Yeah, as much as I hate it I think the best outcome comes from us suffering
Yeah, as much as I hate it I think the best outcome comes from us suffering
People learn about different things at different times. If we care about promoting privacy we should be accomodating and not hostile about that.
In addition to everythong everyone has said, one major thing that people often don’t think about privacy is how it relates to enshittification.
Modern software services try to optimize everything to make as much money as possible. Everything is a/b tested, and whatever increases some arbitrary metric is what gets released.
They do this by tracking a ton of metrics about how you interact with everything. I know where I work we collect data about every time you click on anything, how long you hover over buttons, etc.
The only other (not absolutely tiny) one I’m aware of is brave, but it has its own issues
Yeah, starmer kicked him out for not being centrist enough, which is why he ran independent (and beat the labour candidate)
Nobody hears about them shutting down oil factories, attention getting stuff is why those are talked about.
They never do any actual harm either, like Stonehenge was cornstarch, it’ll all be gone the next time it rains. They paint the glass in front of paintings, not the paintings themselves.
They’re probably on windows
…They said waydroid
If only they could deal blows to starmer and everyone else pushing them to abandon their principles.
The main gain would be losing any tracking youtube does on how you interact with their app. They could only track based off what videos your ip address watches.
Isn’t ubuntu pro free up to 5 devices
open source definitely plays a role in Linux security, but it’s minor compared to stuff like market share, user privilege,
Is saying the role open source plays in Linux security is minor compared to the role other aspects play, not that the attacks are minor.
I like how you just ignored the comment you replied to which acknowledged linux makes up most servers and instead just argued against a guy you made up.
Oh yeah, definitely but those tend to be different attacks than would target random consumer computers.
Being open source definitely plays a role in Linux security, but it’s minor compared to stuff like market share, user privilege, package management vs just installing random exes, different distros using different packaging systems.
Not really, windows is most targeted because it’s most used. If Linux had comparable market share it would be attacked way more.
There’s the Intel management engine and the amd platform security processor. Both manage low level tasks like booting, and have access to network data. Amds psp is known to have unrestricted access to user memory.
There have been security vulnerabilities that would grant access to sensitive data exploiting both systems if not patched.
As for a backdoor, there’s no evidence but I wouldn’t be surprised. The NSA has programs to insert backdoors into consumer products and these seem like the perfect place to do it. But again, there’s no evidence either chip is part of these programs.
I mean I’d much prefer they didn’t fly a plane that was repeatedly saying there’s a serious issue with it.
Thank you for your hard work
I’ve run an rx580 and am currently running a 7900xtx. I have very few issues. Every once in a while a few games will break when I update Mesa, but I’m on a rolling release distro, so that’d probably happen less often on something like Ubuntu. Honestly I probably have fewer issues on Linux than I did on windows.
Sounded like they were at least alleviating them from Trudeau’s statement