Let’s be honest, the rankings of gnome-look are weird at best and there is no good resource to gauge what icons / cursors / themes people like to use in their everyday DE.
So please share what icon-pack / cursor theme / GTK|QT theme you use, and why.
I use the default breeze light on plasma. Most themes are broken or just too much. Breeze is great
Icon theme : Papirus
Shell and GTK theme : Yaru Dark ( the ubuntu darkmode one )
For cursors, i use the default Adwaita. Even though i shifted from ubuntu to arch 7 years ago, i always liked the orangish theme of ubuntu.
I miss when Ubuntu was brown.
I used to be really into theming. But now, the default Breeze and Adwaita look good enough that I haven’t bothered wanting to change them in a couple years.
That and thmes always appeared to be some degree of “broken” that I just don’t bother anymore.
I do always change the cursor to the black Adwaita one, even on KDE. It just feels right to me.
When I did still use themes, Numix, Arc Dark, and whatever “flat” themes that I could find were my favorites.
Adapta-gtk with Papirus icons, because i like clear lines and less optical clutter.
I would like Materia too, but that goes actively against my choice to have some transparency in Whiskermenu.
I used the Sweet-KDE color scheme for years on KDE Plasma, but recently I’ve been converting everything to Catppuccin Macchiato. Default icons and cursors.
Icon theme : Papirus Theme: Catppuccin Macchiato Cursor: Catppuccin Dark
As you can see I enjoy the catppuccin colorscheme for its variety.
- Papirus Icon Theme (Dark)
- Bibata Cursor theme (Modern Ice)
- Materia GTK Theme (Dark-compact)
I use bibata modern cursor + papirus icon theme
I’m using EndeavourOS XFCE, but with two things on top:
- Nightfox Dusk BL GTK theme
- Tela Purple Dark icon theme
I think these two work really well together
Buuf cursor https://store.kde.org/p/1249129/ because I like a cursor that is good looking and easy to see (unlike the default camouflaged dark cursor) and it fits with Buuf icons https://store.kde.org/p/1305826/
I’m using a dark Kvantum theme that I customized with dark red highlights.
That almost makes me want to try KDE again.
KDE Plasma 5
- Global theme: Win7OS
- App style: Oxygen
- GTK theme: Windows10
- Colours: Win7OS
- Window Decorations: Expose Air
- Fixed font: MesloLGS Nerd Font 10pt
- Icons: Windows 7 Ultimate 7600
Good standard layout. None of that panel on the left nonsense.
Numix icon theme Catppuccin for GTK Apple Cursor
I’m kind of rocking my own colourscheme, based around 4 colours: #467b96 as primary, #889fa7 as secondary, #dfdfdf for white, and a mix of #696969 #282c34 and #343434 for shades of gray and black, with #282c34 being the primary background colour I stick with. I also use some shades of my primary and secondary colours from time to time. It looks really good with the Arc-Darkest GTK theme and Sardi-Flat-Arc as an icon theme. Alternatively, I’ve looked into papirus with blue as a folder colour, but I prefer Sardi-Flat-Arc.
Edit: Most other colours come from either the doom-one colourscheme or from the terminal colourscheme for Alacritty from ArcoLinux.
De: KDE Plasma Theme: Breeze AlphaBlack Cursors: BreezeX Black
I use Plasma with Breeze Dark theme and icons and adwaita cursors. Boring but works for me.