• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • The Trolley Problem meme originates from a philosophical thought experiment that presents an ethical dilemma: whether to pull a lever to divert a runaway trolley, killing one person instead of five. Initially proposed by philosopher Philippa Foot in 1967, it has evolved into various memes that exaggerate the moral choices involved, often depicting ridiculous scenarios to highlight the complexity of ethical decision-making. the Trolley Problem meme

  • Yes, the “Klüngel” has a very long tradition in Germany - from carnival clubs in Cologne and Düsseldorf, to beer tent friendships or fraternities in Munich and elsewhere, to the Rotary and Lions Clubs in pretty much every German city. But I still agree that things have gotten much worse in recent years.

    It’s a crying shame, especially as many voters either still let themselfs be fooled by the pretended bickering of the parties or can’t do much on their own to actually change anything. They don’t see, don’t want to see or just watch helplessly as the majority of at least the top politicians pursue the same goals despite their apparent differences: Unscrupulous self-enrichment and favoritism at the expense of the citizens and even future generations.

  • I don’t think the situation is likely to be much different for adults, as German mainstream politics unfortunately hardly represents the interests of the population anymore, but increasingly only those of the economic elite.

    CDU politician Friedrich Merz, the candidate for chancellor of the largest popular party and, unfortunately, presumably the next German chancellor, is just one example of many: The man was head of the supervisory board of Black Rock Germany until 2020 and has always been a keen business lobbyist throughout his whole career (source).

    Both the top candidates and the minor functionaries of many other parties have similar “affiliations” that can hardly be described as anything else than open corruption. The fact that the press continuously uses the trivializing PR term lobbyism in this context should not fool anyone anymore.

    However, as there are hardly any credible alternatives, people still have to vote for these established parties - or worse still: they vote for the opportunistic demagogues of the AfD, who pursue the same neoliberal economic policy but hide this fact behind xenophobic and of course absolutely fictitious bogus, just like the MAGA people in the USA.

    So I guess it’s not too surprising that many Germans have lost faith in politics - I’m pretty sure that this is true for most age groups.

  • I was wondering about that as well. We’ll probably never know. Anyway, I’m glad that her unwanted internet fame in this timeline hasn’t ruined her life and that she seems to have benefited from it instead - at least financially. That’s nice, because she really deserves to be compensated for the joy she brought to the internet over the years.