I replay because I’m having a ball watching you trying to act like an adult.
If you were actually serious about emulating Bobby Seale et al you’d be out doing community organizing and running after school programs.
You’d be too busy to be a keyboard warrior.
If you don’t have a good sized freezer, buy one. They aren’t that expensive and they’ll pay for themselves. Right now I have pints sized portions of two different home made soups in the freezer. Takes me five minutes to microwave. It takes just as long to cook 10 portions as it does one.
If I know I’ll have a busy week I’ll make myself a three pound roast chicken on Sunday afternoon. Other folks I know will make a lasagna or roast beef or a big pot of rice and beans. Just make something you can use all week. The good thing about chicken is that I can make tacos, or a sandwich, or throw some on a salad.