• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2024

  • Tax return filings in the US. There are free options provided by the paid companies… So that they can prevent real changes.

    Kinda like pharmaceutical companies when the public demands cheaper prices. The pharmaceutical companies fight back with “what if instead of that we set up some programs that people can use for cheaper medicine! Win win! Then you don’t have to make any real changes that might hurt us?”

    Same with taxes. The accounting software companies and advisors companies said “wait hold on, you don’t need to make taxes simpler and tank our business. Keep them complicated and well offer free alternatives that are just as easy as our paid services that people can pick if they don’t want to pay! Win win!”

    Which obviously I think is a crap solution. However if you are paying for someone to do your taxes you should stop. There are a lot of easy free services out there that make it pretty much effortless. They are just as good as the paid services now.

  • Honestly I’m always a bit shocked when I hear a country has a king. Like obviously I know England has a royal family but when it’s like “the king of Denmark decided-” I’m always thinking “they still have a king? Why do they still have a king? I thought we all decided we weren’t doing that anymore?”

    I guess the best way to explain it is if you heard in the news “a slave revolt in Florida killed three today” your first thought would be “wait… They’re still doing slaves over there? I just assumed we were all done with that”

    Probably a stupid question but have you guys ever considered… Not having royalty? Like I get why England does it, it’s a tourist attraction, Buckingham palace, those guard who don’t move for whatever reason (which honestly is silly because what I want most out of my hired guards is… Moving around and doing guard stuff) but there money in that I’m sure.

    I got to say Denmark sounds beautiful and I’d love to visit sometime. I wouldn’t go by the royal family’s house. Didn’t even know you guys had one.

    You guys could just… You know … Stabbing motion get rid of that dead weight. But I suppose it’s not my business. I should probably just focus on managing my slaves… Some of them learned to read recently so I need to put a stop to that.

    Edit: On the other hand you’re probably one of those countries with like healthcare, no school shootings, and bike lanes. So maybe kings are the way to go.

  • Ami saw the new coat of arms. As a stupid American with no knowledge of your country and history…

    I think it was a good choice even if this didn’t happen.

    Again, I have no idea about the history…

    It looked like two weird lion things in square one, then repeated in square two. Then like one squiggly lion thing in the forth square… The third square was a cramped partition of multiple symbols.

    Again, don’t know the history. I’m sure the repeated squigly lions ment something meaningful. Visually the coat of arms look better now.

    I also have a lot of opinions on my state flag tho (Florida) what the fuck is with that steam boat? Are steam boats important to Florida? I’ve just got opinions on how these things look. It doesn’t mean anything insulting to your country.

  • Assuming Trump acts logical

    This is where I am different from the other people with negative views on trump. I don’t think hes stupid. I’m a salesman. I’m good at sales. I used to like trump because he’s a great salesman. There are things we could discuss about his age and mental health but I’m not a Doctor. I’m a salesman.

    With that being said… Hes not able to do all that you described there. Theoretically he could if he surrounded himself with talented people and trusted their opinions.

    That’s where trump lost me a few years back. He’s a salesman, that’s a skill for sure, it doesn’t make you great at everything and he doesn’t seem to respect the opinions of others… So no team available to make good plans…

    He can’t do that stuff. He can make a mess and get people to support that mess. A master plan is beyond him. Not because he’s stupid but because he fell for his own sales pitch. He’s a salesman. Like me .

  • That’s not a satisfactory answer to my question. That’s what I said I didn’t want. I don’t like trump either. That doesn’t answer my question.

    As an example if I asked “why is that school over there on fire” and you answered “we don’t fund schools enough”

    I mean… Yeah … I agree… But even if it’s the “end of the day” reason it’s not providing the information I’m looking for. Compared to something like " the oven In the kitchen was old and got too hot, the kitchen was understaffed so no one noticed in time, and the sprinklers hadn’t been inspected in years so the fire spread. So it’s a funding issue "

    That’s what I’m talking about.

  • Yes I’m fully aware of that. I think you know what I was referring too. We all have our own opinions about trump. I just want to know the facts.

    It’s my first time in this group so I don’t know what kind of crowd this is but I know if I look it up myself the story is going to be slanted one way or another.

    I just want to know why taking Greenland, or Canada, or taking back the Panama canal is a thing I’m seeing at all on feed. Is this a real thing, a quote taken out of context, like what’s going on right now.

  • I love that part of the internet.

    Kinda like “guy code”

    “Was said he was with you last night”

    "Yep, all night. Cleaned the spark plugs in my car and drained the blinker fluid. Couldn’t have done it without him "

    But instead it’s “parent code”

    “Yeah fortnight is closed. They close it so everyone can get a good night’s sleep and be ready for the morning!”

    I was going to tell a personal story about telling my son McDonald’s was closed when I was broke or in a hurry but it reminded me of another cute store.

    My son broke his arm in a McDonald’s once. Hyper extended his elbow. Got a couple pins.

    Anyway a year or so later they completely remodeled that McDonald’s.

    We drove by the demolished building during the remodel and my son shouted “that’s what you get for breaking my arm! Who’s broken now!”

    Adorable vengeance served adorably cold.