Who would’ve thought if you paid ppl they’d actually work
Who would’ve thought if you paid ppl they’d actually work
You were being generous going past (1.) I rather just die or stop reading rice
Middle to upper class white Anglo Saxton protestant?
Ok I have no clue what you’re arguing for or against.
I mean it’s a competition like finding which turd has the most worms in it. Either way you’re studying a piece of shit
Well Thatcher’s family didn’t profit off slavery and colonialism. At least directly…
Cruelty. That’s the point
Such a badass quote. I salute the ppl of Kenya
Richer countries wouldn’t exist without a population of illegal migrant workers for them to exploit. Europeans like to ignore it because they in general have great regulations for their working class but they regularly gloss over the rights of migrants who prop up their way of life.
Then next election cycle they become a scapegoat for all their problems
Never thought I’d read something so wholesome and true in a thread about licking butthole
You said BALD EAGLES are endangered. They’re not. They’re not dieing anymore. Their numbers are healthy. Bringing up global warming is YOU not being able to admit you’re wrong. No one denied anything about gun laws or traffic deaths from trucks which is why I said no country is perfect. Which again is a pretty nuanced response
No one was denying anything… all I said was essentially no country is perfect. A pretty level headed response in my opinion
This will surely keep me up at night.
Didn’t know saying no country is perfect was such a controversial statement
Bald eagles aren’t endangered anymore.
Plus being American and having lived abroad every country has their bullshit. You just hear about America’s shit because it has the most popular forms of mass media.
Dumbasses are plentiful everywhere
Yeah the only thing stopping Whales from space travel and enlightenment is a lack of thumbs and the ability to sit
If you actually read my comment you’d see I said we are biologically programmed not to kill or eat human babies. Which is why logically we have no reason to resort to cannibalism.
I argued theres no moral argument to claim its better to eat chickens instead of whales. If you weren’t so focused on just arguing you’d see that
My point had nothing to do with harm but with logic. The idea that some animals are more worthy than others when it comes to consumption makes no sense. If your argument is about harm reduction then the only issue with killing Whales would be killing so many it has food chain ramifications. Other then that there is no harm. If your argument is about its wrong to eat sentient beings you can’t kill any animal.
The only argument you can have against killing a chicken instead of a whale is we’ve always killed chickens which isn’t an argument. As for saving a baby instead of chicken were biologically programed to care for a baby to keep the humanity going and eating one is harmful to our health
Whales are literally sentient, have culture, families, and fucking language with grammar.
They (cows) possess substantial problem-solving skills, enabling them to interact effectively with their environment. This intelligence isn’t confined to the tangible realm; it also extends profoundly into the emotional sphere. Cows form intricate social relationships within their herd
As a meat eater the argument that we shouldn’t eat “intelligent” animals is bull. The livestock we eat all display a higher/equal level of intelligence as your pets. Ultimately we don’t eat certain animals because we like them and that’s it.
Personally if you’re going to eat meat you can’t pick and choose which animal is ok to eat and which one isn’t. It’s either they all are or none of them are
Michigan still does 10 cents a bottle