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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • I also think there are bigger issues with the current system, but that’s an incredibly naive way of looking at it.

    Brainwashing is much easier than you think, and social media has made it so much easier to run such psyops campaigns. There will always be some issue you can get people riled up about.

    The west is just completely unprepared to deal with military-level budgets being used to push destabilization their societies though social media.

  • I went through a pretty big libertarian phase way back in my late teens.

    Not the ‘deregulate everything’ type, but rather more of a ‘everyone’s place in society is governed by the choices they make’ social-darwinist sort of angle.

    Once I got out and experienced real life more (and learned about all the little nuances behind everything) I realized just how wrong I was.

    Nowadays I’m a big leftist/socialist

  • It’s not colonialism to prefer one culture (or certain cultural traits) to another. In fact, it’s natural.

    I’ve lived in a number of countries and each had their own distinct cultural norms. Each has had aspects which I perceived as either positive or negative.

    Add it all together and I definitely have preferred certain cultures, not because they are “better” but because they more closely match my own preferences. Other people would prefer different cultural norms.

  • It can vary depending on the context, but essentially it just means that you can only read/write at a fairly basic level.

    For instance, imagine someone who reads at a 4th grade reading level. They can get through basic aspects of life, but get totally lost/overwhelmed if they are presented with anything more complex. For instance, they wouldn’t be able to comprehend most official letters. (Thus is especially an issue in Germany since Amtsdeutsch seemingly tries to be intentionally complex…)

    They are effectively locked out of most modern jobs, because they can’t parse emails effectively or formulate a fitting reply.

    It’s also something that people are generally very self-conscious about and get pretty good at hiding.

  • I’m not sure it would be possible to change the culture any other way, since it’s so entrenched.

    The only restaurants I know of that were able to successfully transition to a less toxic business model for servers did so through a combination of paying servers a fair base wage ($20+ an hour) and banning tips.

    Culture is tricky in that it’s ‘sticky’ and often takes a lot of effort to change. Having a policy like ‘tipping not required’ would still lead to the vast majority of customers feeling obligated to tip because not tipping carries with it such a strong implication of being greedy/stingy.

    I should mention that this all mostly applies to the US and that there are plenty of countries with flourishing hospitality industries where tipping is virtually nonexistent (or even seen as insulting).