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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We need to end the habit of prioritizing things based on whether or not they are “productive.” It’s ok to be unproductive. It’s ok to be lazy and fuck around and socialize and just generally hang out helping people.

    Sorry, this is a particularly sensitive issue for me right now where our Chief Nursing Officer acts like if we have time to have any conversation with our colleagues, then that means we have enough time to manage one more patient. When the fuck did being able to have a little downtime at work become such a terrible offense?

    (Yes, we’re unionizing. Because absolutely fuck this mentality.)

  • “We need to see pain in the economy”

    “There’s been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them”

    “claimed that shift is hitting productivity in the sector”

    This attitude is an actual mental illness. Productivity is killing us, killing our climate. What we need is LESS PRODUCTIVITY and more leisure, more time to care for one another, focus on food production, distribution, healthcare, and education, things that involve taking care of other humans. Why should everyone everywhere forever have to live on the razor’s edge of their ability to keep up with life?

  • It’s wild to me, old enough to remember the thick clouds of yellow smog that used to blanket Los Angeles and acid rain dissolving historical buildings and statues, to see how far we’ve advanced in reigning in air pollution. I can kind of understand the struggle that older generations have in updating their ideas about what is and is not acceptable. All the more reason to have age restrictions on politicians to try to make advancement possible at the speeds required to save the species from climate change.

  • I mean, yes. That’s why medical residencies need to be reformed. There’s zero reason they should be paid so little and made to work so many hours. None whatsoever.

    And, in fact, I often make the argument that the current structure of medical residency actively harms patients because it filters out people with disabilities or even just normal smart people. Because the types of individuals who can tolerate and succeed in long, drawn-our, deeply abusive working environments are very, very, very different from the populations that they are then tasked with serving.

    We wonder why physicians are so often out of touch with the struggles of their patients, and I think the structure of their training contributes a lot to that problem