For the record I don’t believe in the supernatural but I love hearing others people’s stories and believe that most people aren’t lying.
I’ve personally had a few experiences that I cannot explain and that, in the moment, were quite scary.
What’s your paranormal experience?
A friend and I were walking home at night alongside a forest. When in the trees we both spot a lady in a white nightgown just standing there looking toward the road.
It was an urban legend in our community that the white lady would frequent the woods and steal kids. So we were properly freaked out and ran home as fast as humanly possible.
It’s not quite paranormal, but it was at least back then when I was a child very scary for me:
When I was a catholic 9 years old boy lying in my bed and thinking about what the priest has been talking about in church the other day I didn’t feel anxious about the idea of being in hell and burning there but instead a different part of the threat frightened me much more, staying there for eternity.
I was so afraid of the thought of an eternity that not even the prospect of spending eternity in heaven was anything I could look forward too, it didn’t seem really much better then a eternity in hell, and actually still doesn’t.
9 year old you:
This terrified me as a child too
I was riding my moped on a dark gravel road back home with my buddy and as I make a left turn, I can see in my headlights someone doing jumping jacks on the middle of the road ahead. I pull aside thinking what the hell did I just see as my friend who was following me pulls next to me, lifts up his visor and is like ‘did you fucking see that?!’ We immediately go back to inspect and there’s no sign of anyone anywhere.
My mom got me this “protection” charm from a woo-ass lady at a farmer’s market once. It was cool looking, so I wore it on a tight necklace that couldn’t slip over my head, and I never took it off.
A couple years later, I was in a nasty rollover car accident that could easily have killed me. I walked away only mildly banged up. I realized later that day that the necklace was gone. I scoured the car and even went to the crash site looking for it. Never saw the thing again.
It only had one charge. You have to pay extra for the version that replenishes 1d4 charges at dawn each day.
The house I grew up in was definitely cursed. Nobody had ever died there as far as I know but when they built this house in the late seventies weird things started happening.
This is not a joke, they built the house they got it 75% completed and a tornado came through and tore it down.
So the builders got the insurance money and rebuilt it. And mysteriously it burned to the ground one day when it was 80% completed.
So the insurance people got the money and built it again and finished the house and a tornado came back through and tore it to the ground again.
And they got the insurance money for the third time and built the house for the fourth time and for the fourth time it stayed up.
My mom was not the first owner of the house she was the second owner, she had bought it after it was 10 years old or so.
A few years later my sister reported waking up seeing a brown haired woman all in white holding her feet down to the bed and just crying and crying and crying.
As far as me, the only thing that I ever noticed was one day I was in the basement doing laundry and I noticed a full grown man wearing a hat and a full fucking trench coat walk around behind the air conditioning unit and I freaked the fuck out ran after them yelling, “what the hell are you doing oh my fucking god” and they just dis a fucking peared.
But aside from these relatively innocuous weird events nothing really crazy or bad ever happened and it was just a sad but normal home to grow up in.
A raccoon ran straight into my window at midnight, that was spooky as fuck
I read that as “inside” not “into” lol. That’d be terrifying and inconvenient
One time I was on a road trip with some friends. One of my friend’s grandparents owned a small farm in northern Iowa. We stopped there for the night to take a break and rest up. At one point in the night I heard a spooky howling sound that woke me up. I looked out the window and the sky was glowing green and had a magical spookiness about it. I went outside to stare at it and came to the realization that the howling was wind moving between the grain silos and the sky was green because of solar wind interacting with the Earth’s magnetosphere. But there was a moment when I thought I was on a haunted farm
Nobody ever told you that you had a closer encounter with a tornado?
Look up the descriptions of what it’s like right before one:
- The light is green
- There’s a lot of wind
- You’re in rural fucking Iowa.
Tornado, man. They’re creepy AND destructive.
Aurora Borealis and the “green” sky before a tornado are not something you’d mix up
Yeah it was definitely aurora because there weren’t many clouds, it was a pretty clear night, just windy
Like this? Tornado Borealis
aurora borealis? more like aurora BORINGALIS where’s the tornadoes? the destruction?
The words OP used were, “the sky was glowing green.” Doesn’t that impy a green sky and not an Aurora?
Also, aurora are uncommon to witness that far South. All things considered, my money would still be on “tornado.”
What color do you think the aurora is?
I don’t really remember it at the time, but recall stories from my family.
We were staying in a château in France. It was me, my brother, my mom and dad, my auntie and my grandparents.
The château was basically like a small old dilapidated mansion with central heating and a couple rugs here and there to keep it livable. Pretty cool experience at the time :D
Got a couple stories. Bit mild but still spooky to think about.
One from my aunt. She was staying in a bedroom that had a framed painting of a child at the foot of her bed and a desk with a chair in the corner. Apparently, she woke up in the middle of the night and saw a figure of a child sitting in the desk chair. When she tried turning a bedside lamp on, I think right as she reached for it, she saw the figure turn around, but when the light was on it wasn’t in the room. She kept the bedside lamp on for the rest of the nights we stayed there, understandably >~<
Another one from my mother. needs some context, me and my brother were young enough at the time that we still needed help going to the toilet and stuff. According to my mother, she was helping my brother go to the toilet and waiting outside of the bathroom in the middle of the night, then heard footsteps behind her running across the hall. She turned around and saw a small figure, thought it was me and didn’t think anything of it. But when she got back to my and my brother’s room, I was completely asleep. I never got up in the nights we stayed there from what I remember. Maybe it was me sleepwalking or something. or maybe related to the thing with my aunt.
scary stuff to think about, but pretty mild stuff overall :D
I was walking around a computer centre, comparing prices of games. There was one store with a really low price, so I marked down the name and kept comparing.
After all the comparisons, that store was still the lowest, so I was planning to head back to it. I walked through the entire centre 3 times and couldn’t find it.
I asked the staff at the information counter. She said, “this store you’re looking for doesn’t exist”.
I have a few explanations for this. If you don’t want to ruin the fun, don’t read the following.
!The store was so small that I walked past it multiple times without noticing.!<
!I actually got the name wrong, so the staff said it doesn’t exist.!<
!The staff was getting minimum pay and had no responsibility to guide me correctly.!<
I love your spooky story!! That would freak me out
I get premonitions 5-10s to the future about 1-3 times a year. Totally random, totally useless.
Been writing it off as a some kind of memory glitch, similar to deja vu.
I have this happen too. It was more often when I was younger. One time I was sitting in class and one of those moments hit. I said to myself that kid over there is going to ask a specific question. About 10 seconds later the kid raised their hand and asked the question word for word. Weirdest sensation I’ve probably felt my whole life.
Yes. Now that you mentioned, it was more common when I was young.
It’s less like “having a vision” and more like suddenly remembering the future.
Deja vu. I get it as well, especially as a kid.
One time I got the tingles before winning a brand new PS2. I don’t know how I knew but I knew.
I’m both a total skeptic who likes to debunk everything possible and also a firm believer that there are just some weird things in this world. I’ve had a bunch of odd experiences, this one is honestly one of the least creepiest but it’s weird because it happened in broad daylight when my brain was fully turned on, focused, and not in a state that you’d think I’d “make up” something.
So anyway, back when I was an EMT on the ambulance, my partner and I got dispatched to respond to assist state police who were already on scene for a call. The address we were dispatched to was kind of a rural road, and there was a small cluster of houses, a business with a couple outbuildings, and a parking lot for the business in between. Dispatch told us ahead of time that the call was in the houses but per the state police we were supposed to come into the parking lot where they were parked.
My partner is driving, I’m in the passenger seat navigating. It’s the middle of the day, broad daylight, and I wasn’t tired or stressed or anything. We get on scene and my partner pulls the ambulance into the parking lot and we’re both looking around to see where the police are. I catch movement from the outbuildings of the business and very distinctly see the face, upper torso, and right arm of a dark haired man in a dark blue long sleeved shirt casually lean out from between two of the outbuildings of the business, make eye contact with me, and wave his arm in the universal “over here” gesture before leaning back out of sight. I remember saying to my partner “hey, they’re over there, that’s weird, they were supposed to be at the houses not at the business, but whatever” just as a few things happened simultaneously. First, we both realized that the police cruisers were parked on the other side of the parking lot by the houses where they said they’d be, second, it hits me that state police in that state don’t wear dark blue, and third my partner pulled the ambulance to where I had seen the man wave and we both realized that no one was there. There was no possible way anyone could have disappeared that fast as the time from me seeing him to us pulling up was seconds and the outbuildings he had been between were both long with no doors or windows to enter and there was nothing on the ground between them that someone could have ducked under or behind.
I was like ok, well that’s really odd because I definitely saw someone but anyway there’s no one there now so let’s proceed down to where the police actually are. My partner was weirded out and asked if I was feeling ok or seeing things and I had no idea what to say except that I was fine and had no explanation. That was years ago and I still think back to that and wonder wtf I saw because most spooky experiences you hear about are at night or in a creepy location but this was neither of those.
I could fill an ama with stuff I’ve experienced.
The first time I ever experienced something was when I was 5 or 6. I was playing on the floor of my bedroom with my door closed. All of a sudden I felt a sensation like putting your hand on an old crt monitor or tube TV, but all over my body. Then I heard my door knob rattle, I looked up to see it turn and the door open, but no one was there. I even got up to look and everyone was on the otherside of the house.
I’m somewhere between a skeptic and a believer. I’m happy to accept that there may be something to the paranormal. Magic is just science we don’t understand, etc. I also know plenty of people who are dead serious about their experiences, and I’ve also had some. Most I can find a way to explain. Especially when I knew there might be a haunting ahead of time. But there are two instances where I did not have knowledge beforehand, yet the experiences matched up very closely.
The university I went to has a number of hauntings and paranormal stories. I did not learn about these or any details until after I graduated and I was setting up a Monster of the Week RPG for my friends who also went to the university and I was making for source material.
I quickly realized that the man who I often saw hanging out on the balcony of the “old main” building when walking around campus late at night/early morning was, in fact, a known haunting. Same description. Everything. I remember thinking it was weird at the time, especially since the building was being renovated, but it also wasn’t entirely closed off to the public. A classic situation of a ghost you notice, but when you look back they are gone.
There was also a more paranormal haunting in another building. Apparently a student was dumped in a ditch in the early 30s and not found, but then when they built the building in the 60s they found bones and figured it had to be that particular cold case based on some other material found. We would often use that building after football games to watch the halftime show (marching band) and do some post-game wrap up. University football game, so we’d be in that space around 11pm to midnight or later depending on the game length. There was one time a bunch of us were taking our time packing up and chatting and we were down a hallway a bit further away from the majority of people. Everyone else had pretty much left and, even the faculty had locked up thinking no one else was left. Just the always-on emergency/safety lighting. Then it just felt… awful. Unwelcome, not a good place to be, the mental image of “get out”. And we all wordlessly just got up and started heading out. The way you might all as a friend group collectively decide “well, time to bounce”, but without any of the semi-ritualisric awkward conversarion cues or learned signals. Once we were away and took a moment to think about what happened, we all felt very uncomfortable and it felt almost like we were compelled to leave. Learned later that it was similar to other reports of the building.
Then it just felt… awful. Unwelcome, not a good place to be, the mental image of “get out”
A “feeling of dread” is a known symptom of exposure to carbon monoxide.
I lived in an old broken down farm house growing up. I saw some weird things, such as an old knife-lady. However, I was a child, and therefore retarded. I’m just an idiot.
My daddy says he saw her too, but he was probably just messing with me
I’m the last person to believe in anything paranormal, but I’ve still got a story that one could have interpreted in that way if one was so inclined.
Age 12, lying in bed thinking about how great everything was, starting to get to a point of realising not everything was going to last forever and things sometimes change. Said to myself “I hope nothing will ever change”, had an overwhelming sense to look through my window. Saw a massive shooting star. Next day my parents announced we were moving to a different country.