Honestly? Who has time to rewatch a series??
For me that’s Buffy and Babylon 5, both three times. I think Queen’s Gambit may beat them, but I’m not there yet.
I rewatch Futurama all the time. Super excited for the new season!
Futurama for sure. There’s so much going on in every episode, it’s easy to find new things (or things you just forgot) on rewatch.
Super excited for the new season!
Stfu what?!
No joke. Starting Juli 24 on Hulu
Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.
It’s just so damn good.
Expertly written, great actors and consistent quality
Sometimes I forget I’m watching fiction with Breaking Bad. It’s so good!
Finish Breaking Bad: “Well I suppose I should watch Better Call Saul.”
Finished Better Call Saul: “Well I suppose I should watch Breaking Bad.”
Rinse and repeat.
That’s literally me last year. I’m so glad that universe ended on such a good note. Infinitely rewatchable.
Bob’s burgers is on in the background at my house quite a lot.
Same. There is a certain comfort I get from adult animated shows I can’t get from anything else lol
Me too! Did you give The Great North a try? Same vibe.
The IT Crowd.
Hello, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?
Im disabled!
The office, parks and rec, firefly (that might be cheating since it’s not that many episodes), game of thrones before it went of the rails.
Nah it’s not cheating, cos there’s a movie too. But yes, I have seen Firefly a fair few times (and Serenity), and once half way through with the commentary. Also I have watched The Orville more times than they have seasons.
South park and Its Always Sunny. Sunny is so good.
The Lord of the Rings extended trilogy. It’s so long it feels more like a modern miniseries than individual movies.
A cinema chain where I live did a LOTR marsthon not too long ago, it was so wholesome to see all the fans gathered up and clapping at all the important moments, it kinda felt like watching it for the first time
That sounds amazing!!!
Seinfeld, hands down.
Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, the IT Crowd, and (oddly) The Good Place.
The Good Place was really, really good.
From Derek and his wind chimes to “the wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while.”
Maximum Derek!
If you haven’t tried it. Based on what you listed. I think you will also like Father Ted.
30 rock
Star trek ds9 and TNG
But I Think You Should Leave is catching up fast.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
I’m literally watching this with my boys for the first time as I type this!
Be sure to have some delectable tea on hand while you watch!
Very suprised this isn’t mentioned here more often.
Futurama. Without a doubt.
Community for sure
That’s the one. A general story throughout but each episode essentially a standalone, and so many fantastic episodes (and sure, some not as). D&D needs to get put back on streaming, though.
If you watch it on Amazon it has the D&D episode!
Battlestar Galactica
No more mister nice Gaius
Gets me every damn time