I only went back 5 days, maybe that’s a limitation for my mobile app, but yeah I also couldn’t find cause to say they can’t stop talking about race.
I only went back 5 days, maybe that’s a limitation for my mobile app, but yeah I also couldn’t find cause to say they can’t stop talking about race.
To add to this comment, it’s not hard to find any of this information. “States grouped into areas” scroll to find your state, or again ctrl+f. “Hard to find cities” thankfully living in my area and being somewhat familiar with said area I can scroll down the list and find farmers in my general area. Short of putting in my address and searching for ‘closest to’ which I hate anyway, this isn’t as bad an interface as op suggests.
You don’t want to give the people chasing you time to identify and disable the deadmans switch
I would guess the “money-driven mindset” had a lot to do with it. The interview went well, he was a good fit, but they didn’t offer him enough. With some back and forth on compensation souring communications enough to make the owner butt hurt enough to post this.
Original article was a lot more legible. The linked article had this at the bottom “The original article in Lloyd’s List was republished with the author’s permission and can be read here.”
I’ve thankfully been in a relationship for over a year. But when I was looking the dead ending the conversation was huge for me, I’d say a third of the matches did it. I used the 3 strikes rule, because sometimes people are busy and they just want to respond but don’t have time to continue the flow of the conversation. Which is fine.
I once has a girl follow up 2 weeks later asking why we didn’t go on a date? I told her that was the first question she asked me and I felt she wasn’t into the conversation.
Don’t be so desperate to get into a relationship that you try to carry the whole thing on your shoulders.
A surgery that my little one needed was being denied by insurance two weeks ago. Yesterday when calling for the pre surgery instructions we were notified that last surgery was approved. So we were doing all three requested surgeries at once and only having to put her under once.
I don’t know if this was the cause but there was a 180 on the approval.
Cold turkey worked for me. But it wasn’t this big thing. One day I didn’t want to go to the gas station to get more and that turned into, how long could I go? And now I smoke once a year on my friends birthday and HATE the taste.
It’s not a word but ‘…’ ok… thanks… I guess…
What do you want? Is it on our do you want something else? It’s fine…
It’s less bs than you think, still unlikely sure, but not a non zero chance.
For awhile their was a single point of failure in telcom for the midwest in the us. Because the core router was so old and didn’t play well with failover. It took them several months and a lot of intermittent issues to get it replaced and working as expected.
Unfortunately you saying that still has the same credibility as your first statement. It’s just your word. I don’t doubt they do on occasion but to say ALWAYS refer to themselves that way is a lot to take on word alone.
Go to your android phone app, hit settings, and their should be something in there for blocking spam calls
If the people downvoting you really want to make a difference they should:
Stop using leaf bowers: https://www.edmunds.com/car-reviews/features/emissions-test-car-vs-truck-vs-leaf-blower.html
Stop eating food not home grown: https://coolclimate.org/blog-cars-coal-cows-consumption
Instead of judging trucks: https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/PowerSearch.do?action=alts&year=2023&vtype=Diesel&srchtyp=yearAfv&pageno=1
And not little timmy for owning that v8 mustang: https://www.osvehicle.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-sports-cars-are-they-bad-for-the-environment/
I’m the same, i like the way my truck looks. Is it great these days? Nope it’s an old 08 with a little rust, ok a lot but hush, i love it anyway. Do i need a truck 97% of the time? Nope but that 3% of the time i do its amazing. And those people i pull out of random ditches in the winter will appreciate it I’m sure.
Is the article that your link refrences. Yeah, i mean i agree with it those are not great mold/broken pipes. But it wasn’t meant to be a 5 star resort either. I spent 2 years stationed at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in a barracks that couldn’t be torn down because it was a historical monument because it had bullet holes from ww2. Shit sucked. None of the barracks i lived in had security cameras back in 2010. We had a couple guys in duty that roamed the area. We didn’t have heaters because we were stained in a area that didn’t need them. I don’t know what the current standards are.
My proof is 5 years of service in the military spending every Thursday cleaning for 4-5 hours for field day inspection where the higher ups go through the barracks on Friday to make sure they are clean.
Hmm, what do you mean by this? And any proof/citations? When i was in the Baracks were old but immaculate.
Less negative than ‘Grindr lays off half its staff due to economic troubles’
I read it as a way to filter/ sort the results. For instance i tag a single tag ‘DnD’ on a post, it would show higher up on the results list than a post tagged with ‘DnD’, ‘fantasy’, ‘tabletop’,‘minis’,‘#cute’. This would encourage concise taging vs spamming as many tags as you can.
Just my interpretation though, could be wrong.
I agree whole heartedly, it could be done better. I’m just saying it isn’t complete garbage and if a little confusing still usable.