If those Americans could read they’d be very upset.
I’d take offense if I could; but you’re right… I think… idk, I can’t think. I’m not upset, you’re upset!
What’s an up set?
Nothing, what’s an up set with you?
This line could’ve come out of Gob’s mouth
I just use
30°C is hot, 20°C is nice 10°C is cold, 0°C is ice.
Obviously that won’t apply everywhere, but in milder climates it works pretty good.
And 40°C is the melting point of the human brain.
Which goes some way towards explaining some of the decisions happening in Florida, Texas and Arizona during their ridiculously hot summers…
I understand and appreciate your joke, but is it really? And I imagine that the bones and skin would melt first, right? Idk. I’ve never considered that someone could melt from the inside.
Not literally, no, but it can be very difficult to concentrate on anything else when you’re suffering under immense heat and a lack of concentration can lead to a figurative brain meltdown.
That being said, the brain is mostly fluid, fat and electric connections so it would DEFINITELY melt long before your bones.
Would have to be around 50-60°C for the 60% of it that’s fat to hypothetically melt if exposed directly to the heat rather than protected by the skull and cooled down by the blood, but that’s nothing compared to the 1670°C melting point of human bones.
Btw, I hope you’re happy with this reply since my Google search history looks rather grisly now 😂
Thank you kindly for your research! 😁
You’re very welcome 😁
Well, looks like, we have to test that. Any volunteers?
and 30C° is a typo
40 is dying 50 is dead
I guess, I am dying.
I’ve been dead a few times this summer.
What would you then call sauna temperatures which range between 80 to 120?
What’re ye units? Can’t know what ye measure unless ye specify! 🦜
It’s the best way to think about it because if you’re always doing the calculation in your head you still always think in Fahrenheit first. Just get the feeling for Celcius instead of trying to shoehorn a worse system in (as a user of said worse system myself).
All those are still shorts weather.
And it’s always helpful to remember that 40 below is 40 below, in both F and C.
(Whew, ninja edit so I don’t look like an idiot, on Reddit I’d already have six people correcting me)
More like 30° I’m melted into the pavement, 20° warm but good, 10° is near perfect, 0° starts getting cols, -10° put on a jacket, -20° and below put on a good jacket.
That doesn’t rhyme for shit, man. Ha :)
I’m going to try and add some flair to your post
I don’t know how I didn’t realize yours rhymed, whoops I feel dumb
Don’t feel dumb man, trying to make yours rhyme is fun actually. I like that you added other temps. That’s how I learned it in America as a kid and remembered it, because it rhymes.
100°C is steam
Your reply didn’t rhyme, try again next time. 😆
“30°C is hot” - laughs in Texan
Texas is Hell though. Anyone who’s been there understands this. From the heat to the guns to the people, it’s far and away the least desirable or interesting place I’ve been to. Austin wasn’t terrible though.
Austin is the common “island of sanity” that happens with American cities. Is it enough to say in Texas… Not for me.
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Don’t Texans just stay in air-conditioned buildings and vehicles all the time? I just saw a YouTube video where a guy in Texas was complaining that his air conditioning setup wouldn’t get the temperature below 76°F, which I found odd since I set the thermostat on my AC to 26°C (which is nearly 79°F.)
Yeah that’s absolutely a thing all over warm weather states in America. It drives me crazy that I try to acclimate to the higher heat and just end up inside with 68° air conditioner settings. Absolutely freezing my ass off. But the reality is that is more middle/ upper class living. If you’re doing manual labor or living in poverty, you know what the heat is actually like.
Spot on
What’s -10°C then?
Colder, like the shoulder I’m giving you. 😆
Cause you didn’t rhyme! Give it a try sometime! 😆
It doesn’t fit into the rhyme, but -10°C is the point where just wearing a coat isn’t enough. You need to either start limiting the time you spend outside or put some serious thought into the protective clothing you wear beyond just throwing a coat on as you go out the door.
I had a water bottle in my car when it was around -11 °C, and when I tried to drink it, the supercooled water instantly froze solid, which was startling, but hardly surprising.
For the other Americans that came into the thread hoping to see a conversion:
- 10c = 50f
- 30c = 86f
Edit: I’d like to note that 10c is a very reasonable temperature for shorts. I’m a Minnesotan (basically Canada lite (please annex us)), people start raising eyebrows at around 0C
F = C * 1.8 + 32
Just want to leave this here
Oh come on. Now you expect us to learn math too??
And if you want to do the math fast and just get close enough, you can just do “double it and add 30”.
its true, legs are immune to cold. shorts and a jacket is a reasonable outfit
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0C? Fellow Minnesotan here and I’ve definitely seen plent of people wearing shorts at temps below -5C. But I’m also in a college town so that may change things.
I once amusedly watched girls sunbathe in bikinis at St. Lawrence University with patches of snow nearby in, I think March.
Conversely, I personally wore shorts and a tee one fine vacation in Florida around Christmas. It was 60f, and everybody was running around in jackets looking like they were in Chicago in January.
Lmao, that brings back memories of going to open gym in high school while wearing basketball shorts in -40 with my winter jacket on
The quick conversation I use is take off 30 and half the rest to go F to C or double it and add 30 to go C to F.
20C doubled is 40 and add 30. 70F
80F take off 30 is 50. Half that is 25. 25C
It’s not completely accurate but close enough for conversation purposes.
I learned during the polar vortices that when it’s -40 out it’s the same in both Celsius and Fahrenheit
Yeh 0C was exactly what I thought and then you mentioned it.
Paraphrasing an old meme:
Fahrenheit - how hot humans feel
Celsius - how hot water feels
Kelvin - how hot atoms feelWhat about Rankine?
Pretentious freedom-loving atoms
How measuring devices see it:
| Celsius | How hot humans feel | | Fahrenheit | Measure Celsius and do a calculation | | Kelvin | Measure Celsius and do a calculation |
Clearly, Celsius is superior here
C° or °C bud?
Jokes on you. I’m an american who works with scientific equipment so I mainly work in Celsius. Also live in Minnesota so we get the best of both worlds. Last winter hit almost -30C at times meanwhile tomorrow has a high of 39C with almost 70% humidity.
I was going to make the joke that Minnesotan kids definitely know what -40°C is.
I moved up here from Florida to get out of this kind of heat and humidity. Thanks Minnesota. This is miserable.
Minnesota is just lower Manitoba, you get the same insane 80c temperature variance
Lower Manitoba 😂 so that makes Saskatchewan into Northest Dakota and the Okanagan is Upper California?
Correct! America is just Canada’s pantalons
I love the annual tradition of people posting youtube videos in which someone throws a bucket of water and it instantly turns to snow.
It’s going to hit 39 tomorrow? Gotdamn my wallet isn’t going to like the upcoming electric bill
Yup. At least in my area. It’s not going to be pretty. Hell I’m outside right now and it’s over 30C at nearly midnight. I walked out the door and felt like I stepped into a sauna.
Americans know about °C, but what the hell is C°?
I prefer free health care units
Most kids don’t get degrees.
I certainly know what degrees Celsius are, but I have no idea what Celsius degrees are supposed to be.
I thought that was the point Americans allegedly wouldn’t understand. Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed the error in a meme trying to make another culture looks like idiots.
Annotation? Idk, I can’t read as is
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Why does the US live rent free in so many European’s heads all the time?
Because each time we look for some English content, they use some dumb fantasy metrics based on the size fo the feet of a king for some reason, and we need to look up a converter to change it to a metric used in 195 different countries.
You mean x football fields.
Coincidentally both “football fields” are pretty close in length.
1 yard is about a meter. 3 feet in a yard. Just divide by 3 and that’s good enough for 99% of cases.
I think you meant Americans can multiply metres by three, instead of 195 countries accommodating to just them
I measure in freedom units brother!
Also how did feet/metric get brought up, that’s not even remotely relevant, tf lol.
It’s really not hard to convert.
Then why don’t you Just switch
Because it’s a massive waste of money for little to no benefit, and barely actually comes up because unit conversion is trivial and is done constantly regardless of overall unit system.
Armchair unit system fanatics make it out to be such a bigger deal than it is. Whether im working in metric or standard I’m doing several to several dozen dimensional analyses anyway, normally with industry specific units. Which again, exist in both standard and si.
If you grow up in the US, you learn both systems and you’re able to convert between them. It’s easy.
2.2 pounds to the kg
1 inch is 25.4 mm
A gallon is 3.8 liters
But it’s fun watching supposedly intelligent people from other countries who reeeeeee when seeing imperial units.
? i don’t know about you, but multiplying 19" times 25.4 isnt something easy at all to do quickly in your head. Also, not to mention the best example: when i have to convert cm to m I move the comma
when I have to convert from cm to freedom units: -Divide the height in centimeters by 30.48 and write down the whole number as feet
-Multiply the decimal part of the above division by 12
-Round the result of the multiplication to the nearest whole number and write it down as inches
like, really? you have to use two different units added together for one thing? How is that easy?
when i have to convert cm to m I move the comma
I feel the real war we need to fight over is whether the decimal point or the decimal comma is the one true decimal separator.
Yea confuses me every time
Freedom units… Oh, you mean imperial? As in, Britain? Yeah, we’re just using their old system and haven’t bothered to change unless there’s a practical necessity.
The British still gladly mix both systems inconsistently. They measure themselves in stones & buy cars based on liter per mile fuel efficiency.
Which is exactly why we had to kick them out of the EU. This is obviously a joke. They went because their politicians are incompetent liars.
How is it hard? Aren’t people in the rest of the world much better educated than people in the US?
You’d think so until you listen to them talk
I didn’t know Canada and Australia were in Europe
That’s American geography
They aren’t, which makes this meme even funnier because in my experience Canadians and Aussies are pretty likely to understand both systems and wouldn’t have a problem identifying either.
I’d put money on this having been made by a European.
Australian here. Celsius is all we use here really. I’d have to convert to Celsius to understand Fahrenheit units.
As a Canadian myself, it really depends. Most of us only understand farenheit in certain contexts. Some of us can understand it for weather but I think that’s mostly older generations. I use farenheit for oven and pool temperature only. In every other context, it is meaningless to me.
The crossover is so fascinating to me.
Like you just nonchalantly use it for pools and ovens and nothing else. Kind of like we use liters randomly for certain soda bottles and basically nothing else.
Oh I know! It’s so weird. Ovens are probably because we get ours from the US, but why we do pool temperature in farenheit is a mystery to me.
People are definitely strange creatures lol
I love that the meme is about Canada, Australia, and the US(ish), yet it’s the Europeans that get called out by this guy. Who’s living rent free in whose head? ;)
Am I wrong lol
I’d assume because the internet is 90% catered to american’s.
Fuck it, it’s 8 o’clock and 28°C with 60% already. We are not used to this shit here.
The trick is to move up north
What when there is no north anymore?!
There are two options,
go to the north enough that you’ll end up in the south.
Stay where you are and hope for a pole shift and then move to the new north.
That’s when you open up a portal to Cittàgazze.
The global north is heading up significantly faster tho
Try 38° at 9am. I reckon, i live in the Sahara desert but australia is just a huge desert too.
Here’s a rough C° primer for Americans
0° or below, fucking cold
1° - 10° cold
11° - 20° cool
21° - 30° warm
31° - 40° hot
41° or above - Jesus Christ I’m on fire!
As for Fahrenheit for the rest of the world, on a scale from 0 to 100, how hot is it? Assume anything below zero is really fucking cold, and anything above 100 is really fucking hot.
-10° - -1° very cold
0° Water freezes
1° - 5° Cold
6° - 10° cool
11° - 16° warm
17° - 25° hot
26° - 30 very hot
Found the Canadian
26 very hot? It was 25 the other day in winter here. (Melbourne)
Yup. Where I live we have seen down to -20F (during that time texas almost lost their power grid) and up to 115F.
Its currently 110F. Aka, hot.
Or, -28c to 46C. Currently 43C. And 40% humidity. Feels horrible.
I was in Dubai earlier this year and the heat index was 53⁰C. Felt like I was being baked alive.
I get metric for everything else, but °F is the better system for everyday/non scientific use. I will die on this hill.
That’s because Fahrenheit is % of hot, based on what we feel. Therefore, °F is better for everyday use.
The one you use is the better system. I want to know whether I should bring a sweater. The system is arbitrary.
In what way is 0F helpful at all?
That’s when we feel 0% hot.
Kelvin gang
bursts into flames
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I don’t know if they stopped, but American kids at least used to be taught both Celsius and Fahrenheit. At least in some parts anyway. I was taught both as a kid, with my school largely banning the use of Fahrenheit by staff on campus even, for instance.