leftists when they claim to be anti imperialist but just support the other empire, your view of those things align with what the russian state wants you to think
captain false equivalence has logged on
what a counter argument
You got exactly the level of counterargument your “argument” deserves.
no, I don’t think so, I think it’s actually funny how you belive everything out of russia and china without critical thinking, if you’d hold russian and chinese media outlets to the same level of responsibility you do with american media outlets, you’d realise, that you’ve been fed some lies
also just fuck russia and china, they’re authoritarian and at least russia actively imprisons members of the opposition or the lgbt community
> imperialism is when invading other countries
> russia invades ukraine
> russia isn’t imperialist
when you definitely understand what imperialism is 🤡
imperialism (from ddg):
The extension of a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations.
I think you can read
EDIT: forgot the src
Explains a lot when your understanding of the subject is based on a superficial duck duck go search. Imperialism represents a predatory, exploitative system where advanced capitalist nations dominate and exploit weaker nations for resources, markets, and profit. A country going to war is not itself a sign of imperialism, and anybody who actually bothered to understand the causes for the war in Ukraine would know that it was the west that was establishing economic and political dominance over Ukraine.
The absolute minimum you could do is attempt to understand what Imperialism actually is. Imperialism isn’t “invasion,” it’s a form of international extraction similar to nation scale bourgeois/proletarian relations. The fact that you’re trying to redefine Imperialism as “invasion” to make someone who linked a good source outlining what Imperialism actually is in order to make the person you replied to seem hypocritical is the peak of dishonesty.
already replied to a comment suggesting something similar:
Yes, Marxists use the latter definition listed, not the bolded, because it’s a process that is trackable and explainable within itself. Adding “invasion” to the mix only makes sense *if it is as a consequence of the latter," otherwise you can just call it invasion.
True leftism is “when America bad” and the more “America bad” you spout, the more to the left you are. Having nuanced and principled opinions is inferior to campism, gotcha.
The US has 800+ external military bases. All other countries combined have < 20.
This doesn’t refute my argument
You didn’t make an argument.
I thought they were joking but further reading left me disappointed.
US imperialism, and more specifically, the division of the world into rich and poor countries (which US imperialism upholds with its military, dollar hegemony, and media dominance), is the primary evil in the world today.
When you accuse people pointing this out, of being “campist un-nuanced america-hating tankies”, you’re just showing your ignorance of the reality of images like the one above.
If you think you’re gonna bait me into defending or denying America’s history of foreign intervention then you’ve got another thing coming. It happened. Plenty of it is downright evil.
But sadly, it’s not uniquely evil. Russia is waging an imperialist war of aggression and attempting a genocide of the Ukrainians, all while enriching their oligarchs as their civilians starve. China is repressing the Tibetans, committing genocide against the Uyghurs to create a Han ethnostate, threatening Taiwan, and is violating maritime borders in the South China Sea with their expansion of their naval presence.
Dissent, especially in China, is heavily policed. They took our dystopian monetary credit system and cranked it up to 11 with social credit, and work their people to the bone with companies in the country defying the ban on the 996 schedule enforcement. Russia considers LGBT people as a whole dissenters and arrests them simply for existing. Prominent political dissidents of Putin are simply murdered.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them, and principally why I categorically reject the notion that we are the world’s primary evil. It’s just not that simple. But I’ll take our flawed, bourgeois democracy over domination by than the outright fascist rule by our competitors.
But above all that I prefer peace and freedom. No more violence in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, Tibet, and Xinjiang. Civil rights and decent living conditions for all.
Competent readers, regardless of their familiarity with the claims made here, will notice that the very first sentence in this comment is a lie that you can see for yourself just by reading their first comment in this thread.
Dissent, especially in China, is heavily policed. They took our dystopian monetary credit system and cranked it up to 11 with social credit
Lmao. Not even ForeignPolicy falls for such a blatant CIA talking point. Social credit is a measure to curb companies that act against the interest of people in the pursuit of profit, individual people don’t come into the equation, you’re to the right of warhawks on this one. To claim China is doing worse than the US is pure copium, it’s like citizens of Nazi germany going “sure, Hitler might be bad, but wait til you learn about what he says the soviets are doing” which to be fair y’all also do.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them,
Oh, yeah. Huey P. Newton, MLK, Malcolm X, the entirety of the Ferguson protest organizers, Leonard Peltier, all of them free to speak their mind. Gary Webb and Julian Assange have been so highly commended for their work as well, you’re so free in the land of the biggest carceral population in human history. I stg you could slot a gringo into fascist Italy and retexture it with icons of Americana and they’d feel right at home.
Lots of claims with zero sources but I wouldn’t expect it from people who read a RFA-regurgitated headline and consider themselves thoroughly informed on the matter. Glad you don’t want more violence in Xinjiang, but fret no more, China worked on solving it via schools instead of black sites like the US did, and succeeded where the US and its weapons makers profit from ensuring failure.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them,
This is so much more reason that these tankies deserve tbh. I appreciate you taking the time to put it into words.
These people should actually try talking to foreigners, students and immigrants. The picture Ukrainian refugees and Taiwanese students paint is a lot less forgiving than the completely unsubstantiated, pseudo-intellectuslist “but that’s CIA propaganda” arguments these authoritarian “leftists” like to throw around. I’m sure such first-hand accounts would be as readily dismissed, mind you, because the goal is clearly not to have an honest discussion to begin with.
if you ever talked to anyone from china you’d know that this asshole is completely lying about the social credit thing (among others)
I have. I taught Chinese students at the same time as those Taiwanese ones, and having them in a room together was often a challenge. The brainwashed ideologies the Chinese students often held in the face of evidence was much like that of fervent MAGA supporters.
The only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that Nationalism is fucked, whether it’s the American or the Chinese brand.
A bunch of sourceless claims.
China is repressing the Tibetans
It’s always nice seeing you shitheads on the side as the slavers. Fuck China for liberating Tibet amirite my fellow redditors?
committing genocide against the Uyghurs to create a Han ethnostate
Arab countries have send representatives to China and unmasked the false western propaganda of Uyghur genocide, please try something new, this horse has been beaten to death. Not even the west is clinging to this narrative anymore.
Dissent, especially in China, is heavily policed.
Police arrest pro-Palestinian protesters outside of New York Stock Exchange.
They took our dystopian monetary credit system and cranked it up to 11 with social credit
China’s Orwellian Social Credit Isn’t Real.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them
MLK and Huey P. Newton. Also the police arresting pro-Palestinian protesters I already linked.
But I’ll take our flawed, bourgeois democracy over domination by than the outright fascist rule by our competitors.
The US is the one supporting fascists worldwide. Just look at the history of US interventions. Here’s three examples in Latin America alone: Fulgencio Batista, US backed military coup in Chile that put Pinochet in power and the US backed military coup in Brasil in 1964.
But above all that I prefer peace and freedom.
As evidenced above, no you do not.
🏅 It’s fuckin’ whac-a-mole with this slop.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them, and principally why I categorically reject the notion that we are the world’s primary evil.
Interesting. Why did the US go after Assange, Snowden, and Manning btw?
As usual, you gave zero evidence for any of your assertions. Every single one of your pro-US propaganda talking points have been disproved. Some links elaborating on them are in here.
So many of these sources are laughable. Reddit randos coping hard that their dictatorships sometimes get compared to the “bad” dictatorships. That is, provided one can even parse that out from all the deleted comments. Mountains of brainwashed articles that, when combined, can only be summarized as “pure hypocrisy”.
I’ve already admitted that the US has committed genocide. You’re not ready to admit the same about your precious China and Russia/ USSR, or any flaws for that matter. Just reflexive denials and whataboutism. Not a great hill to die on.
The quote at the beginning of this wall of delusion is actually pretty telling: “The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.”
You’re not immune to propaganda.
You are not immune to propaganda.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them, and principally why I categorically reject the notion that we are the world’s primary evil.
Court Jester mindset.
Well said
leave it to liberals to clap like seals over well-put disinformation
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them
I’ll be sure to tell this to my friend who got his skull cracked and phone stolen by cops for protesting our involvement in Israel’s genocide.
This is quality condensed gish gallop. Eglin Air Force Base would be proud.
stay mad dronie
You can call it “nuance” all you want, it doesn’t change that such a critical stance is always rooted in state department propaganda.
Western “leftists” trust imperialists more than foreign PoC, which surprises nobody.
So instead, we should trust… The other ogliarchic and blatantly fascist empires?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think unapologetic fascism is “leftist.”
So “fascism” is when not ruled by whites?
Scratch a westolefto and white supremacist bleeds.
I heard this like a decade ago, but it’s still is spot on:
Question: What’s authoritarianism?
Answer: When you tell white people they can’t do imperialism.
Why do you believe the US and anglophone-media when they demonize their main enemies, and say that they’re no different? You should take anything a serial liar says with an extreme grain of salt.
No one said I do.
Then how did you come by that particular conclusion? Because if it’s not just out and out racism, surely you can link it to verify it’s not just a State Department proxy going “Anonymous sources confirm ALL minorities in China being tortured right the fuck now”
What conclusion are you proposing that I came to? My only statement was that denying Western media in favor of Eastern media is not “leftist.” Everything else you and Dessalines have attempted to drag into this discussion is creating either a false dichotomy or a strawman, in some cases both. The options are not “either you listen to PoC or you listen to Western Media,” because not all Western Media nor people of colour agree on every position. Whatever imaginary propaganda you are creating about the State suggesting that China is torturing minorities this minute is not something I have experienced, nor referenced. We have not presented the arguments that you are trying to deconstruct.
You are boxing with shadows, throwing fists with invisible monsters in the dark. I’m not sure if it’s our of poor reading comprehension, poor critical thinking skills, or intentional dishonesty, but there’s clearly a bias here that is useless to engage with.
The post is talking about the DPRK and China.
instead, we should trust… The other ogliarchic and blatantly fascist empires?
You’re not being sneaky by refusing to state a clear argument and hiding behind liberal platitudes. There is no empire other than the US, and opposition to it is always framed as irredeemable evil and y’all eat it up.
Make an argument, cite your sources, or stop wasting everyone’s time with deflection.
Is it really so hard for yall to believe that Everybody Sucks Here?
A better question is why it’s so easy for you to believe such nonsense.
The enlightened position of hating your fellow worker whether at home or abroad (but mostly the ones abroad).
Wow, wonder who gave you such a revolutionary, ironclad idea and why.
ah the good ol’ “i can’t make a choice so Everybody Sucks™ i am very smart and superior” intellectual suicide
I’ve said this many times, but equal condemnation for unequal sin exaggerates the lesser and minimizes the greater. This scales dramatically, the greater the difference.
There’s a difference in hating/disliking people because of unchangeable circumstances and hating regimes.
Except without a red line and just a gradual scale, yes.
wtf you should actually be banned for this
ah I see we’re dealing with sophisticated and nuanced racism here
Yes Hail everything! Hail Kim! Hail Saudi-Arabia! I love those states! They do nothing wrong, they are the best places on earth! Or what?
talking to children whose brains haven’t fully developed yet can be exhausting
Well, apparently for you nothing is a regime, and all countries are the same in everything?
All countries have different cultures, history, material conditions, and forms of governance that result from that. Westerners portraying their system as the sole legitimate form of governance amounts to nothing more than modern-day marketing for colonialism, serving as a pretext for Western invasions and global atrocities masquerading as benevolent civilizing missions. The fact that you think that the regime you live under is somehow special shows a profound lack of cognitive development on your part.
Or do you mean because of the colors?
Wtf is this absurd racism?
I’m also a fan of “junta”
Well what do they say about china?
Buncha orientalist nonsense.
Would’ve guessed nonsense, but orientalist?
If your view on Ukraine is opposite that of the state dept, you’re probably just ingesting unhealthy amounts of Russian propaganda.
Also ask any Russian LGBT activists how their lives are going right now. Oh wait, you can’t because they’re in jail. Sickens me that supposed “leftists” will run interference for such a blatantly bigoted regime.
If your view on Ukraine aligns with that of the state department then you’re an ignoramus. Meanwhile, are you suggesting that Ukraine is the bastion of LGBT rights? 🤡
Calling whataboutism is a logical fallacy that people of low intellect use to deflect from the fact that they’re engaging in hypocrisy.
Get ready to be asked for the time in Moscow/Shanghai by the nuanced McCarthyists
Nationalism is the stupidest thing humans have created regardless of who their propaganda affects and how.
China and the DPRK are oppressive, authoritarian states, and we should defend Ukraine’s right to self determination. I guess that completely nullifies my socialist beliefs because I don’t blindly love every government that brands itself as communist
Ah yes, Ukraine’s right to self determination after the west overthrows the democratically elected government and turns it into a literal dictatorship where elections have been cancelled. Thank you for providing a human face to the meme.
lol what
As per usual, obliviousness in place of an argument from red libs
Either that or engaging with such incredible lies is a waste of time. But hey, they said something you don’t like, so “red lib.”
What lies are you talking about?
🦗 🦗
I happen to agree with you on those but (much like yourself, probably) disagree with the US State dept on Cuba and Israel. Which I reckon makes me more of a leftist than all those tankies simping for Russia, which hasn’t had anything to do with communism for over 3 decades.
Lmao. Lenin had it right with “Left Communism: an Infantile Disorder”. You’re not a better leftist because you agree to hate the enemies of the US on their schedule while toothlessly condemning the US in the way they approve of.
Citizens in China of all ethnicities are satisfied with their government, even Harvard, Pew, and Statista quote a number higher than 90%.
If they’re authoritarian, what is Klanada, where like 30% were satisfied with the government but all their options are somehow “the same” or “more nazi”?
The censorship here never changes lol
There are 2 rightwing parties in the US. If you are a leftwing voter and live in the empire or any of its vassal states, you’re wasting your time.
lol, every .world user.