Imagine your entire worldview being controlled by unelected billionaires influencing your government and media.
Imagine your entire worldview being controlled by unelected billionaires influencing your government and media.
I’d like to suggest a correctly define fascism or ban rule
You’re a fool if you think he’s my hero
Okay, and the OP’s source for Elon’s success coming solely from daddy’s money and nothing else is what?
Musk has publicly laid out that anybody can get rich writing software without much startup capital - which not only makes sense but by all accounts seems to be exactly what he did.
This is a common misconception. His daddy loaned him a whopping 28 grand. Nothing mind blowing, and certainly not what you’d expect the heir of a freaking emerald mine to get their hands on.
Elon Musk got most of his capital early in his career from the sale of his first company, Zip2, which he co-founded with his brother Kimbal in 1995 using $28,000 borrowed from their father[1][6]. In 1999, Zip2 was sold to Compaq for $307 million, with Musk earning $22 million[1][6]. Musk then invested $10 million of his Zip2 proceeds into founding X.com, one of the first attempts at online banking, which later became PayPal[1]. After PayPal, Musk invested all of his proceeds into his new projects: SpaceX ($100 million), Tesla ($70 million), and SolarCity ($10 million) [1]. By 2008, he was almost penniless and living on $200 thousand monthly loans from his friends after a $20 million divorce[1]. However, his fortunes changed, and by 2017, his net worth had risen to $16 billion[1].
Citations: [1] https://www.toptal.com/finance/venture-capital-consultants/elon-musks-investments [2] https://time.com/6127754/elon-musk-net-worth-person-of-the-year/ [3] https://money.com/8-innovative-ways-elon-musk-made-money-before-he-was-a-billionaire/ [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk [5] https://financebuzz.com/jobs-elon-musk-had-before-wealthy [6] https://www.sitebuilderreport.com/origin-stories/elon-musk>
I wonder if there’s a hydrohomies community
I have a vague recollection of a Canadian politician getting cornered with a great question on covid response overreach on a video call, and after everyone watching, including a live audience, heard everything crystal clear, they were like “sorry, we seem to be having technical issues, couldn’t hear the question, looks like you’re breaking up!” And then they hung up LOL.
Nothing to see here, folks, go back to your business!
The Ground app
I virtually never want food or water. My body screams “eat now or you’re going into a coma, idiot!”
I think this is a great opportunity to see if anybody has a spine anymore. If the French won’t have a proper revolution, we’re fucked.
The only answer is to send ourselves back to the stone age and seize the means of re production!
Back in black intensifies
Time for 5 stars!
Sometimes it’s a returnless refund too! So you get to keep the mask and gun! I bet that would help if you get investigated.
Unfortunately, or not, I don’t think there is a single species that can live forever. I think all life is based on consumption, one eating something else and growing until it exceeds its limits in environment, after which it decays to meet its carrying capasity.
Just recently I saw a very interesting veritasium video about entropy. He explains that life acts to increase entropy. Before entropy, nothing exciting happens. After entropy, nothing exciting will ever happen again. But as life causes entropy, that’s when the excitement and magic happens.
It’s an extremely profound video, and may give you comfort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxL2HoqLbyA&t=0
Sounds interesting, what does that mean?
Alternatively, all of nature can be explained by mathematics, rather then being based on it.
What do you mean I have cancer???
Jerboa has a search function that finds them - right in the app!
Trans rights or else