If you don’t read the news, you’re uninformed, if you do read the news, you’re misinformed.
If you don’t read the news, you’re uninformed, if you do read the news, you’re misinformed.
I’d honestly still prefer 10 hours a day system over no change at all. Although my view is biased and flawed as i work trades and my hours are very inconsistent. 55-60 hours a week is common and honestly an even 40 hours would feel like a break to me. I’ve cosidered if i could get my employer on board with 10 hours 3-4 days a week in the future after ive bought and paid for a house.
Germany is not the only country trying 4 day work weeks. Other countries trying and normalizing a 4 day work week include Belgium, Iceland, and France.
Its actually a good thing to have diversity of incomes in a neighborhood rather than just “oh thats the poor neighbourhood.”
Fossil fuels are already protected and subsidized beyond economic sensibility for the profitably of oil barons and corrupt polliticians. Until the oil barons cannot afford bribery and still turn a profit the USA will be hooked is what I’m getting at. They’d rather keep the exploitation going until collapse happens than find a way to transition to cleaner energy sources.
Edit: I’d also like to add, it isn’t just fossil fuels setting the USA back, it’s also the development pattern. Even if everything went electric today with green energy, the USA would be wasting tons of that energy due to cultural and devlopmental patterns. This isn’t just an oil issue, it is also a land use, zoning, gabage/waste and 100s of other things that are just so damm profitable we can’t stop.
Until it is more profitable in the short term to build sustainability, America won’t do it. Profits over a liveable planet.
I’d try to strip and clean any time I come home in that environment. Set up your entranceway so you can easily remove your clothes and shoes and put them in a bag or bin. Santitize the entranceway, wash your contaminated clothing, and wash yourself frequently.
I would wear long pants, ideally waterproof ones or at least thick enough to stop splashes from getting on your skin. You could also wear a mask while outside to help keep your fingers away from your mouth and nose.
EPA and revitalize auto industry is obviously a conflict of interest.
Well to win, the jeep would have to be running, so most would be disqualified before the match even starts. If the ref is feeling nice they can allow up to 3 attempts to start the jeep.
Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They’ve got curved swords.
Personally i just use a toothpick, but i usually clean for smooth operation as I rarely run out these days.
I agree with banning smartphones during classes. They are incredibly distracting and I know i didn’t understand the real value of that free education until well after I had graduated.
I also think less dependence on social media for staying in touch and communicating could help reduce loneliness and some of the depression and anxiety some people face. If we are less connected at our fingertips to people, we are more inspired to see and connect with them in person, which in my experience is more fullfilling.
You’re probably still getting some steel in the weed. It is very unlikely the knife and the grinder share the exact hardness.
It is so messed up how every part of our society is secretly tuned to make being poor trapped yet every rung up the ladder to being wealthy, the journey gets a little easier by hidden subsidies like this.
How would you tell you’re looking at a synchronized digital clock or cheap battery model?
There are tons of equipment and tools out there that very closely resemble an analog clock and require the same skills. Pressure gauges for example. These skills are not out dated.
IMO all the more reason to keep them. In the real world we all have to perform under pressure. With practice they can learn to read the clock under pressure, maybe take a breath or two and slow down before trying to read it. It may be a simple hurdle to overcome but practicing overcoming these things is important for development.
In some senses i would go back. Then i could just keep using 1 wire. Things were great when everything had the same cable for me. Now ive got a mix of micro and C.
I do a lot backpacking and every gram really counts when you carry it all day.
Most of my flashlights and rechargeable decives are micro USB still. C is superior but I’m not throwing away good electronics over a charging cable.
This is my problem. I love reading some denser scientific or social study stuff but sometimes just a few pages and my brain is burnt out. I could keep reading further but at that point i don’t retain as much because I’m still fleshing out the concepts and ideas from earlier.