Oops, sorry gramps!
I think it’s funny how all of these memes use the 'nam footage, because that’s what the old vets came back from when we were growing up, but nowadays we’re quickly approaching the point it’d almost be more pertinent to use Desert Shield/Storm or Fallujah.
I know time just kinda moves but damn it’s weird to think about.
I know it’s not even close to the same thing, but every time someone mentions Fallujah, I instantly want fajitas.
Mmmmmm Fajitas 🤤
I mean they’re close enough, and fajitas are definitely great. I can’t blame you for making that connection.
I laughed a little too much at this.
Poor gramps is having a Vietnam brown acid flashback.
As a Canadian this kind of meme doesn’t really work any more because most of our grandfathers refer to their grandfathers who fought in any war.
This meme is as old as Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 2
You’re gonna need to be more specific 😂
(J/k I assume you mean ths 2005 one)
OMG I miss the times when me and the boys were killing each other in cod2. Almost 20 fucking years ago
Meanwhile in Ukraine:
Zoomers doing drone trickshot killstreaks
Once somebody nails ten in a row they can unlock the tacnuke and finish this thing already.
(Jokes aside, damn it’s insane that’s still going on. We gotta pray for those kids, man.)
Yes but not everyone on the internet is 20
Repost x3.
I know it feels as bad as Reddit
Well at least there’s a silver lining. It could’ve been something much worse and awkward than COD