Let me quote something here
If you think this is an effective way to fight fascism id suggest you read some books into the history of fascism
Let me quote something here
If you think this is an effective way to fight fascism id suggest you read some books into the history of fascism
So you are against democracy. Who gets to decide the leaders then? You?
If you think this is an effective way to fight fascism id suggest you read some books into the history of fascism
Its over mr spider. No whataboutism
You support authoritarism over the peoples choice, wich kinda makes you far right yourself, but yeah you probably have many legs
So i suppose you are the enlighted one who will guide humanity out of stupidity
Let people decide. What if they want a far right leader? I dont think its good, but its people righ to have the leader they choose.
Democracy is when every popular candidate is banned from the elections
How many of yall are waiting to see USS Genocide sinked in the red sea?
People pay too much atention to what this dude says. He says sonething, then the opposite and then he agrees with both points. And people still listen
What happened then?
Democracy is when people elect someone and a court (totally not controlled by the imperialism) decides they voted wrong and ban the candidate from running again
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Equivalent in the sense its the most absurd bs and people belive in it regardless
I wonder how u guys make sense of all of this propaganda. At some point they will say putin eats fetus for dinner and you will all belive because it was said in The Moscow Freedom Eagle Democracy Times
And this is true because a totally unbiased and non-propaganda news outlet said so. This outlet in particular never ever lies about things that the american empire dont like
This kid would be very upsey if he knew how to read
How do you explain this to the slaves in USA?
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Yeah welcome to capitalism. But what are you gonna do if not liberal democracy? Its not ideal, but in the real world, what other alternatives you have? And also, idk where you are from, but workers can and do build strong enought parties to compete with the rich