Afaik they dropped an anti linux anticheat on it a few months after release
Afaik they dropped an anti linux anticheat on it a few months after release
The time you guys go to sleep affects how tired you feel in the morning? Damn, must be nice
Must be a client thing, I see those :::spoiler things everywhere but they don’t work, using the spoiler button in my markdown editor produced my comment and works correctly on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good thing too! I could never find it!
!Commonly known as “clit mouse” where I’m from!<
Man that bottom one gives me such strong Soldier of Fortune 2 nostalgia
Handy dandy diagram for any execs that are confused
So, if I’m understanding your intent correctly/distilling it out a bit: you want a feature that lets you seed a new public torrent from a private torrent (using the same local files) in one click?
I’m not too familiar with the plugin APIs of a lot of torrent clients but this sounds like something a plugin could handle.
They keep mentioning a 20mph marking but the road in the pic is very clearly a 21mph road
I’d like to point out that the title is conflating two very different acts of “piracy”. What I think of as “the little guy” piracy is content “theft”, whereby they acquire some content they didn’t pay for to enjoy. What “the big guy” piracy looks like is licensing theft, whereby they take something “freely available on the internet” and use it to make their own product which directly affects the creator.
The world in which I watch some P&R or play some Warhammer for free in my little cave looks identical to the world in which I didn’t do that. The world in which I read all the Warhammer lore and make a game and sell it using the same setting and characters without talking to GW directly devalues their IP and the world looks different (this is effectively what AI does as it can be made to reproduce a lot of the training data).
I’d love to live in a world without DRM and “always online” and purchased**TM (arbitrarily revocable) games, and convenient and affordable ways to access media so piracy isn’t necessary and the degree to which it would still happen would be so minor we wouldn’t even need laws for it. I support the kind of piracy that rallies against that shit, I do not support arbitrary license theft.
Oh ez, that’s only 17 orders of magnitude!
If we managed an optimistic pace of doubling every year that’d only take… 40 years. The last few survivors on desert world can ask it if it was worth it
Beatsaber - it’ll change your life
Ahh the old depression adhd combo, a classic
Just a thought, does the path to the games on your OS drive have a space anywhere in it? I remember a lot of old Windows games would throw a shit fit if they had a space anywhere
You only think it fits with how it’s read in English because that’s how you grew up saying it so it sounds natural to you. Your experience is not universal, and is in fact, a minority.
Oh no, watch out everyone it’s a Wire(less)Shark™
Go to a hospital and get it treated. I assume this is some third world health care bait though, as it’s missing which country the hypothetical is happening in
Don’t let yourself be gaslit by anti right to repair and apple propaganda. We had a smartphone with removable battery and headphone jack that you could swim with, it has been done. The water resistance argument does not hold water, at all.
Goodluck fellas <3