‘The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.’

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The only significant “China risk” for European companies is future western sanctions on China, not anything China will do. Washington will one day come up with an another “stop China” plan for whatever reason. Brussels will follow it without question or thought about negative effects on Europe, just because it’s given in Brussels that EU will follow US wherever it goes. EU has no ability or even the will to do otherwise or really stand against the US for European economic self interest.

    Chinese market and manufacturing is not something European companies they can do without anyway. Especially after the current sanction war, the economic necessity for trade with China has only increased, but so has European reliance on the US. European companies just have to go for it and pray that Washington will not fuck them over (they will).

  • i’d say it’s very reasonable for russia to fuck right off and fix the damages, which is to say nothing of the lives ukraine lost because of that choice - anything less is unreasonable

    Yes, This is what you want! It’s a wish not bound in any sound perception of reality on the groundt.

    people shouldn’t have to keep dying for a lost cause and I will not apologize for that. Ukraine still has a change for a future, but it won’t if it fights this war to “the last Ukrainian” as zelensky and many “pro-Ukraine” trolls seem to want.

    bullshit bullying that happens with all major military powers

    International politics have always been law of the jungle and ability to do violence of political, economical and military kind to other countries has always been the measuring stick of international power and ability to guard national interests. Why anybody got to believe otherwise was because for a short time in the 90s and early 2000s US was the unquestioned global hegemon and could by itself set a global rules, enforce them and crush dissent. That gave the illusion (in the west mainly) that there were no longer small and big countries in competition in the world. With US as the policeman there got to be some semblance of law between countries like there was law within these countries among individuals. Now Russia is portrayed as a law breaker when it’s using it’s “military veto” in Ukraine and pushing against the post-cold war status quo and “restoring normalcy” in international affairs.

    I don’t think this is necessarily good, but I do think it is very much happening and it was bound to do so.

  • russias’s “peace plan” is “Ukraine no longer exists”

    No it isn’t. Eastern Ukraine and neutrality is still very far from the end of Ukraine and is still very reasonable deal to make for peace.

    Zelensky’s peace plan is still Russia to retreat from everywhere, including crimea, and then Ukraine can have “peace talks” about Russian reparations to Ukraine. This is not just unreasonable, it’s delusional. This kind of unbending attitude from the side that everybody knows is losing is no fucking bravery. It’s stupidity that prolongs a lost war for only Ukraine’s and Ukrainian people’s loss. All because Kiev and Zelensky are politically and narrative wise boxed themselves in for a war to the bitter end.

  • I still remember when Taliban was marching into Kabul and while US was fleeing out of the country, that there were many people who were desperate to argue for the war and occupation going to keep going, because Taliban would be bad for women’s rights. There is no question about Taliban being bad towards women. However the logic of keeping the war going that killed mostly civilians, including women, to guard women’s rights is just twisted. This “They don’t let girls to go to school. let’s keep bombing them” is just slightly worse of the “You won’t let girls to go to school even after we bombed you. I hope you stay poor, suffer and starve”.

    What does motivate this? Neocon butthurth? Racism? A sense of vengeance of those who still believe in liberal universalism and nation building? A just general confusion and mixup in moral priorities?

  • Zelensky is dead either way, but peace lets him flee somewhere, and claim to have done the right thing.

    Zelensky’s dilemma is that his real powerbase are the militant ultranationalists who surround him, who make up a double edged sword for him. Even if the Ukrainian people would have wanted peace yesterday they are not armed or organized. Zelensky still needs the nationalists around him to stand between him and possible popular uprising and the more moderate wing of the army doing a coup. If Zelensky goes for peace he fears that the nationalists around him will see that as an betrayal of Ukraine, them and those who have sacrificed their lives for their project and will turn on him and arrange an “Russian missile strike” in his office that will kill him and end any negotiations. You must understand that despite being called nationalists, the banderites love their imaginary version of Ukraine more than the actual nation. Ukraine bending the knee to Russia would save the real Ukraine, but it would destroy their ideal version of it and doom and taint their idea of Ukrainian nationalism forever.

  • What he likely means “ending the war by diplomatic means” is not talking or negotiating with Russia. No, that would be worst heresy imaginable. When he has previously talked about the use of diplomacy to find peace, what he really means is for Ukraine redouble it’s efforts to beg for more money and weapons, but also get US and Europe to put more pressure on countries like China and India to ditch Putin and support Ukraine instead. Zelensky has talked along these lines before. Make his position seem reasonable to those who who want Ukraine to seek settlement, when it really isn’t any different from “Zelensky’s peace plan” that can be summed up in demand Russia’s unconditional surrender as a precondition to any kind of dialogue.

    I fear it’s this kinda crazy talk that we are looking at. Zelensky or his inner circle just bring themselves to talk to the Russians, nor can they talk about things like giving up even places like Crimea. They just can’t give an inch and we all know what happens to the reeds that don’t bend with wind.