Make a drain hole at the bottom of a lake, that comes out above it. Put in a water wheel, free energy.
Never thought about it before, but I guess this makes portal guns impossible, since scenarios like this break conservation of energy.
But you know it’s possible from firsthand experience. Whomsth’n’t reached terminal velocity by shooting the ceiling & floor and jumping in?
Well, the videogame kind are definitely impossible, but if the gravitational field could travel through the portal then it would probably still conserve energy. The gravitational interactions around vertical portals would be exceptionally weird. If they were close enough, you’d probably experience weightlessness while in between them, but I can’t wrap my head around what would happen as they move further apart. That makes me hope someone tries to make a mod that models that in Portal…
My first instinct would be that it would equivalent to putting another celestial body the mass of the earth at the distance from the earth is from each portal. Since gravity is a wave, it, in theory, would affect a region beyond what would considered “around” the portals.
So if you put one portal on the ground, and another 100 meters up, it would be similar to there being a second earth 100 meters from the surface of the earth, experienced by the entire earth (once the gravitational wave propagated.) How that would evolve over time is too complex for my basic understanding of physics, but a simulation of it would be a neat experiment.
Hm, I don’t think the “gravitational force” (as in the thing that pulls you towards the Earth) is a result of a gravitational wave; rather it is a result of you being in a static vector field. Gravitational waves are waves that travel through that field, e.g. the stuff that LIGO is measuring.
I’ve tried thinking about how it would work with portals. The problem is that the definition for gravitational field is g = -∇Φ where gravitational potential Φ(x) = ∑i(-G·mi)/||x - xi||, which depends on there being a single unambiguous “distance between two points” (x and xi in this case). But think about two points on the opposite sides of one “portal entrance” (e.g. imagine a portal entrance on a wall in front of you, with your friend on the other side of that wall). What is the distance between you and your friend now? If we’re to say it’s the same as it was without a portal, then (1) we get straight back to our problems with energy conservation, (2) there is no physical path between you and your friend that matches this distance as there’s a rift in space on that path. It would also be weird to conclude that it’s infinity - you can just go around the wall in our example and be right next to your friend. So we almost have to conclude that the shortest path would have to go around the portal somehow. Let’s just say that it would be the length of the shortest path around the portal. By the formulae for the gravitational field, this means that the gravity will pull you towards the shortest path to Earth’s center. If you placed one portal on the surface of Earth (let’s assume that the center of Earth is sufficiently far away that the gravitational field can be approximated as uniform in direction and magnitude) and another one somewhere far-far away in deep space (where let’s say that gravitational field is 0 for simplicity) it would look something like this:
Note how while the gravitational potential (Φ) is defined along the red line, the gravitational field would be undefined as there would be no gradient in the gravitational potential.
Now let’s try thinking what would happen on the other side. I’ll assume that our portals are just flattened wormholes with short throats. Thus we’ll just assume that portal entrances are actually “two-sided” (e.g. if they are just floating in your room, you can walk around them and see whatever is around the other portal at all times), and that the distance between them is 0 (let’s not think about how that works for now). Now the distance between an object on “one side” of first portal entrance and “the other side” of another portal entrance is even more messed up - I think the shortest path would technically be one that travels from first object to one of the “edges” of the first portal entrance and then from the corresponding edge of the second portal entrance to the second object. Thus the gravitational field around the other portal would look like this (I’ve added eyes to clarify how I’ve linked up portal sides):
The red line once again means that the gravitational field there is undefined.
Whew, it’s complicated, right?
Now, let’s put the second portal close to the first one. Note that I’m assuming here that only the shortest distance to the center of the earth matters.
The two red lines from before now overlap, and there’s another one - there’s no gradient when the distance to the blue portal and to the earth is the same. It’d actually be longer than what I’ve drawn, and some sort of parabola in those areas, but I’m too lazy to do that. Hanging in the middle of that red cross would be a weird feeling - your top half would feel as though you’re hanging upside down, while your bottom half would feel normal, and your arms and legs would be pulled in slightly different directions.
Although, I think that Newtonian definitions of gravity are playing tricks on us here. We should probably try using general relativity instead, but I am too tired to even attempt that right now, and I’d probably fail given that the fields involved there are a lot more complicated.
Maybe conservation of energy is wrong.
Maybe entering the portal takes as much energy as it would take to climb the long way? If the other end is on the moon you have to enter at 10km/s or something else you fall right back out. Warning: I am not responsible for damage caused by extreme tidal forces.
The trick would be finding the tallest vertical line of sight you can. Just making portable plates and flying one would be hard to beat, but failing that maybe a mineshaft.
Does it fire through water in the game?
No. The only water in the game is toxic (i.e. you die if you fall in) and you can’t fire the gun through it.
There are no bodies of water but you can shoot through a falling stream of it.
I mean, genuinely, this would be infinite energy. I was thinking of somehow using magnets and induction to generate power, but it would be excessively high frequency and would be antithetical to multi-phase power.
that looks just like me lol
See, I don’t think water is the way to do it. I think you do it with a massive lead pole with teeth to lock into a gear.
Fully contained, no spillage
Part of me is thinking: “But doesn’t the water slow down each time it comes into contact with the cog?”
And the answer is the yes, but the answer is also, “it begins to accelerate again right after it falls off the cog.”
And yet it’s still fucking with me, and somehow I’m imagining water getting slower and slower and less energetic each time, as if gravity itself is being weakened
How fast would this suck up all of our atmosphere? Hours? Days?
Probably years, if not more. XKCD’s “What If?” has a nice explanation on a similar question, but in that case it was a portal at the bottom of the mariana trench and the question was about draining the oceans. The answer is that you probably wouldn’t notice in all your lifetime.
I remember that video, but I‘m not sure it is comparable — air might flow faster than water [citation needed] and there might be less of it [citation needed].
I’m pretty sure there is much more air. At least volume wise. Sphere volume goes up by radius cubed.
there’s more water than air (mass-wise).
Above you, atmosphere scale height is 8 km, with a density of 1.25 kg / m³.
That makes 10^4 kg of air above your head per m² surface area.
To get the same mass of water per surface area, it would only have to be about 10 m deep. But the ocean is kilometers deep in most places.
Unless the pressure differential causes it to escape the moons gravity well it would probably stabilize at some point before dumping the whole atmosphere, right?
Pretty sure the game theorists channel on youtube did that one several years back. It’s been a minute since I watched it but a search should pull it for you.
This one? It more addresses survivability in space, but unfortunately not the „drain earth of its atmosphere“ thing. Then again, in game the portal was closed quickly again.
Easy solution for that, you fire the earth portal on a wall inside some sort of specially constructed airlock.
That hard part would be getting the moon portal in a useful place, you’d probably need to go up there and find a good solid cliff face or something. On the plus side having done that you could be home again in a few seconds.
As long as I’m the first one through, the rest is set dressing.
One at the white house, one at the sun.
Be carefully secret service is now on to you. Maybe add /s so they know you’re joking and not intending any harm to dumb animals there
He meant to say “In portal”
I’m going to be really sad when I fire my first shot from my single use portal gun only to find out the surface needed to be coated with moon dust.
I’ve always wanted to fuck my own ass.
Won’t work, as you thrust your ass will pull away. Only way I could think of is having the portals on platforms that would move with you.
I appreciate your in depth analysis of this situation.
Uhh huh huh… you said depth.
Or potentially, you could just move one of the portals relative to the other.
Maybe it would just double the friction.
fuck it up and waste the first shot on a non-portal supporting surface
Like, I can only shoot two portals ever? Single-use would imply only being able to shoot one portal, but that doesn’t seem very useful.
Also wasn’t portal travel hella toxic? To the point that it killed Cave Johnson? I sure as hell won’t be using it to save time on my commute or anything.
I think I’d have to use it for violence, like sending a war criminal off a large building, but you couldn’t even really have fun with it. Everyone fantasizes about launching a billionaire straight into space, but you’d need multiple portals to get them into a situation where they’re building momentum first.
Also, if there’s no material emancipation grids, are the portals just there forever? The portal gun doesn’t have an off switch or a way to deactivate existing portals.
Portal travel isn’t toxic. However, ground up moon rocks, which are an almost perfect portal conductor, are very bad for you.
“The bean counters told me we literally didn’t have $7 to buy moon rocks with, let alone $70 million. Bought 'em anyway! Ground them up, mixed them into a gel. And guess what? Ground up moon rocks are pure poison!”
I’m deathly ill.
The dust is actually really sharp irl, afaik. It never has been ground down by weather or wind. So it actually is terrible for equipment and people, lol.
Like the silica storms on mars?
Or am I just misremembering from a sci-fi movie?
I would presume not since a storm would actually weather them down. The dust on the moon is like if sand was actually shards of glass.
I didn’t think it was portal travel that killed him, it was breathing in the moon dust
Put the other portal in a geostationary space station: free access to orbit.
The single most (energy) expensive thing humans do is put things in orbit.
Love the idea, but (spoiler for the end of Portal 2) >!isn’t that kind of what Chell did at the end of Portal 2 to defeat GlaDOS? The portal on the Moon causes the portal on Earth to suction everything out into space.!<
The portals would just need to be in a pressure equalizing chamber for that.
Your spoiler tag doesn’t work
Strange. Thanks for the heads up. It looked to be working on my end using the Sync app, but I’ve heard Sync isn’t getting any regular updates anymore. Either Sync broke something, or I did!
Tap for spoiler
That’s how you do spoiler tag
You put it inside a space station… Or out the earth side portal in an airlock.
Chell put it on the surface of the Moon.
Good point! I wonder how hard it would be to get the same pressure as Earth and in the space station?
Same as it takes on the ISS right now :-)
Take advantage of the free energy and build a power plant around it.
“You’re given a money printing machine. What do you do?” “Uh, print some really cool art?”
- But two sheets of plywood
- Portal on each
- ???
- Profit
I would think about buying a house out in the middle of nowhere and link up a closet with one in my house. Free extra square feet in my house.
Realistically, I’d link up my house with a family member’s house that we need to fly to.
Your houses would become an extremely valuable trade route.
Best use would be to get two steel plates or something, of apropriate dimensions for portals and shoot them there. Now I have two portals I can move as I please and where I please
In the game if a wall moved the portal would evaporate.
Except that one room.
In the Valve-developed Sixense Razer Hydra expansion, you could smoothly glide a portal along a wall. Not sure if that makes much of a difference.
Well then I fucked up I guess :D don’t remember this detail
Smartest answer by far.
How thick are the plates? Are they bendable? What happens if you bend one of the portals? What happens if an object goes through a bent portal?
I imagined it being thick enoug to not bend easily. But I guess if it could, either the portal would somehow prevent it or expire
One on my butt, one in the toilet, never need to poop again!
Bonus points if someone finds the toilet 😉
You’re pooping on the oval office’s desk arent you
I mean you would still need to poop. But you wouldn’t have to worry about the time or your situation.
I would contact NASA and tell them to launch a robot to mars that can shoot it. I’d shoot it at the ground, then put it on the robot, then have a portal to mars.
Watching the atmospheres of Earth and Mars try to reach equilibrium right when the portal opened up would be pretty interesting!
If you set one end up in an air-tight room with an airlock, it would be just like a door from a mars station.
For safety’s sake, it might be better to put that on a space station, though. Better to wreck Mars than equalize Earth and Mars.
I’m wondering if the people suggesting it for planetary travel have played Portal 2. It uh…it doesn’t end too well when they try.
Just put a door on it
Why put one on the robot? Am I missing something?
It’d be a waste of time to send a human to mars.
So if the robot shoots the portal on the ground and then itself, what good does a set of portals that are both on Mars do?
You shoot one portal on earth, then attach it to the robot.
Oh you mean the ground here. Lol it makes a lot more sense that way 😂
Just misinterpreted the wording. Carry on.