Where’s Winnie the Pooh saying “Taiwan and Hong Kong are China?”
.ml Tankie: “ThATs RaCiSt even though it’s not about Chinese people as a whole but Xi specifically and it started in China on Weibo by Chinese users before it got
censoredI mean totally not censored BUT BUT ITS STILL RACIST”Not to leave putin out, I just don’t know any unfavourable comparisons.
there’s no universe in which a muskrat is a unfavorable comparison to that unfuckable troglodyte.
Yeah his face is good enough
but what about a muskrat with a hitler stash :D
Just paint him like the gay rainbow rendition that’s outlawed in Russia.
Rumor has it that Putin banned posting the rainbow clown image. I’d use that one.
Mr Krabs is a nickname I’ve heard for Putin
Putin should be a poutine but with (gasp) mozzarella shreds instead of the proper cheese curds.
Or a Crab, at least that’s how he’s known in Russia after he famously said that throughout his entire presidency he worked like slave (как раб) on a galley, which sounds exactly like crab (как краб)
This is the kind of 2000s-era Internet silly gif on phpBB that we need more of.
(But not phpBB, let’s leave that part alone.)
As a canadian this hurts
Now where’s Margaret Thatcher saying “Ireland is United Kingdom”
plunge your country into war and ruin by invading a neighbor who’s population is largely indistinguishable from you.
America couldn’t stomach an occupation of a place on the other side of the world where the people were so foreign they might as well have been aliens. how will they stomach violence in the streets? whether from Insurgents from Canada, or their own people who rightfully decided to revolt against a terrorist regime.
Its hard to tell if this is blowhard theatre, or an actual threat. but make no mistake, attacking Canada means Civil War in America. its a red line.
Notice how none of the other characters are racist depictions.
Referring to him as “Winnie the Pooh” has never had anything to do with race, hence why no one uses it to refer to any other Chinese person.
Then what does it actually have to do with?
Chinese people started calling Xi Winnie the Pooh on the internet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_Winnie-the-Pooh_in_China
“Omg, Wikipedia is racist NATO propaganda!”
“Also totally owned by the CIA!”
A picture of him and Obama that resembles of a scene of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger from 2013.
They are in the same gait positions… is there more to it than that?
The fact that Xi Streisand-ed it hell and back.
The same way calling Bibi a murderer isn’t antisemitic calling Xi Winnie is not racist.
Government leaders are not a protected class/race, sorry.
Government leaders are not a protected class/race, sorry.
if anything, I’d say they deserve MORE scrutiny.
Xi Streisand-ed it hell and back
This doesn’t make any sense.
The same way calling Bibi a murderer isn’t antisemitic
I’ve heard from quite a few ranking Democrats that calling Bibi a murder is antisemitic.
Government leaders are not a protected class/race, sorry.
Why do westerners insist in finding excuses to inject racist caricatures into a discussion about civil rights? I simply don’t understand why shouting “Look at Netanyahu, the greedy hook-nosed jew holding a bag of gold!” benefits anyone in any way. It just seems like 4chan levels of racism-for-racism’s-sake.
Are all liberals this desperate to spew slurs or is it just the terminally online ones?
To you not see the tall/thin and shorter/rounder part? Are you being deliberately obtuse?
Are you being deliberately obtuse?
They’re a .ml Tankie, the answer to that is almost always “yes” lol
You’re getting JAQed
A little bit of research indicates that this art was created for the meme, not the other way around.
The only thing more to it is that Xi tried to have it scrubbed and censored, so now it’s also used to mock the dude for being a tyrannical asshat. Hittin’ that Streisand Effect.
Xi tried to have it scrubbed and censored
Any evidence for that claim?
There wouldn’t have been if they didn’t make such a big deal about it. It would have been a funny picture we all forgot about by now.
His face and body resemble Pooh.
Yeah Obama is orange with black stripes which is, like, totally racist, man.
Tell me you just see a heavily blurred picture on your government computer without telling me you just see a heavily blurred picture on your government computer
It’s not blurred, the screen on the pentagons bidet is just really small.
Get over it
This is a fantastic opportunity for learning!
Learning about dog whistles?
Do they work for bears too?
Him looking vaguely like Winnie the Pooh, and more being mad about it.
Notice how you’re the only one bringing up racism
Racists don’t bring up their own racism as racism, they try to paint it as other things.
Mate, it’s not an insult based on race, it’s an insult based on merit. Take the L and admit that you had a bad take. It’s not the end of the world.
Hopping on old accounts to dog pile yourself I see :)
Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?
Liberals accidentally outing themselves as racist is always ridiculous to me. People think XI JINGPANG looks like Winnie the Pooh. Your implication that EVERY Chinese person does, and the underlying implication you’ve made that ALL Chinese people look the same is hilariously offensive. You should maybe do some self reflection here mate.
Tankies aren’t liberals, they’re tankies and they are authoritarian, which they also definitely outed themselves as lmao
Nah, the insistence that anything you don’t like is racist is a very intensely liberal quality to have, as is the accidentally bumbling it so hard that YOU end up behaving in a racist way.
People think XI JINGPANG looks like Winnie the Pooh
I just compared, I don’t see it. Do you have a good example?
It’s literally just the photo you replied to above. It’s not that deep.
I saw that after asking. So why would putting a character in a group of depictions fit this piece of art? It could make sense if Trump was a Cheeto, etc, but here it seems like an attempt to depict Xi as more cartoonish or outlandish than these western leaders. Weird. Almost like there’s still a goal to depict him as less human. Huh.
Almost like there’s still a goal to depict him as less human
Weird, almost like he oversaw atrocities that makes people doubtful of his humanity or something…
What do you want me to show you exactly? You’re the one implying that all Chinese people look enough like Winnie the Pooh that to depict xi jingpang as such is racist. You want me to… give you an example of your point?
Damn you’re desperate.
Wow, you’re delusional.
Notice how the characters are whites.
But anyway, the official stance of even the US government has for decades been that Taiwan is part of China
It’s been a joke for that long but only lately has the US government went mask off.
Your username should be a crime.
Making poetry illegal is a sign of social decline.
Missing a Netanyahu “Palestine is Israel”
I’m liking what I’m hearing about this alternate universe… I want to go to there!
Too many fellow Canadians forget that we share a contested maritime with Russia. All this make Canada American shit seems to be Trump and Putin trying to spit roast Canada and take the land.
Inb4 .ml tankies “ACkShuLly…”
Fuck. Here they come with their annoying facts. Don’t ya hate when that gets in the way your support for western expansionism?
ah yes, support for western expansionism, which is why the op comic doesn’t criticize the US at all
Supporting a Democrat-led expansionist proxy war causes the criticism of Republican-led expansionism to fall flat. But that’s actually a pretty great representation of the fickle morality of liberals, so maybe I’m being too harsh.
or, people who oppose these also opposed biden’s expansionism and you’re just strawmanning… I guess we’ll never know.
This isn’t a strawman. The Putin reference in the comic is a straightforward support for Biden’s narrative to justify the proxy war.
So does that mean Ukraine belongs to Russia? What is Russia doing in Ukraine?
Pretending its the 1600s, where maps get redrawn every time some aristocrat has an aneurism.
There didn’t need to be U.S. political justification for U.S. to support Ukraine. U.S. supported a democratic nation getting invaded by an authoritarian nation… as it should ALWAYS do. That’s one of the things that makes it the shining beacon on the hill.
The US overthrew their government in the 2014 Maidan Coup, and installed a far-right puppet regime to fight their proxy war.
no, it’s against imperialism just like the others
Hmm yes “facts”, please enlighten us on these “facts”
Removed by mod
Oh that’s right, you’re the “Ukraine is all Nazis and Russia was right to invade them” one?
Yep, that’s them. Had a long-ass thread with them where they wouldn’t engage with any of my arguments about why Ukrainians aren’t Nazis and instead tried to attack me directly. But can’t tell for sure if they are a tankie, vatnik, or just a troll.
People can also be ill.
No, I’m not. But I am certain “don’t give guns to Nazis” sounds exactly the same to you.
Don’t disagree with your intent behind the meme, but maybe its better to portray them as serial killers rather than mental health patients.
This asylum is giving me spa vibes! They should have mud masks and cucumber slices to go with the straight jackets!
Where’s Bibi and the West Bank?
Dismissing them as “crazy” isn’t only ableist, it’s also counterproductive - they are literally some of the most powerful men on the planet, and they will keep doing everything within their means to achieve those goals, and worse, unless they are opposed.
All in all, a shit take.
Being in a position of power does not magically grant a person mental stability
However, lacking mental stability never kept people from gaining power.
Mentally ill people are significantly more likely to be the victims of violence and abuse than the perpetrators of it, and it isn’t mental illness that causes bigotry nor the exploitation and destruction of others for profit, it’s privilege, entitlement, unimaginable wealth, and an entire systemic framework of capitalism, white supremacy and so on.
Stop scapegoating mental illness and furthering the stigma against an already marginalised group of people (or since you don’t seem to care about that - giving dictators an out from accountability for their actions) because that’s easier for you than to critically think about the well established structures and systems that allow and even encourage exploiting and harming others.
Okay, but they ARE mentally ill and we can all plainly see it. Or at least, those of us who live with illness every day can plainly see it. Not only that, but the details of their pathologies are fucking relevant to all of our lives.
Mentally ill people are more likely to be the victims of violence and abuse, but the children of mentally ill people are tremendously more likely to experience violence, abuse, and neglect. And we are all the children of these fuckers right now. It’s not an analogy, it’s not a metaphor, and it not an ad hominem to draw attention to their pathologies. They genuinely need to be treated like dangerously disturbed people, because that is what they are.
You make good points. I should know better and I apologize. I suppose I needed a reality check.
You can be powerful, competent, and crazy at the same time dude.
Wow, look at all those people completely missing the point…