I’m hedging my bets on a Mario. Let’s a go! 🎲🎲
I’m hedging my bets on a Mario. Let’s a go! 🎲🎲
zod, CD-i is what all true programmers strive for!
If you have 5 million, surely you’d just use that to live in a different country?
I don’t think Rainbow Dash likes where this is going.
I thought they were joking, but no, it’s only February 😭
We hope your country stops being so batshit crazy soon.
Sincerely, Most of the rest of the world
That’s fine by me. Just leave me a piece 👍 preferably the bit that contains all the hard work they did to become a billionaire.
Billionaire can’t even get a well-fitting suit.
This is my take on it. That unexpected spike in the salary is slightly skewed stats from the billionaires with all the money and none of the knowledge.
Then it goes back down to nearly 0 where most of our average wages actually are.
Source: My source is that I made it the fuck up, but it’s certainly what it feels like when you see the clueless assholes with money and power.
Think I’d actually prefer it the other way around. GTA5 with GTA4 physics would slay.
Still, a lot of effort here!
We’re in the same boat. We’re just waiting for an official moving date. We’ve been moving boxes today. Scary times doing grown up things.
Israel: bombs hostages
Israel when they rescue the hostages but they’re all dead:
Saw a meme the other day saying the Titanic sank and the Titan sank: beware the Tit
I watched the Linkin Park video. Does that count?
You can tell that it is because of it wasn’t it would have the tobacco brand emblazoned all over it.
As if Marlboro would create a mascot that didn’t have their logo on it! They’re be walking down the street handing out packs of 20 to kids.
I think you misread it. I think he’s in the Mr Hands community.
Wie geht’s? Sind sie ok? 🫂
It’s not much, but it’s honest work ❤️
How much do you sweat during a poop??
iT’s JuSt A tHeOrY bRo. WhErE’s ThE FaCtS?
It’s amazing how they make up whatever meanings they like for words, but can’t handle that the word “theory” has evolved two different meanings based on whether it’s used in a scientific context or not.