Sorry, but no
Sorry, but no
Let me have hope pleaseeee
Maybe add mobile
(and pc
?) tags so people know which ones they can access on mobile?
They’re learning…
Magnetic tape. Datacenters use it for long term storage.
Who reads articles these days?
Thank you
Ok but is this like REAL yet or did they just say they intend to?
Just delete the app, trust me
Nobody actually thinks the ok symbol is racist
Oh, they care now that it finally hurt them?
Whatever, at least maybe they’ll do the right thing for the wrong reasons next time.
I suppose that’s fair. Most people I know who do this do it for cis people as well though.
Yeah, therapy is not a viable solution for broad societal issues
I figured using “government” would result in some disconnect, but I’m not sure what else I would call a centralized authority responsible for making and carrying out societal decisions.
Anyways, it doesn’t matter if I’m part of the government. The issue remains.
Only if there’s a viable path to transition to that state, and it’s a stable state. It could also only be a local minimum. The effect you’re describing is real, but there’s no guarantee that it will lead to your proposed societal system, and furthermore there’s no guarantee that the effect is deterministic and will necessarily lead to the same solution unless it is the only solution.
Fair enough. I think you’re right to question these things; people have very strong opinions with hard lines here, but I don’t think there’s always solid reasoning for why some things that may seem like an obvious hard line are considered one.
Right, but I could not get a job unless it’s first been created by the government. What if the government doesn’t want to create a job that’s necessary? What about jobs that aren’t necessary, but are still desirable? If I have artistic skill, would I get an appropriate amount of work vouchers? Would skill factor in at all, or only time spent working? What is my invcentive to be efficient if skill is not a factor? If skill is a factor, who determines what “skill” is? Do we vote to make 10 furniture maker jobs and one “expert furniture maker” job with appropriate salaries?
You don’t have to answer all of those, I’m mostly just saying that this would result in a LOT of centralized control, which would have to be handled with a large amount of nuance, and that deciding these things by vote isn’t likely to work (see also, the most recent election).
All work would be paid for? Who decides what “work” is?
Don’t split the party