for speedtest, fast.com is pretty great as it’s a pretty lightweight page and uses netflix’s servers which mean it’s not really possible for ISPs to game it
for speedtest, fast.com is pretty great as it’s a pretty lightweight page and uses netflix’s servers which mean it’s not really possible for ISPs to game it
All of space is moving, you need to fix a reference point, there’s nothing to stop you making it earth
Websites have false positives all the time and while it sucks, it’s infeasible for them to have human reviewers checking everything and it’s better to have false positives than false negatives… What isn’t acceptable is that the appeals process uses the exact same models as the flagging process so it gets the exact same false positives and false negatives…
Pic related as it was one of the first to reveal how broken the appeals process in most social media platforms was.
if any of these startups succeed, my condolences to the engineers who get hired afterwards and are stuck bugfixing
This is any successful startup - you don’t succeed by making a perfect product, you succeed by making a buggy mess that’s enough to convince both investors and more importantly customers that there’s potential… That means you need to rebuild from scratch in years 2-4 anyway, so frankly for the engineers who are coming in then, there’s little to no difference
I was under the impression it was the intersection of the venn diagram of communists and imperialists, as long as imperialist means imperialist and not just “western and capitalist”
Hops are highly sensitive to the soil acidity and minerals in terms of the compounds the plants produce, so sharing plants is largely infeasible, plus because it’s the US many of them are trademarked so there’s no sharing for that reason
I get it’s a big jump, but I’ve been clear I’m restricting it to the most popular types of beer and explained why US bred and grown hops had the good fortune to be the most aromatic disease resistant hops, so I still don’t think it’s unreasonable
Again, none of this applies for styles beyond 3-7% golden beer fermented with yeast only, and even then there’s a few exceptions for certain styles where the aromatics are different (eg bitter, which is less about the aromatic hops and more about the earthy notes of the bittering hops), but for the most popular lagers and pale ales I think it holds
So there’s obviously a split between objective fact and opinion and conjecture, but:
So essentially, the US has just got very lucky when it comes to hop production with good soils and disease resistance, while German beermaking was set back leading other styles to become and remain popular, such as very lightly hopped wheat beers, sour beers where the acidity comes from the fermentation instead of hops, and more recently Belgian style beers that are stronger abv so the stronger alcohol taste substitutes for some of the strength of the hops
There probably are also studies, but they tend to look into mechanisms/variations whereas this is more of a series of coinciding factors which don’t really need much research to make sense
That’s why I said average at best - average beer is going to taste way better than bad beer and also perfectly acceptable, I don’t mean it in a negative way, just that in the standard 3-7% golden beer fermented with only yeast category, Cascadian & New Zealand hops provide the best and widest array of tastes regardless of what you’re after, as that’s where the soil is best and where the breeding is generally done
If you’re drinking beer from hops that aren’t from the US (or New Zealand but that’s a way smaller market) then there’s a very good chance your beer is average at best (unless it’s a stout, wheat beer, bitter, sour etc. rather than a lager or pale ale, but those two are most likely)
Thanks for proving my point that you reject even being offered evidence because you don’t want to see something that challenges your worldview.
I could’ve spent time compiling a list, but you’d either ignore it or say it’s a biased source because it’s non-chinese or something.
The issue is, genocide deniers are very keen to dispute any readily available facts - Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, Holodomor, etc deniers, along with flat earthers and other far-fetched conspiracy believers are willing to reject swathes of evidence and released documents that show intent and execution; I could link you interviews with Uyghurs saying they were forceably steralised or reeducayed from respected sources (and am happy to) but it seems like you’ve already made your mind up so will just be selectively blind when reading them
Israel are showing us what genocide actually looks like
There’s levels of genocide - Uyghur is definitely one, Israel on Palestine is one, so was US on First Nations, then you’ve got the ones previously in the Balkans, Rwanda and the Caucasus which make all of those look like child’s play
That or Methamphetamine mainly, most likely
I’d wager the same one who put all their energy into the the big bang then has just had the worst hangover ever since
if you’re British, maps.nls.uk is fascinating for seeing places evolve over time
I mean immediately sure but in reality he was just an early al-qaeda prototype trying to spread his religion by blowing people up
Exactly, money card trumps everything, with fame card and class card a close second and third; race is unfortunately still powerful but you really think Obama or Oprah are getting trumped in much of anything by a white family from detroit who are living below the poverty line?
Also you can actually see the stars and can hold a regular sleep schedule unlike in summer where it never actually gets beyond twilight
A lot of people here are saying it’s cheaper to run in person…
For purely theoretical degrees, that’s not true: having to maintain a campus is way more expensive than just doing things remotely, but for more vocational degrees it definitely is: imagine having to send a fume hood or injection moulder or oscilloscope out to every student as well as chase up getting it returned, along with shipping any hazardous materials like batteries, acid, biological samples etc. out, and verifying that people are actually handling those correctly?..
For science, medical and engineering degrees, online tuition is just going to produce people vastly underprepared for work in anything that requires the skills & knowledge the degree is meant to provide you, and as they’re the most expensive programs to run you can subsidise them with the other degrees, but only if they’re treated as comparable, ie being on the same campus.