cross-posted from:

The EU has quietly imposed cash limits EU-wide:

  • €3k limit on anonymous payments
  • €10k limit regardless (link which also lists state-by-state limits).

From the jailed¹ article:

An EU-wide maximum limit of €10 000 is set for cash payments, which will make it harder for criminals to launder dirty money.

It will also strip dignity and autonomy from non-criminal adults, you nannying assholes!

In addition, according to the provisional agreement, obliged entities will need to identify and verify the identity of a person who carries out an occasional transaction in cash between €3 000 and €10 000.

The hunt for “money launderers” and “terrorists” is not likely meaningfully facilitated by depriving the privacy of people involved in small €3k transactions. It’s a bogus excuse for empowering a police surveillance state. It’s a shame how quietly this apparently happened. No news or chatter about it.

¹ the EU’s own website is an exclusive privacy-abusing Cloudflare site inaccessible several demographics of people. Sad that we need to rely on the website of a US library to get equitable access to official EU communication.


The Pirate party’s reaction is spot on. They also point out that cryptocurrency is affected. Which in the end amounts to forced banking.


    • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
      38 months ago

      Thanks for the link.

      It’s important to note that chat control keeps getting reincarnated. So it’s an on-going fight.

    88 months ago

    Will it be inflation adjusted?

    If inflation continues (financial repression to reduce debt and mitigate the aging population makes that likely), that 3000€ will soon be 1500€ in today’s money and you won’t even be able to by a mid range laptop with cash in 10 years.

    At the current official 2.5% inflation it’ll happen anyway after 28 years.

    It’s basically a cash ban over the next decades. Great news in the current private surveillance economy.

    • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
      8 months ago

      Belgium, France, and Spain all have had cash limits of €3k, €3k, and €1k respectively for some time now. And the US has a variety of reporting triggers set at $10k. None of those limits have been inflation adjusted. So indeed more and more people become subject to unwarranted surveillance as time moves further beyond 1984.

      But then consider Germany. Germans are wise enough to understand what they give up when giving up cash, so while the EU law has little effect on Belgium, France, & Spain, Germans are getting fucked by the EU on this and AFAIK there is no inflation adjustment at the EU level either.

      It’s a shit law but if we must have it I would like to see it indexed to postage costs, which has been going up by leaps and bounds. The cost of printing a page at the library has gone from 5¢ to 10¢ in the past year… so that would be a good inflation index for this as well.

        38 months ago

        Germans might legitimately riot if cash is straight up outlawed, so that’s why polticians have to resort to underhanded tactics like this.

        Personally, I think barrels of Campbell’s condensed tomato soup is the best inflation proxy, mostly because it’s really funny:

      28 months ago

      And that’s while top EU officials are still not being elected, and are in fact personally mostly shitty people and most likely very corrupt and with solid background of being in bed with dictatorships and cleptocracies.

    58 months ago

    Just let terrorists do the transactions so you can follow their cash flow. This is only hurting people who need to make some large down payment legitimately and now have to jump through hoops.

    • Mubelotix
      38 months ago

      This is only hurting people who need to make some large down payment legitimately

      Yes, this is intended

    48 months ago

    It will also strip dignity and autonomy from non-criminal adults, you nannying assholes!

    They are not assholes. They are in fact very smart and steadily moving towards their goal.

    They are reducing applicability and efficiency of the means they themselves don’t need. Their crimes are done the old-fashioned way, plus when you are a high-ranking official or a businessman or a politician, who’ll even try to investigate you if you’ve done nothing clearly wrong?

    By the way, I’m not saying it’s a sign of some USSR 2.0 . Rather mafia becoming stronger. Well, look which people hold high posts in EU institutions. They are almost openly mafia tools.

    • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
      8 months ago

      They are not assholes. They are in fact very smart and steadily moving towards their goal.

      They are reducing applicability and efficiency of the means they themselves don’t need.

      You just described people looking after the interests of number 1 at the expense of others. We call them “assholes”. That’s the appropriate term for what you describe.

      (btw, this is orthogonal to intelligence… there are smart assholes and there are stupid assholes).

        • federal reverseM
          18 months ago

          You’re going pretty far calling all(?) influential EU politicians “mafia tools” whose deeds will not be investigated. I see that there’s a certain lobbyist influence and surely a bunch of other corruption, affecting a number of politicians. But there’s a lot less actual mafia influence and scandals are in fact uncovered regularly.

            -18 months ago

            UvdL is an obvious mafia tool, Borrell too, Ylva Johansson is connected to a few things with clearly negative effect, that chat control of theirs included, and Kaja Kallas is a not too remote relative of Anton Vaino, who is the head of Russia’s AP, and I’ve read they are not on bad terms.

            But there’s a lot less actual mafia influence and scandals are in fact uncovered regularly.

            Which would make sense with more mafia influence, not less.

            • federal reverseM
              18 months ago

              I am still unclear on your definition of mafia. Do you count every lobbyist as “mafia”?

              But there’s a lot less actual mafia influence and scandals are in fact uncovered regularly.

              Which would make sense with more mafia influence, not less.

              I’ll try to illustrate what I mean and I’ll also use examples of how the term “mafia” is usually used:

              • In Italy, the Italian mafia, while still strong, has been getting weaker because connections were uncovered and legal cases were won.
              • In Germany, the Italian mafia has been getting stronger because a lot of politicians thought that it’s not an issue if there are more Italian restaurants and more Italians owning homes, even though both are connected to mafia money.

              Prosecution usually means the judicial system is working. E.g., OLAF prosecuting the head of Frontex is imo a good sign, not a bad one. (Also, no, that guy isn’t “mafia”, he’s just corrupt.)

                08 months ago

                No, I count Ilham Aliyev and Anton Vaino and Putin and Lukashenko as mafia. For European politicians connected to them - in the general meaning of the word, as in abusing their posts to help criminals kill people. For example, in Artsakh.

                Italian mafia I actually consider beneficial against such people.

    18 months ago

    Seems like this is not an interesting topic to most of the voters. Based on the pirate party blog post this was already put in place mid march, way before the EU election days in june. Seems this did not leave an impact on most people, which will hardly ever handle that much cash anyway.

    8 months ago

    Tax evasion and money laundering rob all of us. I don’t like that we have to do this but it’s a necessary change.

      48 months ago

      This is stupid, money in that range is irrelevant on a national scale. The real laundering and robbing happens in the millions and billions and is committed by people in suits gifting each other yachts and real estate.

        -18 months ago

        Ultra rich don’t evade taxes, they avoid them via good accountants legally. What this is supposed to prevent is small/medium tax fraud which really adds up.

        • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
          8 months ago

          But as @somguy69 said, money laundering is not committed by the middle and lower classes. Using anti-terror tools against someone who neglects to declare some small income. It’s absurdly disproportionate and takes our option to be free from banks away. It’s a terrible trade-off.

            -18 months ago

            3k EUR is not small income.

            I’m not even sure what we’re trading it for. Illusion of privacy from your own state?

            • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
              8 months ago

              Considering $us 1 has about the same spending power as €1, €3k covers room and board in Utrecht (the cheapest indexed city in NL) for about ~11 days:


              And min wage is set at €2150 (take-home pay, so likely ~€3k gross). So yes, ⅓ of a month.

              It’s a show stopper for me. I will not work for that amount because it’s a small fraction of my market value. That nixes Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Spain. I’m fine with tax declarations so the real limit for me working in the EU is the €10k limit. But that’s still a pay cut. And it limits me to Germany and perhaps a few other countries. So working full-time in Europe has essentially become a non-starter for me.

              I’m not even sure what we’re trading it for. Illusion of privacy from your own state?

              Reread the thread. Privacy from Google, Microsoft, Apple, Cloudflare, Paypal/Zittle, JP Morgan Chase, Visa, Mastercard, the telecoms, countless payment processors, as well as unwarranted gov. snooping.

              And that just touches on the confidentiality aspect of privacy. Yet privacy is actually more about control.

                08 months ago

                I don’t know what those numbers are supposed to be used for, but they are certainly not to be used for estimating cost of living.

                • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
                  8 months ago

                  Per diem is an estimate of room and board, so indeed it’s a city-specific measure of cost of living. The minimum wage figures are a nationwide amount that doesn’t deviate too far from cost of living (targets a “living wage”), but it obviously has the bluntness of being fixed nationwide. But as you can see from the per diem variations, there are vast differences from one city to the next. The min wage is likely above living wages in Utrecht, but below living wages in Amsterdam.

    • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
      8 months ago

      Money laundering has the opposite effect that you think it does. Money laundering takes untaxed money and puts it through a process that results in tax revenue. The /absence/ of money laundering “robs” us, if it’s tax revenue that you have in mind.

      The lazy AML enforcement style is what robs us, and it robs us of privacy, dignity, and autonomy. If they would enforce AML the same way they enforce other crimes (getting proper search warrants that respects our human rights when suspicion warrants it), AML would be enforced without collateral damage to law-abiding people.

      Enforcement of tax evasion would be a petty cause to use as an excuse to force every single person in the land to patronize commercial banks. Like subjecting everyone to facial recognition and tracking just to make the work of a few shoplifters harder. It’s disproportionate and undermines our freedom because law enforcement wants their job to be easy. We lose our autonomy and options so law enforcement can have a bit of occupational convenience. Which amounts to nothing because criminals will simply tweak their operation.

      Our boycott rights have been lost

      We have just lost the option to boycott banks in Europe. Banks that:

      • finance fossil fuels
      • invest in private prisons
      • donate to the campaigns of right-wing politicians
      • snoop on us
      • force us to register for mobile phone service
        • force us to share our mobile number with them
      • force us to supply an email address (then they use MS Outlook themselves so MS can see where we bank)
      • force us to use their shitty dodgy closed-source smartphone apps
        • and force distribution through Google Playstore so Google can also see where we bank
      • block Tor users from their website (thus violating data minimisation principles when collecting IP addresses), then at the same time charge an unreasonable fee to offline customers blocked from their website who request paper statements
      • discriminate against people on the basis of national origin
      • lock us out of our money for frivilous reasons like:
        • forgetting to give them an updated ID card copy the instant before it expires
        • block us from donating to Wikileaks.
        • set withdrawal limits in a protectionist tactic against runs on the bank
      • subject us to negative interest rates
      • deploy ATM machines that lie to us

      We should have a right to decide whether to enter the private marketplace and patronise a business, especially a shitty industry like banking. We should have a right to boycott bad businesses. In the EU, that right has been lost. It’s a profoundly foolish trade to give up boycott rights so tax evaders have to work a little harder to dodge the auditors. Losing our right to boycott then has the consequence that banks can become even more enshitified because they need not earn our business. The banks can piss on us all they want if we are forced to lick their boots.

      It’s a perversely stupid compromise of agency over our own lawful lives in order to make law enforcement a little more convenient and crime a little more inconvenient. To slightly give the cats a bit more advantage in the cat-mouse game at the cost of our liberties.

      There are some parallels to the profoundly naive efforts to ban encryption or impose master keys. They want to make it slightly less convenient for criminals at the cost of our autonomy, dignity, and privacy. And they keep trying to push this shit. It’s not enough to push back once because it’s relentless. We must keep pushing back.

      8 months ago

      No it’s not. The real money laundering is happening in the area of billions and we lose billions by companies not paying taxes. The normal people here don’t matter at all. 3k is tiny, that’s less than my gaming PC costs if I want to sell it used. Wtf

        08 months ago

        Ultra rich should be taxed up to their tits or ears but let’s not kid ourselves that 3k/10k EUR limit is going to affect anyone poor.

          -18 months ago

          10k is the price of a used car so it affects almost everyone. And with inflation the limit will go even lower over time. Its a bad plan all around, and gives more power to states which are already too powerful.

            18 months ago

            Have you ever bought a car? You can’t do it anonymously, you have to register it.

      -18 months ago

      Criminals make most of their money from drugs. And most law enforcement resources are allocated to fighting drugs.

      It’s our failed “war on drugs” that is creating a rich criminal class in society.

      Legalize and regulate drugs, alcohol, prostitution and gambling and then there won’t be a huge criminal economy. What remains can then be easily squashed by law enforcement.

        08 months ago

        I wasn’t talking about war on drugs, those should be decriminalized anyway.

        What I keep seeing in my personal life is car repair shops, medical professionals and other businesses that usually charge a lot and then take cash only. It’s obvious why.

        • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
          8 months ago

          What I keep seeing in my personal life is car repair shops, medical professionals and other businesses that usually charge a lot and then take cash only.

          Belgium solved that last year by simply forcing all traders to accept electronic payment (in addition to cash). They cannot refuse electronic payment.

            08 months ago

            It’s an EU-wide thing now I think. Our car shops just say they can lower the price significantly if you pay by cash. Others just play dumb.

            • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
              8 months ago

              Our car shops just say they can lower the price significantly if you pay by cash.

              Rightfully so. When telecoms and train travel vendors give discounts for paying online, it rewards consumers who are on the unethical side of the #warOnCash and rewards discrimination against the unbanked and punishes the poor. The elitist idea of discounting electronic payment harms everyone by promoting Bill Gates’ war on cash. Visa’s $10k incentive for merchants to refuse cash rewards the practice of excluding people and attacks privacy and autonomy. Whereas cash discounts encourage consumers to carry cash and to use it to support a system of inclusion, which is needed to show merchants on the edge of introducing exclusion that cash acceptance is important.

                18 months ago

                Prices should be the same regardless of the payment method, but let’s not pretend the “discount” you get when paying cash is anything but tax evasion.

                • @activistPnk@slrpnk.netOP
                  8 months ago

                  Prices should be the same regardless of the payment method

                  “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

                  ― Desmond Tutu

                  but let’s not pretend the “discount” you get when paying cash is anything but tax evasion.

                  Let’s not pretend Visa, Mastercard, and American Express give free service to merchants. Let’s not pretend the costs of loss of business when a card fails, or the equipment malfunctions is zero. Let’s not pretend there is zero value in having cash to facilitate situations where wait staff shares their tips with the kitchen staff¹, or that having petty cash on-hand is not useful for small incidental costs. Let’s not pretend the transactions a company does is not sensitive information and that data brokers selling that info to competitors is free of detriment.

                  ¹ I recently asked a restaurant for cash back. They said in principle they are willing to give cash back, but so few customers pay in cash that they often cannot share their (presumably electronic) tips with the kitchen staff. Their problem (as I see it) is they gave no incentive to pay with cash.

          8 months ago

          Tax evasion is a thing, yes. But it’s also relatively easy to prosecute by auditing.

          Money laundering requires a source of illegal money. And, what you may not realize, money laundering schemes always pay tax. They actually overpay taxes by faking non-existent economic activity in order to make the illegal money legal.

          Take away the source of illegal money and money laundering disappears.

            08 months ago

            How are you going to audit cashless businesses that invoice one price and take another and how much is that going to cost? We’re talking about likely widespread issue that needs solving systemically, not with adhoc actions.

              18 months ago

              Dude, tax collection has been optimized for hundreds of years before we even had electronic money.

              They even got Al Capone.

              Money laundering is the opposite of tax evasion. If you don’t understand that those two things are not the same, then I can’t really help you.

                08 months ago

                All of you guys focus on some billionaires, mafia bosses etc but we’re talking about 3k/10k EUR limits.

                I’m asking how do you audit cash-heavy businesses doing petty tax fraud cost effectively?

                  8 months ago

                  You weren’t asking anything. You were just lumping things together.

                  To audit tax fraud, just audit the books. If a restaurant is full on a Friday night, but the books show few sales, then you have your evidence.

                  If someone buys a new car and has a nice house, but claims their business is hardly making profit, then the tax authority can demand they explain the source of their income.

                  Again, this is how they got Al Capone 100 years ago.

                  Money laundering is much more difficult and it’s the opposite. Because the laundering restaurant can just write in the books that they sold 100 more cocktails on a Friday night, paid by cash. And they also pay the required tax on it.

                  To combat money laundering, you need to audit the customers of the establishment, which is why they want to reduce the usage of cash.

                  But instead of turning the EU into East Germany, we should just stop criminalizing vices and regulate that, which is the main source of dirty money.

  • BlackLaZoR
    -48 months ago

    At this point everyone should start considering cryptocurrencies as a replacement

      • BlackLaZoR
        18 months ago

        Bitcoin is 15 years old alredy. Ethereum is 8.

        All code is open source, rules are clear, I don’t know how can you repeat the scam accusations after all that time

      • BlackLaZoR
        -18 months ago

        True, but there’s no tie between your identity and your address. That should be good enough for most cases

    8 months ago

    Bitcoin doesn’t give AF. It’s your fucking money. Send it where you want. Bitcoin won’t stop you. And nobody can make it. 15 years without a single hour of downtime or any government being able to control it.

    • I am not encouraging you to break the law. Don’t break the law.
    • magic_lobster_party
      48 months ago

      Bitcoin transactions are public. Anyone can view your transaction history if they know your wallet address. It’s not a good option for privacy.

      Also, it’s not true that it hasn’t seen downtime. It has happened at least once in its early days due to a bug. Also, there has been many times where it taken more than an hour between blocks. This is more to its probabilistic nature.

        8 months ago

        Anyone can view your transaction history if they know your wallet address

        Not true with lightning. Lighting transactions are known only to the sender, recipient, and any intermediary routing nodes, not the entire world. Even on main chain, You can make as many addresses as you want and achieve significant privacy/anonymity using techniques like coinjoin.

        Also, it’s not true that it hasn’t seen downtime. It has happened at least once in its early days due to a bug.

        Maybe in the first year or two of operation, but it’s been more stable than my bank, my internet connection, or the credit card processors, all of whom have had major outages since then. Which is 10+ years.

        Also, there has been many times where it taken more than an hour between blocks. This is more to its probabilistic nature.

        Two hours but 99% of the time the next block comes in 10 minutes. Still faster and cheaper than a bank wire or other common payment scenarios. Lightning wouldn’t be effected by this. This happens less often as the network grows and stability of hashpower increases. If you need speed, you use lightning, not main chain.

      28 months ago

      Bitcoin doesn’t scale well, and also requires network connectivity.

      I wonder whether we’ll ever be able to create a decentralized money system which would work over floppinets (figurative, USB sticks would do too, the point is not having good internet connectivity or any at all) and not be built on competitive wasting of computational resources.

        8 months ago

        Lightning scales very well. Your information is outdated. A single bitcoin transaction can open a lightning channel. You can have trillions of transactions in a lightning channel between you and anybody else with a lightning wallet. All settle instantly for pennies in fees. They literally happen in under a second. In the last two months, Nostr users alone (decentralized twitter clone like Mastodon) sent each other 2.6 million tips (individual transactions) over Bitcoin lightning. Lightning is decentralized and trustless, just like Bitcoin.

        No matter how you slice it: market cap, number of nodes, number of transactions, value of transactions, etc. Bitcoin is on a 15-year trend of growth on average.

        • BlackLaZoR
          18 months ago

          Lightning scales very well.

          Except when you need to get new liquidity.

          I tried opening incoming liquidity channel with phoenix wallet and it asked me to pay equivalent of 80USD for 1000USD of incoming liquidity.

          This is unreliable because during congestion users can’t open new channels. Theres simply not enough base layer capacity to address high traffic scenario.