It honestly makes me wonder why i keep using windows on my main desktop if proton allows playing most anything i play
It wasn’t always that way, but I’m glad proton is great now!
I only read of the rocky starts, i got mine with the recent steam sale at 10% off for the 64GB. Just need to get it a bigger SSD and I’ll be all set!
I just picked up the corsairs mp600 1tb and an nvme enclosure to clone my drive for about 130 all together.
I used Linux before Steam came to Linux, those were the good old days where every game required tinkering in WINE. I actually didn’t have a Steam account until it came to Linux, and then I played only a handful of Linux-native games (Rocket League was one of them).
When Proton came to Steam, a whole new world opened up, and now I can basically assume a game will work and I’ll be right more often than not.
So from my perspective, it wasn’t a rocky start at all, but a gradual widening of my gaming library. I’ve since played a ton more games, so I’ve rewarded Steam for the effort.
I spent ages thinking that I’d found a title that didn’t work, getting barely double-digit frame rates in the 3D hub area.
And about two months later I realised that what I’d actually done was lock the laptop into low power mode with the CPU and GPU being way underclocked and locked to that regardless of load. One metaphorical switch flip later, 60+ fps.
A 1tb microSD card is a pretty good compromise. Its just as fast as ssd storage and significantly easier to install.
Yeah until you can’t fill up the SD because the boot drive is full of shaders.
256 GB deck should be the baseline tbh, even with an SD card
From what i know you can put shaders on sd card.
Technically you can, but anytime the shaders need to update it’ll download the full shader cache back to the boot drive so there’s a lot of back and forth
I would have to disagree that any sdcard is as fast as an SSD.
Maybe a really fast sdcard and a really slow SSD?
Edit: oh maybe that is a steam-deck-specific thing? It’s the SSD connection over USB2 or something?
No its Just that at some point disk speed provides marginal improvments for most games, especialy since most games were designed with hdd drivers in mind . And sd vs ssd in steam deck are at that point. There are exceptions to that, but they are pretty rare ( alghtough i cant remember one right now but i know i watched one comparison where nvme disk provided actual reasonable benefit compared to sata so i imagine its even bigger with sd card ). So unless you play very specific game a lot that you know benefits from fast disk speed then it dosent really matter that much.
I would think it would at the very least improve loading times?
I wouldn’t call it no difference.
I actually just installed Linux on my gaming PC and it’s mostly been a good experience.
Same. I didn’t play on a Windows machine for almost a year and half.
Bought a second drive to run Linux on my gaming PC. It’s been a month and I haven’t had the need to boot into Windows yet. I had some initial troubles during installation but it’s smooth sailing since. After owning the Steam Deck for 1+ year and already running Linux on my laptop, it was the last step towards ditching Windows entirely.
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Manjaro <3
I don’t have a Steam Deck, but I just made the transition to fully running Arch on my gaming rig. So far everything just works.
Are you guys playing AAA games in Linux? Everything works?
The only time I’ve experienced a AAA game not working at launch or shortly after launch is when the developer explicitly goes out of the way to block usage on Linux.
Looking at you Bungie.
Lets say a major game comes out something like Elder Scrolls VI. Could I play it straight away in Linux or are we talking about older AAAs?
On launch day, 70/30 chance in favor. For example, Baldurs Gate 3 is working perfectly and it just came out. Some newer games may require Proton fixes that can take a couple days to roll out though.
They work in general, especially if the games have no anticheat or 3rd party launchers. As an example, Sonys PC ports work very well on linux/proton. Linux gaming is great nowadays.
Ahh, the Steam Deck, the SBC handheld that I can’t afford yet.
I just play ports on my switch and pretend.
I’m thinking of picking up a PS Vita to pretend even harder
I got a switch tablet for the same price, couldn’t resist the newer games.
Steamdeck made me sell my desktop! I still have an entry-level gaming laptop if I need it but 90% of my PC gaming is on the deck now
If Linux gets support from Abode so I can ditch Photoshop, I’ll be there.
Adobe may never do this. You might have some luck looking into alternative apps to the ones you work with.
There are some very compelling, cross platform, FOSS alternatives to Photoshop (GIMP, Krita), Illustrator (Inkscape), InDesign (Scribus), maybe premier pro (Davinci Resolve isn’t FOSS, but it is cross platform. You can also try shortcut, openshot, kdenlive but they’re not as advanced).
One thing I miss, however, is the interoperability between Adobe apps. Like copying a vector from illustrator into an InDesign document. I couldn’t do the same between Inkscape and Scribus
Abode. Think your brain autofilled that.
Abode is an alternative suite being developed by Culture Hustle, the company started by Stuart Semple, and who made the blackest black and pinkest pink paints, aswell as who ported the Pantone catalog after that whole fiasco.
Such a poor choice of name. And I feel bad for all the people dumb enough to give him money for it thinking they’ll get anything close to photoshop.
Hi, Adobe!
Scribus can’t be a replacement until Master Pages work like they do in InDesign.
That’s fair enough
If you don’t need Photoshop for actual work, then running it under Wine is a viable option. CC 2019 (20.0) works fine for the most part, but you need to install it in Windows first and copy over the installed folder. CC 2023 also works, but there’s no GPU acceleration support (yet).
Honestly I hope the next couple of years see more Proton work for supporting Adobe (legit copies or otherwise heheh) so more users can migrate over.
Inkscape has improved a lot with its newest version and I pray that GIMP will speed up dev soon so maybe that’ll make up for the lack of Adobe stuff
Yeah I want Gimp to be good so bad but I’ve been waiting for like 20 years and it never seems to change…i really want a Photoshop and Lightroom ripoff for Linux.
Darktable is pretty neat, but i only edit photos of my dogs and gatherings of friends and family tbh, so it could lack a lot of what lightroom does and i’d never know.
It’s compatible with adobes .dng so you should be able to get usable raws from almost every digital camera with the dng converter in wine, if your cameras raw format is not supported.
Imagine paying a subscription; use Affinity Photo and Designer as these are very viable alternatives without the subscription. GIMP is not a good alternative despite it being free :(
Who said anything about paying? :P
I agree GIMP isn’t great, but Krita is everything I ever wanted. It completely replaces Photoshop for me.
If you’ve ever spent any time in Photoshop you know gimp is garbage in comparison. Photopea is better than gimp.
Photopea is the way to go for me
Affinity is great, I try it every once in a while but it’s just not quite there as a replacement for Photoshop for Pro level work.
I just bought a new NVME SSD as I need to reinstall Windows anyway. I am seriously considering at least dual booting Windows and Linux or just going full Linux at once. You guys in here and the Linux community on Lemmy show me that it is possible to escape Windows without too much trouble, even for a Linux newb like me.
Okay, I am not a complete newb, I have set up a few Raspberry Pis and do run a unRAID server, but I have never seriously used Linux as a daily driver on my desktop or laptop.
Dual boot on separate disks is pretty nice. You can even load up your Windows install inside a VM on your Linux drive
That sounds genius. The new drive is a 2TB NVME and the old is a 1TB NVME so that is totally a possibility.
I am using single GPU VFIO passthrough and it’s good enough to game on, especially if you also pin your CPU threads in the VM. You will lose a little bit of performance but if you really need that extra power you can just switch to bare metal Windows using dual boot
If you don’t want the full bloated Windows I can recommend that you check out ReviOS
Interesting, never heard of ReviOS before. Is there a list of changes they’ve made? I looked thru their site and couldn’t see any such details their docs. I’d like to know what sets it apart from the likes of Tiny11 and Ghost Spectre Superlite etc.
Here are the feature differences compared to regular Windows
Revi is built using the Ameliorated Wizard. The CLI version is open source.
I also considered using Tiny11 and Ghost Spectre but ended up with Revi because I don’t really trust Tiny11 or Ghost Spectre. It’s super easy for a malicious actor to include malware in those redistributed ISOs.
Of course the same thing can be said about Revi but Revi also offers the option to run their Playbook on a regular install of Windows. Or you could make your own custom Windows Playbook with Ameliorated.
Then there is also AtlasOS which, like Revi, is made using Ameliorated. I chose Revi because they had MS store and Windows defender still working and I like their custom tool. But according to Atlas developers, Windows Defender will be coming back in the next release.
In the end I guess what it comes down to is who you trust. The safest bet would be to debloat Windows yourself.
See Docs -> FAQ -> Before installation -> Features
How can I do this? I already have Windows on a separate drive. I’m running Linux Mint
Using QEMU/Virt-Manager you can just create a new VM and instead of creating a virtual disk you just input the path to your drive manually. In my case it’s mounted at /dev/sdb
This will pass your full drive to the VM and Windows will just boot up like magic
Edit: If you already have a Windows VM I would assume you could just edit it and change from virtual drive to your full Windows drive instead. I don’t think you have to make a new one
I did that for a while but the other day I wiped out the windows drive and squished the two of them into a single drive with LVM 👍
Yes, join us! But srsly, quite a lot of games work great with proton on Linux. You can always check for compability :)
It honestly makes me wonder why i keep using windows on my main desktop if proton allows playing most anything i play
I was asking myself the same question. Then I installed Linux on my desktop and I have never been happier
I’d started dualbooting with NobaraOS about a year ago, and recently deleted windows entirely. I haven’t run into a game I want to play yet that isn’t compatible.
How is performance compared to windows? After using the Steam Deck for a while I’m interested in making the switch.
I also have concerns how well WakeOnLan works together with remote desktop. I’m currently booting my gaming pc with the click of a button on my phone and then I sit at my laptop with Parsec. If there are good solutions and performance isn’t worse I’m probably taking the leap soon. Nvidia GPU btw.
Performance is usually the same, sometimes even better, and sometimes worse, if any particular game isn’t officially supported/optimised by proton developers (but usually not officially supported games work anyway, except for those with anticheat).
Wake on Lan works with TeamViewer/anydesk but only on xorg so far, but you have Nvidia so you are anyway stuck with xorg
Anyone play factorio on this thing?
It’s runs really well, actually. I don’t have any solid numbers because I wasn’t really into that side of it, but I had a fairly large base going, about 20 hours past endgame (no where near a megabase, though) and no performance issues.
I find myself using desktop mode more on the Deck while docked than my Windows computer, that’s connected to the same monitor. Still trying to learn how to use programs like Bottles correctly, but once I do, I’m getting rid of the Windows computer.
I love it. It is the best purchase decision I made in years. I am lazy - I prefer to play on Steam Deck than on my gaming laptop.
However, yesterday I tried to play Remnant 2 on Steam Deck. I was not expecting fireworks, but at least decent 30fps. IMO Game is unplayable on SD. Barely reaches 30fps. Fan spins like crazy. It works great on my laptop.
I can’t wait for a Steam Deck hardware refresh.
I use Proton (Linux) for games where my hardware is overkill or my FPS is good enough.
But in games where the hardware is maxed and the FPS is below my preference. I use windows because there is still sometimes like a 10%-20% loss by running windows stuff from Linux.
In Steam Deck could be different because it’s more optimised maybe. There are exceptions that run better on Linux I understand (example: same FPS but less stuttering).