He was a Buddhist who spent a good many years living in a monastery on Mt. Baldy. The Sopranos is exactly the kind of project he wouldn’t be involved in.
Recovering academic now in public safety. You’ll find me kibitzing on brains (my academic expertise) to critical infrastructure and resilience (current worklife). Also hockey, games, music just because.
He was a Buddhist who spent a good many years living in a monastery on Mt. Baldy. The Sopranos is exactly the kind of project he wouldn’t be involved in.
Why can’t we get accurate information about this?
Because the Internet has been broken by tech “innovation”. But no, no he didn’t.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb talks about this when he explains his own career. He realized the amount of effort he had in him was never going to change, so he wanted a field where earnings weren’t limited by his own effort - the dream of passive income. He became an expert on risk and a well known writer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nassim_Nicholas_Taleb
“What’s the career trajectory in the unit?” Which is a polite way of asking what happened to the last person. Another classic is if they are looking to sustain their current performance, make small improvements, or do an overhaul.
Good point. On a callback I’d be all about expectations and details. That having been said I’m changing jobs this month and I still don’t know if there is a bike cage or showers at the the new place. But it wasn’t part of my decision criteria so I’ll find out when I start
Unpopular opinion: the candidate shouldn’t have asked any of those questions. Those are offer negotiations because you can trade off salary for parking etc.
That first interview is a chance to be strategic and ask about growth in the department or development pathways/programs. I was always told that first you get the ring, then you negotiate the prenup.
Bonesofthemoon must be up there.
Aqualung by Jethro Tull may meet your needs. If you’re Will ng to flexible in your definitions the the Crane Wife cycle by the Decemberists might also fit .
133 communities and just 45 users. An old alt of mine is among them for a reason I can’t recall. Login trouble or something?
Edited for fat fingers.
Desert wasn’t really a cyberpunk setting until BR 2049. Post-apocolyptic sure, MadMax had that stitched up in 1979, but not cyberpunk.
Just bewilderment. Because snubbing Harris will get you Trump. Who’s a great friend to Gaza /s. So cui bono?
Sheets weekly. Towels twice a week, but I shower twice a day.
Neither sex nor drugs were ever discussed…at least not by my parents.
I think the larger issue is that the blood supply is for profit in the US. Everyone is getting exploited, including the people that require the transfusion.
I donate regularly in Canada and give it away for free as does everyone else. I don’t donate plasma because it’s not especially useful with my blood type (AB+ is universal for plasma, O- for other products).
молодец, товарищ! демократы будут сбиты с толку твоей умной метафорой!
I went with Ryobi under the rubric of “if you use it enough to break it then buy a good one”. I have a wall of green tools because most of them are used only occasionally. My hammer drill is the one that is gonna go. And yeah. I will buy something f’in awesome. Because using an underpowered hammer drill sucked.
Be prepared for endless mockery no matter which direction you go. Best of luck sir.
Is there a spelling mistake?