Why don’t you cold hearted demons ever think about the vulnerable investors? They don’t have marketable skills ffs! How will they live when the profits stop?
Why don’t you cold hearted demons ever think about the vulnerable investors? They don’t have marketable skills ffs! How will they live when the profits stop?
Hey hi, it’s me, an American. I don’t want to hear any more of this “only some Europeans” stuff. If I get lumped in with a bunch of dumbasses all of Europe is huffing Putin’s gas.
Yes. Reddit. Land of good faith void of passive aggression.
Earth world duh
Have you thought about a command economy? Centrally run by a Highmaster? Who will no doubt create the prestigious title “Fuel Survey Underlord of the Wilderness Planet at the end of the Noctolium Solar Chain”.
There was no “wishing for cops death” until you brought it up. Everyone was just happily calling them trash until you came in here with assumptions and all this violent malarkey.
You search for azure front door like 3 times and next thing you know it’s all Lowe’s and home Depot ads for weeks. Why can’t you give me ads for big tiddy goth mommies? I search that multiple times a day