I see that the man is very excited, but the dishwasher doesn’t seem too happy about the arrangement.
Can you explain why that’s funny?
Not the person that made the joke, but…
Calling her a dishwasher is based on attitudes where women are the homeworkers. I see the joke as taking the piss out of people with that attitude, not the woman herself. We all know that she is a human being with thoughts and feelings like the rest of us and no one ever thought otherwise.
Yes, the old misogyny-switcheroo
Tell me there’s a switcheroo community/magazine
I’m not sure, but feel free to link to my previous comment whever you next see an oppertunity for a lemmy switcheroo. It’s not really my cup of tea, but it’s good to start something.
Contratulations, you’re the inaugural aroo
Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize
Archie Bunker is a great example of satire that just reinforced prejudice among the people watching All In The Family who were already bigoted. They don’t see themselves or Archie as the joke. So ultimately you’re just giving air time to bigotry if your satire isn’t both scathing and clear.
I don’t know who you’re quoting, but it’s not me. I didn’t make the joke and if someone were to be actually misogynist in my life I would speak up about it. This doesn’t bother me.
I know it’s not from you, it’s a quote about satire in general. I posted it because it was relevant to the conversation.
I don’t think just repeating misogynistic jokes without commentary and then blaming people for not knowing it was actually ironic misogyny and not “real” misogyny is effective at critiquing misogyny or beyond criticism.
Thanks for your contributions, you put it way more eloquently than I. 🙂
Does it matter that the joke goes over those people’s heads? The fact that they don’t know they’re being mocked makes it funnier.
Yes because then they feel confident with their views, after all it’s being plastered in front of them so it must be okay right?
Wether or not they get the joke doesn’t change anything. Satire isn’t going to stop a bigot from being a bigot. It’s like those dumbass who are suddenly afraid of the okay sign. Like, they have you by the balls dude. They’re bending you over and fucking you hard, and you’re letting them. It’s pointless. At some point you just need to say fuck it and live, because bigots are going to bigot no matter what who does. If a piece mocking them makes them comfortable enough to expose themselves, that’s a good thing.
Fuck bigots and live and… Checks notes make their jokes for them?
Exactly. That and taking the piss out of people too sensitive to see that.
So it’s funny because some people with that attitude exist, and therefore you make a joke those people would make? How is that different from saying a racist joke and claiming you’re making fun of racists? (non-hostile question)
Throw in some subtle nuance in the delivery, and I’ve done similar to basically call someone a jackass to their face.
For a rough example - attending a kids birthday party in the presence of racist ex-inlaws. Somebody says something predictably racist, I say something obnoxious which on the surface sounds like I might agree with them for half a second, then the realization hits that I was making fun of them and I roll my eyes and walk away.
I can see how this could be fun to do, I don’t think I’d have the nuance to pull it off though
It subverts the expectation by calling the woman a dishwasher. This is the humour. I don’t find it offensive because I assume they’re joking, and it’s a reasonable assumption because there is a real dishwasher at play while he referred to the woman as a dishwasher, making it quite clear he was simply joking and not serious positing that women belong in the kitchen.
I remember something similar on Reddit where there was a subreddit that made ironic humour about Trump, however it quite quickly turned into a serious subreddit over time because some people took it seriously.
I’ve seen similar happen with LGBT jokes or misogynistic jokes and they will escalate over time while you also get told you’re too uptight and to relax. This also was beginning to happen in 196 on lemmy with trans people.
So? Block and report them. Don’t let them control you like that bud.
This happens in online communities all the time, unless I want to block the internet I’m going to have to deal with it. 🙂 So I do the next best thing.
I understand I’m not the popular opinion here, but hopefully this helps somewhat.
I mean, you don’t have to get somebody’s humor, but it’s funny because of how shocking and absurd it is. The same goes for some racist jokes imo.
Thank you for contacting technical support.
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To solve your particular issue, you’ll want to navigate to the /ASS directory, right-click on HEAD.ZIP and select “Extract”.
I don’t really appreciate this comment, I was asking a genuine question :/
This is also funny.
No you weren’t
If you’re trying to look like you hate ignorance, don’t feign it.
This type of humor has already aged. It’ll die soon. No need to think about it.
Because Lemmy users are 77% men. Jokes like this are excused with ‘satire’ and if you aren’t one of them you wouldn’t get it.
Inb4 the hate, let me absolve with satire as an excuse before any of you start overreacting.
The man is excited because he will no longer have to hand wash dishes.
The woman is disappointed as she doesn’t wash dishes and therefore puts a lower value on the time the man will save form no longer hand washing.
Well, her name is one letter off of Cries after all.
Two people obviously don’t have a sense of humor.
My ex was so dead against us getting a dishwasher because he didn’t want to have to plumb it into a house we didn’t own and our landlord wasn’t interested in helping us out.
A month after he moved out, I bought one and it absolutely did change my life.
I also managed to flood my kitchen in the process 🙈
One of my happiest purchases in the last few years was an airfyer. lol
I’m still excited about my subwoofer.
Is your dog your main woofer?
I wish.
For real, thought everyone was overhyping them before I got one but it’s honestly crazy how much of a difference it makes and how convenient it is
@spacedancer @UhBell Airfyers are by far one of the best recent inventions ever made.
Right now I can’t imagine my live without one of them.We almost brought ours on our vacation lol
I don’t have a microwave so I Air fry most leftovers. If I want popcorn I just make it on the stove. If I don’t feel like doing that I guess I didn’t really want it.
God yes! I use it for almost everything
It’s old tech, but pressure cookers are really cool as well.
Fuck, I’d be excited to win almost anything.
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Yay America. In Australia all competition winnings (even the lottery) is tax free.
Not too proud to admit I got way too excited when I got my first Dyson. If anyone has animals with long hair, you’ll understand.
My most treasured purchase is an $80 handheld vacuum that pulls all the cat hair from my rug.
My apartment doesn’t even have a connection for a dishwasher but I’d take it
We managed to find a free-standing one with wheels and a nice top that just connects to the sink faucet. It’s been pretty nice so far, might be worth looking around. We found ours 2nd hand for about $150, it was definitely worth it.
Yep was about to suggest this. There are similar setups for all in one washer dryer machines that are similar. I’ve seen tenants in bachelor suites or coin laundry buildings have both of these in a place. Pretty clever for a single person, because they pay very low rent in those types of places.
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I do get excited now when going shopping for a moped or a set of bedsheets.
A couple weeks ago our city rolled out their new trash can program (with the trucks that have the side grabber arm thing). I got so excited when the new cans showed up (wheels!) and it was at that point I realized I’m getting old.
Bruh I haven’t eaten in days because I can’t afford meds and food at the same time.
I completely get it. I see Price is Right clips now, or Lets Make a Deal, and losing my mind when they get a dining set. That shits would net me groceries for months.
As far as I’m concerned I’m not a grown up until I have a washing machine and dishwasher of my own.
Never not had a dishwasher so I do not understand.
Lucky. Much time has been spent in my life washing dishes that I will never get back
Or the age where you’re finally excited to get clothes for Christmas.
I get it. I always found a dishwasher too expensive for what I’d gain from it. Doing dishes manually for one or two adults who are diligent about reuse isn’t that much effort. But after being gifted a second hand one in excellent condition, I am very happy to have it in my home. The running cost is very reasonable. I’m unsure if I would replace it if broken. But for now it is serving me very well.
I’d still rather have the new car.
I’m really bad about maintaining my dishwasher.
She doesn’t get nearly as many back and foot massages as she deserves.