Fyi some microwaves have a way to set it to silent mode. I think in some models it might even be an undocumented button combination to do it. Web search your exact model to see if there’s a way to do it
Fyi some microwaves have a way to set it to silent mode. I think in some models it might even be an undocumented button combination to do it. Web search your exact model to see if there’s a way to do it
If you want to change this about yourself, then you can see a therapist to help you do it. You don’t have to be mentally ill to see a therapist, they can just help you make changes in yourself that you want to make. For something like this you would want to see a CBT therapist
Would you want to change it if you could?
I used to be that way too, but it’s a skill that you learn through practice. Like push yourself to get into things just a teeny tiny bit to start with for now. Then after awhile it’ll be easy to get to that point of toe-dipping, so then you push yourself to go in a bit more next time, and do that every time you’re at some activity, and then eventually you’ll find it easy to jump right into the deep end of every activity. But it does take some effort to push yourself in the earlier stages
I assume you’re quite young, which is great! I’d suggest learning to enthusiastically jump into whatever activity you wind up in. It’s way more fun that way.
At a comic con? Throw on a mask and start talking in a funny voice!
At an opera? Listen closely to the sounds and try to enjoy the artisticness of the performance!
In a big grassy field with nothing to do? Take your shoes off and let the grass tickle your feet!
In my experience it’s easy to judge things as lame and to tell yourself that you’re too cool for that thing, but that winds up not being fun, and you wind up missing out on a lot of stuff that you actually would’ve enjoyed if you let yourself get into it. Learn to be open to trying new types of experiences and you’ll wind up having more fun in life!
This exactly. At the broadest range you can say there are certain qualities that are more prevalent in one age group compared to another age group, but at the individual person level those trends are meaningless. Any individual person can be conservative or liberal, be caring or selfish, be x or y.
This is clearly recent.
I’m sure you’re not nearly as loathe as you think.
I’m sure you like being able to plug any device into any power outlet and have it work correctly and safely every time without even having to think about it.
I’m sure you like being able to use your cell phone and wifi without it being an unusable mess of different technologies all trying to use the same frequencies.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
When an aspect of technology becomes far reaching enough that it effects essentially everyone and every device, and there are far reaching consequences to it not being interoperable, then that’s exactly the type of situation where it’s good for government to work with experts in the field and decide on an official enforced standard
Cool! Love it! Thanks for being a friend Kenya!
They must’ve paid for themselves many times at this point, even considering that in 1992 they had a much higher price than it costs now
I have no info guess about this, but i strongly guess that the arpeggio sign goes to the left of a flat sign
Even in the hypothetical maximal fully built out ultimate version, what was this device supposed to be able to do that a smartwatch with a voice assistant couldn’t do?
Yup this is the answer. In the past people had put on black makeup and did horribly awful racist caricatures of black people. As a result putting on black makeup itself came to mean you’re doing racist stuff. IMO i think that far in the future if racism is eliminated then people will be able to put on dark makeup and it’ll be seen as fine. But none of us reading this sentence are gonna be alive to see that point
Are you looking for an online space or an irl space? Online you can try /casualconversation
The comic is saying that the overlords purposely threw in some very wacky conditions in 2015 just to see how we’d respond, so the idea we’re saying is that we’d like to go back to X year and go forward but without the wacky settings in the simulator.
Describe the situation in context. None of those phrases sound natural.
You just said that AC can’t make an indoor space cooler than the temperature outside. This is completely wrong and easily disprovable by simply asking anyone who lives in a hot region. The air conditioned indoors is always MUCH cooler than temperature outside.
Like, how do you think freezers work? The temperature inside the freezer stays below freezing while the ambient room temperature is 80 F.
AC is an ACTIVE heat pump. It can push heat out to where it’s already hotter, because it’s using energy to do it. What you’re describing is a passive cooling system, but air conditioners are active systems that use energy to push heat against the gradient. It’s like how a passive water pipe can only have water flow down from it’s highest point, but a powered water pump can actively move water upward to a point above where it started.