Putting my kitty down this afternoon. Almost made it to 20. Very sad. On Xanax though.
Edit: thank you everyone. He’s gone now. We had an at-home service put him down. He went incredibly peacefully, purring loudly as the first injection went in.
We’re about to drive him to his brother’s grave (who died five years ago) and bury him there so they can forever snuggle.
It sounds like you gave your kitty a long, love-filled life. I’m sorry they can’t be with you longer.
So sorry for your loss 😞
Thanks for giving your kitty as good a life as you could. Don’t let the end cloud your vision from the good times.
If/when you’re ready, there are more lost souls to save out there. I wish I could have cats myself, but I am not stable enough to house them. Maybe some day I will foster, but even that is probably to much for me to handle.
Thank you for your kind words. He lived an incredible life. Working is going to be a lot more lonely without him constantly bothering me to snuggle with me all day.
When his brother died five years ago, he was so lonely… so we adopted two baby kittens so he could be their mum. He took to them immediately, cuddling and playing and loving them. I think that might have extended his life. They’re a little confused right now with him not moving, but we didn’t let him see his brother after he died, which I think was a mistake.
About to go drive to his brother’s grave to bury him with his brother so they can snuggle eternally.
That’s so sad…
Every day I go to all my part time jobs, and they take so much from me that I cannot recover what I’ve lost before the beginning of my next day of shifts.
Every day, I lose more and more of me. Until one day, there will be nothing left and I will quit one or all of my jobs and be unable to afford housing, and become homeless (again).
Do you live in America ? I’ve heard stories like this from Americans … I hope it goes well with you anyway
Not all jobs are created equal. Find a new one(s).
Usually with my fingers, or at least generally with my skin.
Are you an alien ?
I am a meat popsicle.
I just watched that yesterday for the 97th time.
My all time favorite movie 😊
T.t.t.t.t. taaakkkee iiiiitt … … … I don’t neeeed itttt.t.t…
Like my life has been stolen from me. I am left with nothing.
Isn’t having cancer alone bad enough?
So excited and so overwhelmed.
We’re moving from the US to Denmark soon. We just had a hurricane destroy our city. We are fine, thankfully, but our city is in bad shape. I also just had a decently big surgery a few weeks ago and my doctor’s office is gone, so in the midst of all this I have to find a doctor. Just coincidental timing on all of it.
But it’s net positive. I look forward to the future more than I dread the bad stuff.
Is it that bad? I had thought the buildings would have mostly survived given the city was built to withstand them and that it was just too dangerous for people
How do you recover from that? Does insurance cover it?
I’m in Asheville NC not Tampa. We’re not built for the hurricane we got.
Insurance covers very little. Not the fact that the city won’t have water for months, nor access to you property, nor flooding for the majority of people, and many many businesses are gone
deleted by creator
Try to stay away from stress reasons for a while if possible , hope you get better soon
Ever try psychedelics? I fully understand they aren’t for everyone, but it helped me get away from the autopilot feeling in life.
Unfortunately, most days I wish I could go back to autopilot. Being aware and present can be a curse.
constantly tired
I wish I could work out like I used to when I was unemployed. I know it would give me more energy, but there is nothing left at the end of the day to invest into me and my health.
Whatever, who wants to live a long life anyways? Just more rent payments, more scammers, more assholes in my life.
Hope you get better soon…
Doin alright. Tired from the work week, happy for the weekend!
That’s good to know… I have the same feelings whenever I go back home from college… like college is good but nothing is cozier or nicer than being able to rest after a busy day
Doing great! 😃 Currently sitting at my desk eating chocolate… 🍫
We all deserve to thrive, not just survive. Glad to hear you are doing well. Take care.
That’s nice , I have pomegranate in the fridge and I was planning to eat it
Currently very silly, im wearing a cute skirt :3
It’s been a really long time since I bought / wore a skirt or a dress or even makeup… shame on me really
Sad, sometimes, and a little lonely most of the time. Been through a rough breakup this year. But getting better all the time! Hope you’re well!
Last night I had a mild panic attack for no reason. I think it might have been induced by a mixture of beer and sugar, a combination I don’t do very often.
I’ve just come out of a long term relationship with someone I thought I would have kids with. She was the best thing that ever happened to me, but somehow that wasn’t enough for me and I wanted out. I still have no idea if I did the right thing, but at least we left as friends who care deeply for each other. The separation was slow and excrutiating but I think we’re both on the road to healing.
I used to think that if two people love each other, that was enough, but I’ve come to realize than I wanted more than just love, I wanted to feel less lonely in my head, and a severe language barrier was preventing that from happening. With time, we might have gotten there, but with time, I also may have grown to resent her, and so that’s why I ended it. I banked on my pessimism instead of my optimism.
Time heals all, and I guess we’ve just got to tread water until that time comes. Sorry for the word vomit above, your post apparently struck a chord with me
Heya man, thanks for sharing. I hope you’re doing okay. That sounds tough, and it’s a hard realisation that love isn’t always enough on its own - relationships take work outside of love, and that has certainly felt like a disheartening realisation for me. It feels the world is a little less magic now, but that’s okay - there are better things coming for us both, that we will be better equipped to handle correctly with what we’ve learned from this. Happy Monday!
Thank you for these kind words, and I hope you heal too or at least find that magic again somewhere.
Ever thought about adopting a pet ? it might be good for such cases … good luck
Thanks! I actually did consider it but my landlady won’t allow pets, and if I’m honest I both can’t afford and am too disorganised to take good care of something living. Good suggestion, tho!
Much better than the pervious couple weeks. It’s refreshing! Depression sucks.
Good luck…
Since the last bout with COVID and subsequent bronchitis, I’m always exhausted and my lungs seem to hate me. It’s slowly improving by the day but that’s the worst bout of COVID I’ve had.
Fully vaxxed, other than the recent one for obvious reason
I too suffer from long covid. I remember a time before when I didn’t constantly cough all day. Good times…
Hope you get better soon…
The pain of life does not last forever. We all find peace. For a few, in this life. For the majority, in the next.
Only 40 more years of my shift left on earth and I can know peace for the first and last time.
I currently feel like my nervous system is vibrating having just got out of the gym after preworkout
Good luck
Excited to go buy a bunch of native plants for the local park :)
That’s awesome