Was this post not originally about drinking alcohol on the weekend? I feel like the comments I see don’t really match the meme.
Thx and good bye.
I changed it because people, voted to irrationally in my opinion…
No I am not republican, it’s just a no good voting system…
Look, folks in the US are extremely on edge about this election (that’s both currently happening through early voting and the last day possible within 2 weeks), and in particular, foreign interference/propaganda. There’s a lot of crap we’re getting from every angle under the sun trying to get “the right people” to vote and “the wrong people” to stay at home, depending on the political inclination. It’s exhausting and we’re having a bad time. We know shit sucks here and we are trying our hardest to not descend further into fascism with a guy who literally admires Hitler. If we get some lightly progressive policies out of it, that’s great. By pushing some “both parties suck” propaganda in this eleventh hour, everyone is going to dog pile you because we’re sick of this so much.
“we have to vote for a genocidal regime because the other guy is even worse”
U can vote for genocide or u can vote 3rd party, that is that. Maybe u can excuse genocide, amerikkkans are very comfy with it and have always love doing it but i can not.
No idea what it was before, but it’s still propaganda, whether intentional or not.
Still infinitely more likely than if Republicans win.
Bruh you’re not even US American, get outta here with this defeatist crap. Don’t you have your own right wing surge to fight in Germany?
SPD, the Greens and FDP: “If we win the Bundestag, Bundesrat and Cancellorship, we’ll definetly implement progressive politics.” ;)
Thank you lol
I am noting that OP didn’t respond here, mayhaps they enjoy critiquing political circumstances they can’t contribute to more than addressing their own? 🤔
And they edited the post to something innocuous! For anyone coming in late, the original was what u/Prunebutt here said but with US politics instead.
Ist das sarkastisch gemeint? Ich kann mir wirklich nicht vorstellen, dass die FDP irgendetwas legitim Progressives gutheißen würde.
Also… ja, auch. Aber die FDP gibt sich technologieoffen, “ideologiefrei” und ja: progressiv.
Das heiß dann halt girlboss-feminismus, Regenbogen-Kapitalismus und Flugtaxis.
The odds of them doing it are still better than the odds of Republicans doing it.
True, but you know, the other ones are just democratic republicans…
The two party system syndrome…
Shut the fuck up Republican trash.
Hurr sure I’ve never been in a situation where picking the less bad option was infinitely better than picking the most bad option.
Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up.
Dude I am European, and definitely not Republican, but you can vote for republican or democratic Republican, in my point of view, but thamks for the trash I take it out for you.
Dude I am European, and definitely not Republican,
Russia is not part of Europe, so if you’re actually from Europe, learn to stay in your lane and not try to influence a foreign election, if you are Russian, go fuck yourself and stop trying to influence a foreign election.
Glad to see anti-slavic race science rhetoric is well and alive in liberal circles.
Russians would “think” that all Slavs are Russian.
“Not European” is classic race science line against Slavs in general, including but not exclusively Russians. The barbaric Asiatic hordes, so the line goes. Liberals have been eating up these recycled ancient racist talking points to apply to Russians.
You could always just ask questions about a topic you are unfamiliar with instead of making things up.
Nope. It’s a factual statement since Russia invaded Europe, raped and murdered its citizens en masse, and chose to remove itself from the world order, Europe, and being a nation deserving of anything other than disgust and distain.
It’s a factual statement since Russia invaded Europe
Oh? When?
raped and murdered its citizens en masse
and chose to remove itself from the world order
What world order, and how? When you say “removed itself”, does that mean it officially withdree from associations or trade deals or norms of finance? Or are you using roundabiut language to describe others attempting to remove Russia from the “world order”, whatever that may be in your mind?
and being a nation deserving of anything other than disgust and distain.
I suppose you believe that if your hate is strong enough you can pretend I didn’t just tell you a bunch of stuff about the race science you are echoing.
Just look at my feed man
Posting messages that make progressive people apathetic about the state of the electoral system right before an election, is literally equivalent to actively campaigning for the less progressive option. It is straight up an anti-democratic tactic frequently used by Republicans to lower democratic voter turnout.
I think you hit a sore spot.
I regret!
Well, I will take sensible policies over regressive.