And where did that bring you?
Back to me.
2500% tarrifa onpotash and electricity
That’s perfect : we keep our dairy and they keep theirs.
He is trying to create uncertainty in the market to crash asset prices, so his class will then acquire them.
Canada’s dairy industry is setup for domestic consumption only providing cartel pricing but good quality. US dairy industry is setup to produce subsidized cheap liquid cancer, that Canada doesn’t want to compete in its markets.
Article gets wrong tariffs on softwood lumber. They were 15% before this week and as of yesterday were 40%. The 15% was originally called anti-dumping measure, but Canada says their trees are just better, and they have a lot of pine. Canada’s counter tariffs were just the same 15% as protest for “unfairness”, but I don’t know if they raised that this week.
Rinse, and repeat. Chaos is the goal. 📉