I buy a boat
Ill show up to dealership row and just start buying out car dealerships until I hit 100m and have that done in an afternoon
Bad investment, you can’t resell them for nearly as much and you’ve contributed to the automobile industry that is lobbying hard against climate change policy
I’d start buying up mid-sized companies and reorganizing them as worker co-ops. Doing some long-term good while not violating the terms of the contract
If you’re just after the money, do as every billionaire looking to launder some money does and buy art.
Well if everyone has a price, I’m gonna get that girl!
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit homie, I would just buy 335952 acres of west Texas desert for a cool $243 million. Done where’s my money?
The Brewster’s Millions genie
Great movie. In this case, at end of this one you can have assets and apparently also tell your friends what you’re up to.
Does a Gacha count as gambling? I’m still missing some ZZZ Agents and some Nikkes
“Can I invest in crypto”
“I already said no throwing it away”
I genuinely laughed out loud at this one. 😂
No gambling also applies
Genie: There are 5 rules…
I mean c’mon genie, that barely covers my Kharadron, Drukhari, and Votan dream collections.
The problem is that it’s so much money that you can clear out the inventory of almost anything you would buy while only chewing a few percent off the bankroll. Provided you can close on them in time, buying up some high end houses, or just a whole lot of land, is probably your best bet. Being a cash deal on your end helps move the paperwork faster. They’re also durable goods that don’t need a warehouse to be stored, and don’t need any maintenance for a while.
The problem is that it’s so much money that you can clear out the inventory of almost anything you would buy while only chewing a few percent off the bankroll.
Then you have to pay to berth it somewhere, and for maintenance because your boat touches salt water. Land will just sit there until you can flip it, though you do have some property taxes and insurance. A handful of acres around Beverly Hills will do it.
I like boats. Plus I’m a billionaire now.
I’ll just pay someone 100 million to punch the genie
Surely the answer to this is to buy really short term options. Bad case is you lose all the money and get a billion. Good case is that you make even more money.
They said no gambling
Investing is not gambling by any definition.
Short term options, are considered gambling by pretty every investing expert…
Wouldn’t that be classified as “investing” at least according to the government.
Genie comes from a time when offering any monetary loan is considered usury, doesn’t care about your governments made of mortals.
Overpay for Monero.
The purchase would be the inflation skyrocket making those in…business…with Monero experience short buff on their previous conduct and product supply quality.
This incentivizes them into produce more products no one else can afford. It’ll buff their stock and increase their desperation to sell.
I’ll be stacked with cash to buy it all with gorram near zero oppositional bids.
If the market is short on Monero for that rate, I can buff the crypto with BTC and Bisq it to what actually fucking matters.
I think that wouldn’t quite count as an expense as it sounds more like simple currency exchange, similar to trading 100m dollars for 90 million euros.
So your play is own all the drugs?
Sleep with pornstar. Excessive hush money. Boom!
I think most of us would get paid to keep things quiet. I’m not important enough for hush money.
Just buy like every house lol. Actually just put in an offer for any house for a 100 mil.
sorry no, credit score is bad so we refuse to sell to you
I would guess they accept cash offers regardless of credit score?
That’s up to the seller, so generally yes.