As a german it is beyond me how this software got so popular. But businesses love those user nightmares. I recently had to work with Teamcenter from Siemens - nope nope nope nope.
As a german it is beyond me how this software got so popular. But businesses love those user nightmares. I recently had to work with Teamcenter from Siemens - nope nope nope nope.
I installed the version from F-Droid-Store, Version 0.6-something. The main problem for me was, that you couldn’t download single songs, only complete albums - and I gave up on the App.
This post made me install the 0.9-beta-APK (directly from github), and it already fullfills all my wishes, you can download single songs now! And I love that you can filter for your favorites and download them all at once. Really looking forward to further process, it’s so promissing.
Don’t kid yourself, if you would speak English over there, how come I barely understood this Australian who told me he’s been “leggin’ it barefoot since he stacked it near the servo and now he’s flat out like a lizard drinkin’ and tryin’ to find a dunny before he cops a fair dinkum blue”.
I agree with you, had to read it twice to make sure they don’t mean to remove speed limits.
After a quick search I found a different article from BBC about a speed limit that is dropped from 30 mph to 20 mph. TIL.
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Isn’t the movie Hancock a bit in this direction?
Can’t get any more GNU/Linux than that, nice.
I started with 30, so not far off. My first step was to try to daily drive Linux. Best decision ever, working with a computer suddenly was fun and exciting again.
It is safer in the sense that, when you selfhost, you have to take care of your own backups. You have to make sure your data is still there, even if two hard drives fail, or your house catches fire and your server burns down. Hertzner is doing that for you.
But you are right of course, from a privacy standpoint it would be much better to have your data on your own server and only send encrypted backups to a remote server like Hertzner.
Here is how I (noobinoob) built my own Nextcloud-Server
Hardware: I took the old PC from my aunt, no idea about the specs. Added 4 x 8 TB NAS HDD drives and removed the graphics card, the onboard graphic from the CPU was enough. No raid-controller, just connected the hard drives to the motherboard. In future I can add a PCI-Card with more SATA-ports.
Software: I installed Linux Debian, put my 4 HDD drives in a btrfs-raid1 pool, encrypted them with LUCS, installed dropbear to ssh into my server when it is not started and unlocked yet, installed ddclient to update my domain with my home-IP and followed most (not all) of this guide to install nextcloud. Unfortunately, it is in german, but there are plenty of english intructions out there.
internet-stuff: I bought a domain (10 Euro/year) and set up DynDNS. I opened the neccessary ports on my router/firewall.
I had to look up a lot of things and failed many many times, but now it works and I am very happy with it - no downtime in the last year. It took about 6-12 months to get there.
In conclusion: Your way (nextcloud on hetzner) is the much better way. You save time and money and your data is more secure.
But if you want to learn a lot of new stuff, building your own server is fun.
It would be easy to unlock the devices for different Software - like ugreen does.
And imagine all the possible backdoors in their software. No one can check, because it is closed source. And this on a device with your most senisble data.
Calling their acting ‘responsible’ is a huuuge strech.
I sold my Synology NAS as soon as I found out, that I can’t change the underlying software (DiskStationManager). It wasn’t open source and the hardware was dependent on that propriatary software. As soon as they decide, that your device is too old, they drop support and you are left with an unsecure brick.
And you are saying the software is open source. Did I miss something? Did something change?
We have those walmart brand equivalents in Germany, from supermarkets like Lidl, Norma and co…
In my world, people who come to the task with a brand new, expensive Makita drill deserve way more mockery than people who come with a cheap, well used Lidl drill.
We should and I will.
That’s beautiful, thanks!
Does anyone know those tony boxes for kids? It’s a box with a speaker, and if you put a little figure (a bit like a playmobile character) on it, it plays an audio book as long as the little figure stands on it.
I really want to build it myself, but I have done 0 research yet. But every now and then a thought plopps up, like ‘I could use NFC tags to trigger the box start playing’, ‘I have an old raspberryPi somewhere’, ‘is it even possible to build a good sounding speaker in this size?’,…
But no time to follow up on those thoughts.
Would you start with big scarry teeth and draw the rest of the monster around that? Or start with the shape and worry about details later?
With this kind of budget there has to be a better way to organize data and permissions. They have infinite money and a lot of smart people at their company… And I am starring at poor quality icons and the most confusing structure I can think of.