literally enslaved by the Empire, so they were angry, as anyone would be. Also, a lot of the “intimidation” scenes from the OG movies were when Chewie was trying to appear thus.

      But also like their whole thing is to live in harmony with nature and have honor, so e.g. they all have retractable claws (not joking), but you never see those b/c they refuse to use them against a fellow sentient being, even when immensely angry. Edit: if it helps to know, they are for climbing.

      So if anything I think their culture, at least pre-Empire enslavement, would bias them towards the Light side. Though literally everyone, and especially in the face of such evil being directed at them, would face great temptation to use all that power granted to them to achieve an end that they considered “good” - e.g. wiping out the “evil” enemies that enslaved them, as in every… last… one…

      210 months ago

      I was at a Geek Prom and there was a fantasy/sci-fi spelling bee and somehow I made it to the final round (? not sure but it was close) and they said, “Your word is ‘wookiee’.”

      Now, I’ve been a hardcore Star Wars fanatic forever, and knowing that I, quick as a flash, upzipped my coveralls to reveal my super tight X-Wing pilot shirt on, belted out, “W-O-O-K-I-E!!” and looked at the moderator as he looked at me and then he said, “I’m sorry, that’s wrong. It’s, ‘w-o-o-k-i-e-e’.”

      I turned beat red and slunk back to my seat embarrassed as I could be.