Really hating all the crap being put into VS code and want a switch.

Im mostly working in C and some Python/Lua and just want to know if I can get parameter hints the same way I do in VS code. It’s a bummer to have to peek at the docs every time I forget what parameters something takes.

I like lightweight programs so Kate is my first thought but if it does t I’ll just go to Kdevelop. Currently using Geany for my really small projects or tests.

Bonus question, if I’m using raylib for game dev, how would those hints work (if at all) in Kate? If Kate is using an LSP for autocompletion, how would that work for a library like Raylib? Sorry I’ve never actually considered this all before now!

Thanks all

    • @SeeFerns@programming.devOP
      28 days ago

      Oh definitely, if Kate doesn’t work or is too much of a pain I’ll probably just use Kdevelop instead. It’s just Kate with extras right? I ask about Kate because I like to use lighter programs as much as possible. My computer isn’t a total powerhouse or anything lol.

  • Max
    9 days ago

    If you install the language server for your language, then you can get hints, including function arguments and types, in Kate.

    See for a list of server

    I’m not familiar with raylib specifically, but generally as long as you have header files (for C) or stubs (for python) you should be able to get completions for library calls.

    But it seems like you already know about LSPs from your comment. So I’m not sure exactly what your question is? Do they work?

    • @SeeFerns@programming.devOP
      18 days ago

      Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.

      I know what an LSP does but I don’t really know how it works so I wasn’t sure if an external library like Raylib would work the same way auto complete and all that would work for a language like C.

      Truthfully I only understand this stuff at a very basic level, ya know? I read a bit on LSPs and was kind of getting more confusion than answers lol.

      Thanks again!

    • Ulfi
      17 days ago

      @Bro666 but at Discuss you won’t receive answers as well 🥴🙃
      At least my last questions wasn’t answered.

      • @Bro666@lemmy.kde.socialM
        16 days ago

        Which question was not answered?

        Also, not to be harsh, but your comment is borderline violating KDE’s CoC. if the volunteers working for free helping out other people do not know the answer to your question, there is not much anybody can do about that 🤷. It does not mean other questions will not be answered.

    8 days ago

    If you still like the workflow of VS Code and just want it without the Microsoft Ai and spyware crap, Then you got Vscodium.

    It’s basically the open-source code of VS Code compiled without the invasive M$ stuff.

    • @SeeFerns@programming.devOP
      27 days ago

      I am familiar with Codium. However I think my brain just wants a total shift away from that environment completely, ya know?

    39 days ago

    i think this is all about configuring the lsp server (e.g. clangd in the case of c), pretty sure you can get it working with kate

  • 56!
    38 days ago

    Kate (and now Kdevelop) support LSPs, so you should get the same autocomplete experience as VS code.

    Note that some LSPs are not what I would call lightweight. You might have a lighter experience using Kdevelop’s python support, rather than an LSP for example (I’ve not tested though). Or research to see if alternate LSPs are available for a language.

    From what I can tell, raylib is just a library? In which case it should work with any autocomplete (Kdevelop or LSP) for whichever language you use.

    Kate includes many default LSP configurations, and links to their download pages in it’s LSP settings. LSPs may also be available in your system’s package manager.

    • @SeeFerns@programming.devOP
      17 days ago

      Thanks for the response, you’re right that raylib autocomplete just works, so no issues there.

      Both Kdevelop and Kate actually worked pretty well but I think I am going to end up using Geany for everything lol. I got autocomplete and call tips working with tags and since I’m already familiar with it, it feels comfy.

      Not to mention it’s extremely lightweight. I’m leaving Kate setup on my machine as well for cases where I need those more robust options though. So thank you!

    19 days ago

    Sorry I’m not a dev and can’t answer your questions, just got curious: you’re asking how things like autocompletion would work with Raylib. What’s Raylib, and why would it need something special and not work the same way everything else works?

    I don’t do development but I still like coding in Python and like to know about development.

    • @SeeFerns@programming.devOP
      38 days ago

      Raylib is a library for making games. Just a framework.

      The reason I ask is because I know what an LSP does but I don’t know how it does it, ya know? I’m not really familiar with how autocomplete and parameter hints work, so would it work the same way a language like C’s autocomplete and parameter hints work or does it just work the same way.

      Does that make sense? I tried looking for some answers and was just a bit confused, so I asked here instead.