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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • If you don’t have a good sized freezer, buy one. They aren’t that expensive and they’ll pay for themselves. Right now I have pints sized portions of two different home made soups in the freezer. Takes me five minutes to microwave. It takes just as long to cook 10 portions as it does one.

    If I know I’ll have a busy week I’ll make myself a three pound roast chicken on Sunday afternoon. Other folks I know will make a lasagna or roast beef or a big pot of rice and beans. Just make something you can use all week. The good thing about chicken is that I can make tacos, or a sandwich, or throw some on a salad.

  • I’m literally laughing out loud.

    I’m so scared of you and your keyboard antics.

    And it’s funny that the best you can come up with in fifty years is an organization that will be a minor footnote, on a par with the St. Patrick’s Battalion of the Mexican War.

    Overall, George Carlin probably had a bigger impact on society than you and your fellow revolutionaries.

  • lol!

    You mean the tiny group that served some free meals in a few cities and got wiped out by the police?

    The one that had a leader [Eldrige Cleaver] who considered rape as a political act?

    Meanwhile Obama’s ACA gave health coverage to 45 million people.

    I’ll stick with the people who actually get things done.

  • See, that’s not what I said, though. I can say that it would be great to have universal healthcare, but that we cannot “pray it into existence,”

    lol! Talk to the 45 million people who are getting Obamacare.

    Even Obama called the ACA a ‘starter house’ but if we listened to you those folks wouldn’t have anything.

    Gay rights is another example of progress that was made without your Revolution.

    Good bye

  • You keep repeating the same thing over and over.

    People should not have any health insurance at all until the Revolution comes and makes it perfect.

    People should accept tanspeople getting killed until the Revolution.

    We shouldn’t do anything to improve anything until the revolution.

    Like I said, you’re the best friend the fascists ever had.

  • You can’t just pray progress into existence

    Except there was actual progress under Carter, Clinton, and Obama. It wasn’t huge, but it was progress. You choosing to ignore it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

    You’re the one who has gone faith based. You can’t give me one actual fact to make me think the USA is anywhere near a Socialist revolution.

    And I can point to Blackwater and the other mercenary companies to show that if the Revolution comes, it will be instantly subverted.

  • I don’t believe there’s a path to that, unless there is already revolutionary pressure bubbling and risking the entire system.

    There’s the problem right there. You’re ready to throw away any progress because it isn’t perfect

    You guys saw Ronald Reagan, but couldn’t get behind Carter because he wasn’t good enough.

    Same with Bush and Gore, and Clinton and Trump.

    You guys are the biggest friends the Right ever had.

    Heck, go back to the 1930s. The Fascists then labeled themselves Anti-Communist and reaped the rewards.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That’s all you have. good intentions.