don’t know or care if reddit does vote manipulation
It does, showing random vote numbers on posts when you refresh.
don’t know or care if reddit does vote manipulation
It does, showing random vote numbers on posts when you refresh.
It’s a rarely used British English version.
Horse hospital what?
No, it doesn’t, it says there needs to be more research.
there is some evidence of benefits, particularly arising from guardians’ perceptions of the diets.
It’s based on their perceptions, so no.
Right, it’s saying there isn’t enough research.
Given the lack of large population-based studies, a cautious approach is recommended.
Based on what owners self report.
12% dogs fed vegan diet, based solely on self reporting palatability.
This research and its publication open access was funded by food awareness organisation ProVeg International (https://proveg.com).
Let’s see it.
Do you have proof of that being the case or are you just throwing stuff out there?
That’s not true, all can be. But get a Deck. The V1 dropped in price after the widely available new hack.
The V1 seems weird to spend so much on when the V2 and OLED exist for the same or less money.
Emulating on a Switch is also an odd choice, it’s mainly for pirating current games. For €300 you could find a second hand V1 Deck and emulate Switch games instead.
People want to discuss things which they find important. Engaging with posts you don’t care for doesn’t help push it down.
You can disagree and post evidence to the contrary.
The opening is one of the best ever, from one of the best performances ever.
Slightly, rather than the significantly people expect.
Which charities specifically do this kind of stuff?
No, they answered their own question, they are settled and unwilling to discuss. The upvotes on my post show how the consensus is that they are engaging in bad faith. Don’t encourage it.
Mine opened the camera the first time, then emergency call the second time.