That’s not pasta though but pastry dough. Or am I missing something here?
That’s not pasta though but pastry dough. Or am I missing something here?
Chiming in for clarification: Literally it’s “bell game” but the word’s meaning is more like “bells that play” or “bells to play with”.
The flight itself is 1.5 h as well, but I would need 2 additional hours by train to actually get to my destination. So idk maybe 6 hrs in total? I have no idea if that’s realistic though, have never seen an airport from the inside.
As I’m living in the north of Germany I could probably easily go to Denmark and Sweden, haven’t tried that yet though. Been to Prague by train once, which was okay, as there was a direct connection by EC.
Actually I’m planning to go to Austria this summer, so I’ve recently looked it up. Plane tickets are more then twice as expensive compared to train for my route. The train takes 11-12 hours (depending on connection) though, which is absolute max for me. So yeah, wouldn’t go further than that. (Still looked up a connection to Croatia, that would’ve been an absolute pain in the a** by train…)
Don’t even know what’s it supposed to be
Been to Annecy not long ago. It’s in France, but not far from Geneva, beautifully located between the first foothills of the Alps and the Rhone Valley. The city itself is walkable and I’ve had the best lemonade there (by Les Brasseurs Savoyards, if anyone is interested to try).
The EU started to heavily regulate some PFAS in 2010, others following on the heels. The regulations include a heavy focus on handling and waste management in order to minimize the potential of exposure and contamination. The plan to get rid of PFAS entirely has been around ever since. So yeah, they’ve known it’s horrible.
Had me in the first half ngl
Same. But after reading about it, it should be a thing imo.
I think their point is that it’s not a flag or something, which would obviously be political, but just a scarf. So they mean “Oh wow we’re not allowed to wear scarves anymore?”. Which is still a bit silly, as the political intention seems pretty apparent in this specific case.
I’m absolutely a dog person, still I wouldn’t allow dogs in my bedroom, let alone on the bed. While the first is just a bit bothersome, I think the second one to be pretty icky.
Can only speak for training in Germany, but I assume Sweden is somewhat similar: During training students spend several months in police stations helping with the real work, similar to an internship. They have contacts to fully trained colleagues and also access to some internal software, which is less relevant as most of the (for them) accessible info there is public anyways, but on really rare occasions something interesting might drop accidentally.
TIL Andrew Tate is an entirely different person than I thought. Not personality-wise, I just think I confused his face this a different person’s.
Today I did, indeed, only need a light jacket.
Thanks for sharing, I probably wouldn’t have heard about that otherwise.
Imagine thinking a hobby needed to be useful.
And then, if you’re willing to try, take a look at yourself on the mirror and say one thing you like about yourself, right now. It can be ever so tiny, as in “I actually stood up to do this, which is cool I guess”. Just take a little moment and be kind to yourself. It may feel silly at first, but noone knows about it and a little kindness never hurt nobody. And one day you might even believe the nice things you say.
The (over)simplified reason: Students have no lobby. They pay no taxes and generally create no public or monetary values while going to school. Investing in them might be a really good idea for the wider future, but a legislature is only so long and noone wants to invest a fortune only to get nothing back. Later when the students grow up, they forget the struggle or even romanticize it. Then it’s “today’s kids” that just seem lazy and demanding. So the people that used to go to school have no intention of changing the system either. Of course there are exceptions. That’s probably the only reason things are changing at all. It’s happening, just way too slow.
Also, this commenter escalated “not pushing rates” to “preventing” pretty quickly. Noone is keeping you from getting children, mate. It’s a personal choice that should neither be prohibited nor rewarded.
We steigern it.