Valve really appears as the woke gaming authority that single handed progresses the industry
Nah, they just have a software platform instead of hardware one
Valve really appears as the woke gaming authority that single handed progresses the industry
Nah, they just have a software platform instead of hardware one
Signed, asked few of my friends too. We’re getting a solid progress - just 10 days, and 220k signatures already.
This will pass the thresholds with ease
Fuck Maduro, he managed to starve and impoverish his people despite having massive oil resources. What a sore loser.
I would download a car
It will be $7.99 - look it’s so much less than $175, so much cheaper!
Finally - hopefully InvokeAI picks up the support soon.
Bitcoin is 15 years old alredy. Ethereum is 8.
All code is open source, rules are clear, I don’t know how can you repeat the scam accusations after all that time
True, but there’s no tie between your identity and your address. That should be good enough for most cases
Lightning scales very well.
Except when you need to get new liquidity.
I tried opening incoming liquidity channel with phoenix wallet and it asked me to pay equivalent of 80USD for 1000USD of incoming liquidity.
This is unreliable because during congestion users can’t open new channels. Theres simply not enough base layer capacity to address high traffic scenario.
At this point everyone should start considering cryptocurrencies as a replacement
And yet you’re talking to me… To prove some point perhaps? Feel free to ignore or block me if you don’t like my posts.
What, you want to tell me I’m somehow obligated to exactly know where and how every service I use is produced?
Talk about a horrible take.
And yet, my opponents in discussion failed to provide good counterarguments. You aren’t going to convince me of anything by hating my post history
Nope it isn’t. You blame AI companies for pollution they didn’t generate. Blame the energy sector.
Why the hell aren’t we using mix of nuclear and renewables in this day and age is beyond me
This sucks - as any previous model, SD3 could only spread its wings with the community input. As long as the license stays restrictive, community tuned SDXL will remain superior in almost any aspect.
How on earth did pirates make 3 billion dollars?
They didn’t - majority of that gain isn’t from pirating but from bitcoin price appreciation.
This is really shit authoritarian action from the german government - price appreciation isn’t an illegal source of funds
It would need to be open-source and using only open APIs when talking to the system. This isn’t happening any time soon